Tag: dados-esserais
EHN (Intro) – lobo e ovelha
Nesta segunda série, pretendo, entre outras coisas, apresentar e elucidar sete ditos que chegaram até nossos dias desde tempos muito antigos por meio de inscrições em vários monumentos, que encontrei e decifrei por acaso durante minhas viagens — ditos nos quais nossos ancestrais remotos formularam certos aspectos da verdade objetiva, claramente perceptíveis até mesmo para…
B1121 B1123 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1122] “From then on, apart from the execution of his strict duties which at the beginning were not too much for him, he began to devote himself entirely to the creation of corresponding outer and inner conditions so that my sons should take in impressions for the…
process of being-existence
“Owing to all this, the question of conscience already began to predominate at that period during the ordinary process of being-existence both in the waking-consciousness state and in the ‘passive-instinctive’ state among your favorites particularly among those who existed on the continent Asia. BTG XXVII “I employed the word ‘almost’ when I referred to the…
“Owing to the said maleficent disease ‘tomorrow’ most of those unfortunate beings there who accidentally or owing to a conscious influence from without, become aware through their Reason in them of their complete nullity and begin to sense it with all their separate spiritualized parts, and who also chance to learn which and, in what…
sacred being-actualization
“Here that strangeness of the psyche of your favorites then manifested itself just as it now manifests itself, by their not having considered and not considering the obvious fact-obvious, that is, to every more or less sane Reason-that the Divine Teacher, Saint Buddha, in advising them to employ that kind of ‘endurance’, of course had…
“And so, my dear and kind Grandfather, now that owing to your conversation with the captain, I have gradually, with all my presence, become aware of all this, there has arisen in me, side by side with this, the need to make clear to my Reason why I personally have all the comforts which I…
“Moreover, you will soon clearly convince yourself about this, when on returning to our dear Karatas, I will show you, as I have already promised, and explain practically the significance of the tuning on that contemporary sound-producing instrument, the piano, which was taken by me among a number of other things from the surface of…
“And it is according to the second principle of being-existence that all one-brained and two-brained beings in general exist wherever they may arise… BTG XVI “And the sense and aim of the existence of these beings, also, consist in this, that there are transmuted through them the cosmic substances required not for purposes of a…
“And it is according to the second principle of being-existence that all one-brained and two-brained beings in general exist wherever they may arise… 845 BTG XVI “And the sense and aim of the existence of these beings, also, consist in this, that there are transmuted through them the cosmic substances required not for purposes of…
“And that is that during their later revolutions of this kind, almost all the three-brained beings there or at least the overwhelming majority who begin to fall into such a ‘psychosis ‘, always destroy for some reason or other, the existence of just such other beings like themselves, as have, for some reason or other,…
But the change I have witnessed in that language during the last thirty or forty years has been such, that instead of an original independent language coming to us from the remote past, there has resulted and now exists one, which though also original and independent, yet represents, as might be said, a “kind of…
Gornahoor Rakhoorkh
“The result of it all vas that the following day, escorted by one of that venerable Harahrahroohry’s court, I went to the place of existence of that Gornahoor Harharkh where I first saw those novel elucidatory experiments with the Omnipresent-Okidanokh. 942 BTG XVIII “When Gornahoor Harharkh was informed ho we were and why we had…
in the process of the creation of the now existing World, the Divine Will Power of our Endlessness participated only at the beginning B756 all men are divine, but if only one is violently killed by another, then all will be as nothing — motto of Persian anti-war society B1063 activities B740 actualization B759 anxiety…
B663 B665 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 664] “Before this, namely, before my choice of the community France as the place of my permanent existence, data was formed in my common presence for just such a representation about them, because, going about everywhere and existing among the beings there of all kinds of groupings which exist…
B662 <=> B664 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 663] Chapter XXXVII France Além disso, Belzebu continuou a falar assim: “Depois da Alemanha, tive por pouco tempo o lugar de minha existência novamente lá no continente europeu, entre os seres da comunidade chamada ‘Itália’; e depois da Itália, entre os seres dessa comunidade, que se tornaram para…
B945 B947 [BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 946] “For the disharmony of this function of theirs, there were and now still are several definite causes, comprehensible even to the Reason of ordinary normal three-brained beings, but the chief and fundamental cause is that from the very beginning of the formation of their community, they…
sacred being-Triamazikamno
“Here that strangeness of the psyche of your favorites then manifested itself just as it now manifests itself, by their not having considered and not considering the obvious fact-obvious, that is, to every more or less sane Reason-that the Divine Teacher, Saint Buddha, in advising them to employ that kind of ‘endurance’, of course had…
B1057 B1059 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1058] “And as, owing to those same wrongly established conditions there, not all the beings have the possibility of becoming thus satisfied, then, on this account and for many other reasons, most of them, even with their full desire, can neither think sincerely nor see and…
B1163 B1165 [BTG XLVI Form and sequence, p. 1164] “Your weeping gives me the assurance also that in your future responsible existence there will also be in your common presence those being-data which are the foundation of the essence of every bearer of Divine Reason and which are even formulated by our COMMON FATHER in…
B1144 <=> B1146 [BTG XLV Extraction of Electricity, p. 1145] Chapter XLV In the Opinion of Beelzebub, Man’s Extraction of Electricity from Nature and Its Destruction During Its Use, Is One of the Chief Causes of the Shortening of the Life of Man DEPOIS que Belzebu ouviu o conteúdo do Leitoochanbros e o colocou ao…