Tag: esperança
XXVI O legominismo concernente às deliberações do muito santo Ashiata Shiemash sob o título «O Terror da Situação» [RBN I-26]
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo a partir da versão em inglês publicada em 1950 LIVRO I (pgs. 353-365) RBN I-25 ⇐ XXVI O legominismo concernente às deliberações do Mui Santo Ashiata Shiemash sob o título «O Terror da Situação» ⇒ RBN I-27 *LEGOMINISMO, um dos meios de transmissão de informação sobre…
Relatos de Belzebu Conselho
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO CONSELHO AMIGÁVEL (escrito impromptu pelo autor na entrega deste livro, já preparado para publicação, ao editor) De acordo com numerosas deduções e conclusões feitas por mim durante elucidações experimentais concernentes à produtividade da percepção da gente contemporânea de novas impressões daquilo que é ouvido ou lido, e…
GURDJIEFF TERMOS — CORPO-KESDJAN VIDE: VEÍCULO DA ALMA Com relação ao segundo-corpo-esseral, o corpo-Kesdjan, este corpo sendo formado de radiações de outras concentrações de Tritocosmos e do Sol ele mesmo do dado sistema solar, e tendo entrado depois do segundo processo do Rascooarno sagrado na esfera já mencionada, também começa gradualmente a decompôr, e as…
Yes, I think you might as well be told also about an idea which has only just arisen in my madcap brain, and namely, specially to request the printer, to whom I shall give my first book, to print this first chapter of my writings in such a way that anybody may read it before…
“Once when I went as usual into this said laboratory of his, I saw that he was pounding something in a mortar, and, as is usually done there on these occasions, I inquired what he was doing. BTG XXXI “From the information I obtained, I learned that in order to set up such a laboratory…
B302 B304 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 303] “And there in that future Egypt whither both had migrated in the said way, the relations of the beings of our tribe with the authentic former members themselves who chanced to be saved and also with the descendants of other authentic members, remained uninterrupted and continued…
“I said to him as follows: ” ‘Good. “‘You have a religion, a faith in something. It is excellent to have faith in something, in whatever it might be even if you don’t exactly know in whom or in what, nor can represent to yourself the significance and the possibilities of what you have faith…
As a result of this conviction of mine which as yet doubtlessly seems to you the fruit of the fantasies of an afflicted mind, I cannot now, as you yourself see, disregard this second consciousness and, compelled by my essence, am obliged to construct the general exposition even of this first chapter of my writings,…
“‘And none of them would, because in none of the ordinary beings-men here has there ever been for a long time, any sensation of the sacred being-impulse of genuine Love. And without this “taste” they cannot even vaguely describe that most beatific sacred being-impulse in the presence of every three-centered being of the whole Universe,…
Now listen and try to justify, and not to disappoint, my expectations. This original personality of mine, already “smelled out” by certain definite individuals from both choirs of the Judgement Seat Above, whence Objective justice proceeds, and also here on Earth, by as yet a very limited number of people, is based, as I already…
BTG XXV BTG XXVII XXVI. The Legominism Concerning the Deliberations of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash Under the Title of “The Terror-of-the Situation” (pgs. B353 – B365) Chapitre 26 Légamonisme concernant les réflexions du Très Saint Ashyata Sheyimash sous le titre « Horreur de la Situation » Capítulo 26 O Legominismo concernente às deliberações do…
BTG XII The First “Growl”
BTG XI <=> BTG XIII XII. The First “Growl” (pgs. B98 – B102) Chapitre 12 Premiers grondements Capítulo 12 Primeiros rugidos. A LITTLE later, Beelzebub began to speak as follows: ”A story I have just recalled, connected with these ‘anathemas’ I have mentioned, may provide very useful material for beginning to comprehend the strangeness of…
BTG I – O Despertar do Pensar
=> BTG II I. The Arousing of Thought (pgs. B3 – B50) Chapitre 1 – Eveil du penser I. O Despertar do Pensar AMONG other convictions formed in my common presence during my responsible, peculiarly composed life, there is one such also – an indubitable conviction – that always and everywhere on the earth, among…
Great Mother Nature
SEE Nature Common Mother: walking at sunset over the hills and dales, and willy-nilly perceiving the exterior visibility of those enchanting parts of the bosom of Great Nature, the Common Mother, and involuntarily inhaling a pure air uncontaminated by the usual exhalations of industrial towns, our Kurd quite naturally suddenly felt a wish to gratify…
“‘Just now, in the company of a large number of “well-bred-turkeys”, a “crow” of this country passed by, who although one of the chiefs and of high rank, was yet nevertheless rumpled and badly molting. BTG XXXIV “‘During recent times, I don’t know why, “high-rank-crows” of this country no longer in general take a single…
“I have already more than once told you, that by the All Most Gracious Command of Our OMNI-LOVING COMMON FATHER ENDLESSNESS, our Cosmic Highest Most Very Saintly Individuals sometimes actualize within the presence of some terrestrial three-brained being, a ‘definitized’ conception of a sacred Individual in order that he, having become a terrestrial being with…
“‘Although you were created for the purpose of the common-cosmic existence on planets, and although you were created also as “a-field-of-hope” for the future expectations of our COMMON ALL-GRACIOUS CREATOR – that is to say, created with the possibilities of coating in your presence that “Higher-Sacred” for the possible arising of which the whole of…
“‘In exactly the same way, your external and all your internal organs are also created by our COMMON CREATOR in a corresponding manner. You are given legs to walk; hands to prepare and take the necessary food; your nose and the organs connected with it are so adapted that you may take in and transform…
“‘But what has the existence of another being, which you destroy, to do with this, and, moreover, one whose existence you destroy in the name of its CREATOR? “‘Is not that “life” just the same as yours for the CREATOR Who created you as well as this other being? “‘Thanks to your psychic strength and…
I do not know how it is with you, who are already partly candidate for a buyer of my writings, but my peculiar nature cannot, even with a great mental desire, avoid being indignant at the fact manifested by people of contemporary civilization, that the very highest in man, particularly beloved by our COMMON FATHER…