Tag: Deus
Reuniões (1-3-1924): Deus o Verbo
No início de toda religião, encontramos uma afirmação da existência de Deus, o Verbo, e do Deus-Verbo. Um ensinamento diz que quando o mundo ainda era nada, havia emanações, havia Deus, o Verbo. Deus, o Verbo, é o mundo. Deus disse: “Que assim seja”, e enviou o Pai e o Filho. Ele está sempre enviando…
Arauto do Bem Vindouro – Abertura
Inspirado como estou por uma profunda convicção, proveniente de uma longa linha de elucidações e deduções experimentais que apontam para a conclusão de que, se um homem desejar sincera e seriamente, e não por mera curiosidade, alcançar o conhecimento do caminho que leva ao Ser Real, e se ele cumprir, para esse fim, tudo o…
Chapter XXXIX The Holy Planet “Purgatory” B755 <=> B757 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 756] “Em suma, a transmutação em si mesmos de uma compreensão abrangente do funcionamento de ambas as leis sagradas fundamentais conduz a isso, que nas presenças comuns de seres tricerebrais, os dados são cristalizados para engendrar aquela propriedade Divina…
Just in this alone I shall follow their example and also begin with such an address, but I shall try not to make it very “sugary” as they usually do, owing particularly to their evil wiseacring by which they titillate the sensibilities of the more or less normal reader. 22 BTG I “‘Do you understand,…
Chapter XXXIX The Holy Planet “Purgatory” B756 <=> B758 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 757] “Além disso, graças a esses fatores e também às suas próprias leis de Heptaparaparshinokh e Triamazikamno, que já haviam começado a surgir nessas concentrações definidas com suas ações umas sobre as outras, tudo o que tinha de ser…
Chapter XXXIX The Holy Planet “Purgatory” B759 <=> B761 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 760] “E, especificamente, eles chamaram o próprio Sol Absoluto Fonte Primal Santíssima de ‘Protocosmos’. “Cada ‘Sol de Segunda Ordem’ recém-surgido, com todos os seus consequentes resultados definidos, eles chamaram de ‘Defterocosmos’. “‘Sóis de terceira ordem’, ou seja, aqueles que…
B764 B766 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 765] “Further, when their ‘higher being-bodies’ were finally coated and all the corresponding functions had been acquired in them, and chiefly when it became possible for the data for engendering the sacred function, named ‘objective Reason,’ to become crystallized in them, which data can become crystallized…
B174 B176 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 175] “This metal is called there – ‘gold.’ “Gold is no other than the metal we call ‘Prtzathalavr,’ the specific weight of which, reckoning from the element of the sacred Theomertmalogos, is 1439; that is to say, its element is three and a fraction times less vivifying than…
B191 B193 [BTG XIX Beelzebub’s second descent, p. 192] “’But what has the existence of another being, which you destroy, to do with this, and, moreover, one whose existence you destroy in the name of its CREATOR? “’Is not that “life” just the same as yours for the CREATOR Who created you as well as…
B192 B194 [BTG XIX Beelzebub’s second descent, p. 193] “’When GOD created you and these beings whose existence you destroy, could our CREATOR then have written on the foreheads of certain of HIS creatures, that they were to be destroyed in HIS honor and glory? “’If anyone, even an idiot from “Albion’s Isles,” were to…
B194 B196 [BTG XIX Beelzebub’s second descent, p. 195] “’And therefore, according to law, there is absent from the presence of your donkey the possibility of logical-mentation, and consequently, according to law, he must be what you call “senseless,” or “stupid.” “’Although you were created for the purpose of the common-cosmic existence on planets, and…
B196 B198 [BTG XIX Beelzebub’s second descent, p. 197] “’For our COMMON CREATOR all beings are only parts of the existence of a whole essence spiritualized by HIMSELF. “’But what do we see here now? “’One form of beings created by HIM, in whose presences HE has placed all HIS hopes and expectations for the…
B197 B199 [BTG XIX Beelzebub’s second descent, p. 198] “’Then perhaps on the Earth also, would begin to exist the eighteenth personal commandment of our COMMON CREATOR which declared: “Love everything that breathes.” “’This offering to God of sacrifices by destroying the existence of HIS other creations is just as if somebody from the street…
B202 B204 [BTG XIX Beelzebub’s second descent, p. 203] “His colleagues began delivering addresses in their temples proving exactly the opposite of all that the priest Abdil had preached. “At last it came to the point that the priesthood began to bribe various beings who had ‘Hasnamuss’ properties to plan and commit every kind of…
B236 B238 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 237] “’A little later, when the normal existence of your solar system was stabilized and the necessity for certain intentionally created abnormal actualizations had passed, our most ALL-GRACIOUS COMMON FATHER did not fail to give the command immediately to annul certain artificial measures among which was…
B1120 B1122 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1121] “And your uncle Tooilan, as I have also already told you, was then enrolled as one of the assistants to the director of the etherogram station on the holy planet Purgatory, which, then as now, has an ‘etherogram connection’ with almost all the planets of our…
B1124 B1126 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1125] “The more these indignant righteous ‘souls’ shared their impressions with others, the greater their number gradually increased, so that everywhere in the ‘Zarooaries’ on the holy planet they thought and deliberated among themselves only about this. “The result of it all was that all of the…
B702 B704 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 703] “They mixed in it a great deal from the teaching of Saint Moses which by that time had already been thoroughly distorted: and much later, namely, during the period which contemporary beings there called the ‘Middle Ages,’ the so-called ‘elders of the church’ inserted into this Christian religion…
B274 B276 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 275] “The point is that when the second Transapalnian perturbation occurred to that ill-fated planet, then, besides its chief continent Atlantis, many other large and small terra firmas entered within the planet, and in their place, new terra firmas appeared on the surface of the planet. “These…