Tag: funções-esserais
the gradations of Reason, or, more exactly, the totality-of-self-awareness B769 as soon as all three-brained beings of our Megalocosmos without distinction of exterior coating acquire any degree of self-awareness, they already begin consciously or instinctively to dream of going on to that holy planet B801 Akhaldan — the striving to become aware of the sense…
“When he had taken his place on his perch, as is proper to the three-brained beings of that planet, he began, as is usual to them, to welcome me in en ‘angelically musical voice’ with kind and self-satisfying wishes of being-feeling. BTG XLV
“It may be noted, for example, that, indeed, in all the beings of that large community Russia, only one or two centuries ago, before they had yet begun to imitate everything European, these two being-functions still obtained which are called ‘Martaadamlik’ and ‘Nammuslik’, or – as these being-feelings are still called – the ‘feeling-of-religiousness’ and…
“In short, at such moments as these, in the beings there, especially in one so young as Elizabeth, finding themselves, after a long period of oppressive existence in a suffocating city, in the midst of such a rich abundance of all kinds of unaccustomed impressions, the mental associations evoked from a natural being-joy would naturally…
“This being-Oskolnikoo or gratitude was manifested towards me not only by those I save and by those nearest to them, but by almost everybody who had been in this or another way in contact with me or who had heard of me, but only with the exception of those professionals among them who were their…
“I must confess, dear Hassein, that though during our earlier visits to the surface of that planet of yours and also at the beginning of this last sojourn there, I went about everywhere and had various relations with those three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, I scarcely ever felt in my common presence a…
“Then, namely, for the second time in the whole of my existence, there proceeded in my Being the process of this same being-Sarpitimnian-experiencing, which had engendered in my common presence a revolt on account of various unforeseeingnesses on the part of our Most High, Most Saintly Cosmic Individuals, and of all the objective misfortunes flowing…
The totality of the manifestations of the feeling-localization in a man and the whole system of its functioning correspond perfectly to the horse of the hackney carriage in our analogy. BTG XLVIII
The point is, that just as the separate independent parts of a “hackney” are connected – namely, the carriage to the horse by the shafts and the horse to the coachman by reins – so also are the separate parts of the general organization of man connected with each other, namely the body is connected…
“If these separate aspects of the entire ‘spectrum’ of Naloo-osnian-impulses are described according to the notions of your favorites and expressed in their language, they might then be defined as follows: (1) Every kind of depravity, conscious as well as unconscious (2) The feeling of self-satisfaction from leading others astray (3) The irresistible inclination to…
“Everywhere on that holy planet, in corresponding gorges, are convenient caves of all kinds of interior form’ – made partly by Nature Herself and partly artificially – with striking views from their entrances, and in these caves there is everything that can be required for a blissful and tranquil existence, with the complete absence of…
“Here I cannot refrain from expressing my essence-grief at that strange practice of these favorites of yours there, which in the course of many of their centuries during the process of their ordinary existence has gradually become, as it were, conformable to law. BTG XXI
And Beelzebub, also in silence, gazed at him with a look which though perceived externally from without, was full of love and forgiveness, yet there could be felt in it also His Essence-grief and inevitable resignation. BTG XLVII
“‘So, when I finally became a responsible being, I decided that before making my choice among the mentioned sacred ways, I would bring my planetary body into the state of the sacred “Ksherknara”, that is, into the state of “all-brained-balanced-being-perceptiveness”, and only when already in that state, to choose the way for my further activities.…
“As I have already said, in the beginning, that is to say before the loss of the continent Atlantis, the three-brained beings of your planet too, also had an approximate understanding of the holy planet Purgatory and there even then existed several Legominisms concerning it, and after the loss of that continent certain partial Legominisms…
“But later when with this same Persian turquoise they continued to make their elucidating experiments upon others, they then soon became categorically convinced, firstly, that in almost any one of the three-brained beings without distinction of sex who gazes for a long time at shining and brilliant objects of a certain kind, there begins to…
“A definite time is required for their joys and for their sorrows, and, in short, for every other kind of indispensable being-experiencing, down to what are called ‘runs-of-bad-luck ‘, and even to ‘periods-of-thirst-for-self-perfection ‘. BTG XVI “While this strange and to my Reason then, still incomprehensible being-experiencing was proceeding in me, Gornahoor Harharkh himself was…
At this point of his tale, Beelzebub made a short pause as if he were thinking about something, and afterwards continued thus: “During my narration of what I then saw on a still surviving terra firma part of the surface of your planet among the three-brained beings there, certain of whom were the direct descendants…
“And they could pass by day because during this time at the Krentonalnian position of their planet in relation to the rays of their sun, almost all the wild terrestrial beings are in the being-state called ‘sleep’, that is to say, in a state of automatic elaboration in their presences of that energy which is…