Tag: estados

  • aim

    Aim of: Adherents-of-Legominism B485; consider also B454 Society Akhaldan, the striving to become aware of the sense and aim of the Being of beings B297; and B211 B298 Ashiata Sheimash B348 B354 Atarnak B1100 Beelzebub B207 B233 B531 B558 B594 B608 Belcultassi B294 ff Gurdjieff: as a boy B39; consider also, From the Author BTG…

  • B264

    B263 B265 [BTG XXII Beelzebub’s first time Tibet, p. 264] “Be that as it may, if this abnormal growth of the Tibetan mountains continues thus in the future, a great catastrophe on a general cosmic scale is sooner or later inevitable. “However, when the menace I see becomes already evident, no doubt the Most High,…

  • objective characteristics

    “There are certain states in ordinary sleep in which a man wants to awaken but cannot. He tells himself that he is awake but, in reality, he continues to sleep — and this can happen several times before he finally awakes. But in ordinary sleep, once he is awake, he is in a different state;…

  • action

    cosmic B300 every action of man is good in the objective sense, if it is done according to his conscience, and every action is bad if from it he later experiences remorse B342 the four sources of action: mother-in-law, digestion, John Thomas and cash B343 reciprocal B493 maleficent B688 B1159; on the merciless Heropass B750…

  • learning

    Yes, I think you might as well be told also about an idea which has only just arisen in my madcap brain, and namely, specially to request the printer, to whom I shall give my first book, to print this first chapter of my writings in such a way that anybody may read it before…

  • Divine impulse conscience

    “Already during that same period while the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash was enlightening the Reason of the brethren of the former brotherhood Tehaftantouri as well as of the newly collected thirty-five novices, there began to spread, among ordinary beings of the city Djoolfapal and its environs, the true idea that in the common presences of…

  • impulse of astonishment

    “And if besides this I now still add, concerning the strange psyche of your favorites, what I constated during my last sojourn among them, namely, that none of the contemporary three-brained beings of your planet – in spite of the fact that they, having put this same ‘Chinese seven-toned subdivision’ as the basis of all…

  • faith

    “I said to him as follows: ” ‘Good. “‘You have a religion, a faith in something. It is excellent to have faith in something, in whatever it might be even if you don’t exactly know in whom or in what, nor can represent to yourself the significance and the possibilities of what you have faith…

  • Knowledge

    SEE knowledge It must be remarked that among the learned beings of the planet Earth who were when in Babylon and who were gathered there partly by coercion from almost the whole of the planet by the mentioned Persian king, and partly voluntarily on account of the already mentioned famous question of the ‘soul’, there…

  • knowledge

    you, at your age, should have an exhaustive knowledge and understanding about this holy planet-Beelzebub to Hassein B744 it is necessary for the three-brained beings of your planet to have knowledge-of-being, and any information, even if true, gives to beings in general only mental knowledge, which always serves as a means to diminish their possibilities…

  • maintenance

    “And they resolved that the best measure in the given case would be that the fundamental piece, namely, the planet Earth, should constantly send to its detached fragments, for their maintenance, the sacred vibrations ‘askokin’. BTG IX “And during just this third descent there, when it was made clear by the thorough investigations of the…

  • personality

    Now listen and try to justify, and not to disappoint, my expectations. This original personality of mine, already “smelled out” by certain definite individuals from both choirs of the Judgement Seat Above, whence Objective justice proceeds, and also here on Earth, by as yet a very limited number of people, is based, as I already…

  • B311

    B310 B312 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 311] “In order, my boy, that the sense of this latter emblem put into the material called there amber, may become quite comprehensible to you, I must add that amber is one of those seven planetary formations, in the arising of which the Omnipresent Active Element Okidanokh…

  • perceptive

    And so, cheerful and swaggering candidate for a buyer of my wiseacrings, having warned you that I am going to write not as “professional writers” usually write but quite otherwise, I advise you, before embarking on the reading of my further expositions, to reflect seriously and only then to undertake it. If not, I am…

  • perceptions

    As a result of this conviction of mine which as yet doubtlessly seems to you the fruit of the fantasies of an afflicted mind, I cannot now, as you yourself see, disregard this second consciousness and, compelled by my essence, am obliged to construct the general exposition even of this first chapter of my writings,…

  • perception

    In the entirety of every man, irrespective of his heredity and education, there are formed two independent consciousnesses which in their functioning as well as in their manifestations have almost nothing in common. One consciousness is formed from the perception of all kinds of accidental, or on the part of others intentionally produced, mechanical impressions,…

  • Retribution

    “In the name of Justice, I must now say that the prime initiative for the destruction of the holy labors of Ashiata Shiemash did not spring, however, from these learned of the Earth who were then assembled in the city of Babylon, but from the invention of a learned being very well known there, who…

  • retributive-suffering-consequences

    “For these four kinds of Hasnamuss-individuals, owing to their having in their presences this something, the mentioned retributive-suffering-consequences are various and correspond both to the nature of each kind as well as to what is called ‘objective-responsibilities’ ensuing from the primordial providence and hopes and expectations of our COMMON FATHER concerning these cosmic actualizations. BTG…

  • subjective sense

    “Of course to no one of them does the thought even enter his head that these Americans importing this ‘good-for-nothing’ root are indeed, though in a subjective sense, ‘mad’, yet in an objective sense they are merely, as they themselves express it, ‘daylight robbers’ of the beings of this Russia. BTG XXXIV Each of them…

  • essences

    “As it was afterwards explained to me in detail, these connectors and the said special ‘magnetic-eur,ents’ had, it seems, been created by that truly great scientist Gornahoor Harharkh in order that the presences of learned three-centered beings – even those not perfected to the Sacred Inkozarno – might, owing to one property of the ‘magnetic…