Tag: fatores-esserais

  • G Ser

    GURDJIEFF TERMOS — SER O sentido e importância do termo e noção «ser» é da maior relevância nos RELATOS DE BELZEBU, assim como em todo pensamento de G (v. Ser e Saber). Heidegger, reconhecido pensador «do ser», nos oferece uma brilhante iniciação à «questão do ser» e ao «esquecimento do ser», que para aqueles com…

  • perceptions

    As a result of this conviction of mine which as yet doubtlessly seems to you the fruit of the fantasies of an afflicted mind, I cannot now, as you yourself see, disregard this second consciousness and, compelled by my essence, am obliged to construct the general exposition even of this first chapter of my writings,…

  • being-psyche

    “These being-factors degenerating by heredity from generation to generation has brought it about that instead of a real being-psyche, such as should exist in the presence of every kind of three-brained being, there now already exists in the presences of your contemporary favorites, although a ‘real-psyche’ also, nevertheless one that can be very well defined…

  • being-factors

    SEE factors These being-factors degenerating by heredity from generation to generation has brought it about that instead of a real being-psyche, such as should exist in the presence of every kind of three-brained being, there now already exists in the presences of your contemporary favorites, although a ‘real-psyche’ also, nevertheless one that can be very…

  • being-factor

    SEE factor Well, then, it was just then that I indubitably understood with all the separate ruminating parts representing the whole of my “I”, that if the functioning of that being-factor still surviving in their common-presences were to participate in the general functioning of that consciousness of theirs in which they pass their daily, as…

  • ‘I’

    At the same time, in the whole region of my spine there began a strong almost unbearable itch, and a colic in the very center of my solar plexus, also unbearable, and all this, that is these dual, mutually stimulating sensations, after the lapse of some time suddenly were replaced by such a peaceful inner…

  • B686

    B685 B687 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 686] “This is not all: Thanks to their maleficent usage ‘to-educate,’ they fill and drive into what are called the ‘Spetsitooalitivian-concentrations,’ or as they themselves would say, the ‘brains’ of these newly born beings, all kinds of their ephemerally fantastic ideas, which brains are localized in general in beings…

  • heredity

    That Greek language, the spirit and essence of which were transmitted to me by heredity, and the language now spoken by contemporary Greeks, are as much alike as, according to the expression of Mullah Nassr Eddin, “a nail is like a requiem”. 58 BTG I In the entirety of every man, irrespective of his heredity…

  • B501

    B500 B502 [BTG XXX Art, p. 501] “You must know that thanks to the mentioned consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer most of the contemporary beings acquire in their presence a very strange need to evoke the expression in others of the being-impulse called ‘astonishment’ regarding themselves, or even simply to notice it…

  • B321

    B320 B322 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 321] “This time our ship Occasion alighted on what is called the ‘Persian Gulf’ because we had ascertained through the Teskooano before our flight that for our further traveling, that is to reach the town of Babylon, and also for the mooring of our ship Occasion itself,…

  • factors

    a very definite notion arose and began to exist, that outside the essence of beings, as it were, there are two diametrically opposite factors — the sources of Good and the sources of Evil — which are just the instigators for all their good and bad manifestations; this idea becomes a tranquillizer and the fundamental…

  • B359

    B358 B360 [BTG XXVI “The-terror-of-the-situation,” p. 359] “’When I returned from the mountain Veziniama to the city of Babylon, I continued my observations in order to make it clear whether it was not possible somehow or other to help these unfortunates in some other way. “’During the period of my year of special observations on…