Tag: Gornahoor Harharkh

  • B158

    B157 B159 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 158] “When we had recovered and Gornahoor Harharkh had pulled still another lever, which resulted in the whole surrounding space being restored to its former usual appearance, he first, with his customary angel-voice, again drew our attention to the ‘voltmeter,’ the needle of which constantly indicated the same…

  • B155

    B154 B156 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 155] “It is interesting to note that your favorites also have something like this ‘Lifechakan’ or ‘Krhrrhihirhi’; and they name such an apparatus a ‘dynamo.’ “There was also there, apart, another independent large appliance which as it afterwards appeared, was a ‘Soloohnorahoona’ of special construction, or as your…

  • B154

    B153 B155 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 154] “The part of Gornahoor Harharkh’s new invention which he himself called the Hrhaharhtzaha and regarded as the most important, was in appearance very much like the ‘Tirzikiano’ or, as your favorites would say, a ‘huge-electric-lamp.’ “The interior of this special structure was rather like a smallish room…

  • B152

    B151 B153 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 152] “And so, my boy, in view of all this, I shall not repeat these conversations word for word, but shall give you only their sense in our speech, continuing of course to employ those terms and ‘specific-names’ or rather those consonances produced by what are called ‘being-vocal-chords,’…

  • B151

    B150 B152 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 151] “Gornahoor Harharkh, who afterwards, as I have already told you, became my essence-friend, was then considered one of the foremost scientists among the ordinary three-brained beings of the whole Universe, and all his constatations as well as the elucidatory apparatuses he had invented, were everywhere widespread, and…

  • B150

    B149 B151 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 150] “The only difference is that while everywhere else, even on all the other planets of the same system, there is one such king for the whole of the given planet, on your peculiar planet Earth there is a separate king for every accidentally segregated group of these…

  • presence

    the flow of Time is perceived by them according to the completeness of their own presence B126 and thus, correctly evaluating the essential significance of their own presence, they become capable of becoming aware of the genuine corresponding place for themselves in these common-cosmic actualizations B755 ff beings possessing presences similar to that of the…

  • B865

    B864 B866 [BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 865] “Their chanting was extremely delightful and at the same time, however lustily they might sing, yet the calm and sustained reproductions of the vibrations of sound were obtained among them only on one or other of these three of their ‘organic restorials.’ “This physiological particularity of theirs, namely,…

  • B833

    B832 B834 [BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 833] “As the cause of my personal acquaintance with all the details of the construction and action of this remarkable experimental apparatus Alla-attapan was due to accidental circumstances connected with my essence-friend Gornahoor Harharkh, and as it will surely interest you very much and at the same time will…

  • Sins of my youth

    “Before beginning his explanations I think it not inadvisable to warn you once and for all that all my conversations with various three-centered beings arising and existing on various planets of that system where I was obliged to exist for the ‘Sins of my youth’ -, as for instance in the present case, the conversations…

  • vibrations

    the vibrations required by Nature which have to be formed from the radiations issuing from beings both during their existence as well as from the process of their Rascooarno, have no significance quantitatively, but only qualitatively 1104 quality of vibrations 106 124 131 416 763 1103 1218 quality and/or quantity of vibrations 131 905 1104…

  • B1145

    B1144 <=> B1146 [BTG XLV Extraction of Electricity, p. 1145] Chapter XLV In the Opinion of Beelzebub, Man’s Extraction of Electricity from Nature and Its Destruction During Its Use, Is One of the Chief Causes of the Shortening of the Life of Man DEPOIS que Belzebu ouviu o conteúdo do Leitoochanbros e o colocou ao…

  • B268

    B267 <=> B269 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 268] Chapter XXIII The Fourth Personal Sojourn of Beelzebub on the Planet Earth BELZEBU continuou assim: “Desci pela quarta vez ao planeta Terra devido ao pedido de meu amigo-de-essência Gornahoor Harharkh. “Antes de mais nada, devo dizer-lhe que, depois que conheci esse Gornahoor Harharkh e me…

  • being-organ

    “As it was afterwards explained to me in detail, these connectors and the said special ‘magnetic-eur,ents’ had, it seems, been created by that truly great scientist Gornahoor Harharkh in order that the presences of learned three-centered beings – even those not perfected to the Sacred Inkozarno – might, owing to one property of the ‘magnetic…

  • XXIII A quarta estadia pessoal de Belzebu no planeta Terra [RBN I-23]

    GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo a partir da versão em inglês publicada em 1950 LIVRO I (pgs. 268-314) RBN I-22 => XXIII A QUARTA ESTADIA PESSOAL DE BELZEBU NO PLANETA TERRA => RBN I-24 *Através de uma recíproca amizade, desenvolveu-se uma «subjetiva troca de opiniões» com amigo-esseral Gornahoor Harharkh **Devido aos…

  • XVIII O arque-prepóstero [RBN I-18]

    GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo a partir da versão em inglês publicada em 1950 LIVRO I RBN I-17 => XVIII O ARQUE-PREPÓSTERO => RBN I-19 *Para melhor representar os eventos que vão ser relatados, B conta que no início de seu exílio nesse sistema solar, certos amigos-esserais dele que não tomaram…

  • X Porque os «homens» não são homens

    GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo feito a partir da versão em inglês de 1950 (por página) LIVRO I RBN I-9 => X PORQUE OS «HOMENS» NÃO SÃO HOMENS => RBN I-11 Depois da atualização do processo Ilnosoparniano, passa-se um ano onde procedem normalmente os processos de involução e evolução no planeta…

  • B270

    B269 B271 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 270] “Thanks to this Teskooano I was sometimes fully able, while seated in my house on Mars, to observe almost everything that proceeded on those parts of the surface of other planets of this solar system, which in the process of what is called the general-system-movement, were…

  • B269

    B268 B270 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 269] “Here I might as well emphasize the fact that if this observatory of mine afterwards became famous and indeed the best of all the constructions of its kind in the whole of the Universe, I am chiefly indebted to the learning of this same essence-friend of…

  • B267

    B266 B268 [BTG XXII Beelzebub’s first time Tibet, p. 267] “So, my boy, this work being extremely complicated, the beings of the planet Mars had invented and continued to invent for the work every kind of machine and appliance. “And as there were very many peculiar and interesting ones among these machines and appliances they…