Tag: Egolionopty
B1172 <=> B1174 [BTG XLVII Result impartial mentation, p. 1173] Chapter XLVII The Inevitable Result of Impartial Mentation BELZEBU pretendia dizer mais alguma coisa, mas naquele momento tudo foi subitamente iluminado por uma “coisa azul pálida”. A partir daquele momento, a queda da nave Karnak começou a diminuir perceptivelmente de velocidade. Tudo isso significava que…
RBN Momentos
RICHARD DEFOUW — MOMENTOS CHAVES NA NARRATIVA DOS RELATOS DE BELZEBU A propriedade que define o conjunto de sete passagens da narrativa de RBN deve ser cuidadosamente anotada. O único critério para inclusão neste conjunto de passagens é se todos os passageiros da Karnak experimentaram alguma sensação. Não importa se uma passagem afirma que todos…
XLVII O resultado inevitável do pensar imparcial [RBN III-47]
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo da tradução inglesa de 1950 LIVRO III RBN III-46 => XLVII O RESULTADO INEVITÁVEL DO PENSAR IMPARCIAL => RBN III-48 A chegada do Egolionopty Cósmico O crescimento dos chifres de B O único meio para salvar os seres do planeta Terra Al encontrarse en esas actualizaciones…
sacred canticle
“From the third most sacred canticle of our cherubim and seraphim, we were worthy of learning that our CREATOR OMNIPOTENT once ascertained that this same Sun Absolute, on which HE dwelt with HIS cherubim and seraphim was, although almost imperceptibly yet nevertheless gradually, diminishing in volume. BTG XXXIX “Further, again from the sacred canticle of…
accident B180 actions B300 SEE actualization SEE arising causes B294 character B80; common-cosmic character B130 B695 B1145 SEE concentration SEE crystallization discoveries B1155 Egolionopty B1173 element B70 equilibrium B181 Etherokrilno B270 events B797 B1118 fact B1160; common-cosmic distressing fact B1146 SEE factor SEE force SEE formation harmonious movement B306; common-cosmic harmonious movement; see harmonious SEE…
Whereupon she immediately, without hesitation, and with a perceptible impulse of disdain for all around her, and with commendable self-cognizance, gave up her soul directly into the hands of His Truthfulness, the Archangel Gabriel. BTG I “The results of these experiments having been approved and blessed by the Commission of Inspection under the presidency of…
B1177 B1179 [BTG XLVII Result impartial mentation, p. 1178] “And now let us all together exult and rejoice over such a worthiness, which is for us such a revivifying shock for our ability to struggle against our own denying source, which ability alone can lead us to that sacred Podkoolad attained by one of the…
B1173 B1175 [BTG XLVII Result impartial mentation, p. 1174] In front of everyone in the main hall of the ship Karnak stood Beelzebub and behind him were ranged his kinsmen and the captain of the ship and all the others stood behind them at a respectful distance. When the said procession from the Egolionopty neared…
Chapter XXXIX The Holy Planet “Purgatory” B746 <=> B748 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 747] “Por toda parte desse planeta sagrado, nos desfiladeiros correspondentes, há cavernas convenientes de todos os tipos de ‘forma interior’ — feitas em parte pela própria Natureza e em parte artificialmente — com vistas impressionantes de suas entradas, e…
His Truthfulness, the Archangel Gabriel B28 Archangel Adossia, President of the Commission of Inspection, announces the construction of the new ship invented by Archangel Hariton for intersystem arid interplanetary communication, from B68 ff The Most High Commission consisting of Angels and Archangels, specialists in the work of World-creation and World-maintenance, under the direction of the…