Tag: detentores-de-poder
B99 <=> B101 [BTG XII The first “growl,” p. 100] “Não foi preciso dizer mais nada para que isso acontecesse. E, a partir daquele dia, ele “trabalhou com sabedoria” em seu novo “Evangelho”. Mas foi somente quando ele o terminou e o entregou aos publicadores que todos os outros eventos relacionados a esse seu novo…
“Once when I went as usual into this said laboratory of his, I saw that he was pounding something in a mortar, and, as is usually done there on these occasions, I inquired what he was doing. BTG XXXI “From the information I obtained, I learned that in order to set up such a laboratory…
power-possessing beings
“What occurred was as follows: “The ordinary beings of the said community, seeing the fuss made about this writer by the power-possessing beings, became very greatly interested in him and avidly bought and read not only this new ‘Gospel ‘ of his but also all the books he had written before. BTG XII “And this…
“And so, my dear and kind Grandfather, now that owing to your conversation with the captain, I have gradually, with all my presence, become aware of all this, there has arisen in me, side by side with this, the need to make clear to my Reason why I personally have all the comforts which I…
And so, I have already composed in my head the plan and sequence of the intended expositions, but what form they will take on paper, I, speaking frankly, myself do not as yet know with my consciousness, but with my subconsciousness I already definitely feel that on the whole it will take the form of…
His Own Divine Will Power B756 vivific power for the coating of higher being-bodies B61 vivifying power, concerning the fifth Stopinder B869 essence-power B385 the power to be Svolibroonolnian, or the potency-not-to-be-identified-with-and-not-to-be-affected-by-externals-through-one’s-inevitably-inherent-passions B817 possessed by an unclean power B987 the-power-to-manifest-by-his-own-initiative B1185 SEE power-possessors and power-possessing
Power-possessors and power-possessing: newly-baked-power-possessing beings B630 the followers of the teaching of Jesus Christ were then everywhere rigorously persecuted by the power-possessing people B1016 from this society, something effective might have resulted because there was not a single power-possessing being among them B1064 AND B100 ff B223 ff B272 B385 B447 B592 B603 ff B609…
B1066 B1068 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1067] “Such societies of power-possessing beings usually arise there at the beginning of the end of the great processes of reciprocal destruction. And almost each time they arise in the following way: “A number of them, namely, from among those power-possessors, personally suffered during their last…
B1060 B1062 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1061] “Still, it does occasionally happen there, that some power-possessing or important being of the Earth suddenly chances to think not under the influences of the reflexes of his stomach and sex organs, but thinks sincerely and quite seriously about these or other questions, with particular…
B604 B606 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 605] “But as to what I said, namely, that nobody applied for a permit to the staff of the mentioned department, this by no means happened because none of the inhabitants of this chief place of existence needed a chemical laboratory; no, on the contrary, never had there been…
B626 B628 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 627] “And so, my boy, these terrifying processes of reciprocal-destruction and of the destruction of everything already attained by them there, proceed partly from this, that in those periods when in their common presences the action of the cosmic law Solioonensius becomes evident, besides the already mentioned need for…
SEE abnormal fixed in the totality of their spiritualized parts 630 physical 637 Nature was compelled to adapt herself to this abnormality 784 of the Reason of power-possessors in Russia 944 organic abnormalities in America 944 their god self-calming has been and still is for them almost the chief evil engendering and evoking all the…
factor B272 functionings B367 B820 goings and comings B606 being-impulses B443 inherency B526 concerning education B567 see being-existence abnormality: fixed in the totality of their spiritualized parts B630 physical B637 Nature was compelled to adapt herself to this abnormality B784 of the Reason of power-possessors in Russia B944 organic abnormalities in America B944 their god…