Tag: guerra
I O Despertar do Pensar [RBN I-1]
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo feito a partir da versão em inglês de 1950 LIVRO I CONSELHO <= I O Despertar do Pensar => RBN I-2 ‘O prefácio do livro’, Orage disse, ‘é o que uma abertura é para uma ópera; as ideias a serem desenvolvidas estão indicadas rápida e superficialmente,…
“‘And as regards the strange image of the head of our allegorical being, in the form of the “Breasts of a virgin”, this expresses that Love should predominate always and in everything during the inner and the outer functionings evoked by one’s consciousness, such a Love as can arise and be present only in the…
“Once when I went as usual into this said laboratory of his, I saw that he was pounding something in a mortar, and, as is usually done there on these occasions, I inquired what he was doing. BTG XXXI “From the information I obtained, I learned that in order to set up such a laboratory…
And so, cheerful and swaggering candidate for a buyer of my wiseacrings, having warned you that I am going to write not as “professional writers” usually write but quite otherwise, I advise you, before embarking on the reading of my further expositions, to reflect seriously and only then to undertake it. If not, I am…
In the entirety of every man, irrespective of his heredity and education, there are formed two independent consciousnesses which in their functioning as well as in their manifestations have almost nothing in common. One consciousness is formed from the perception of all kinds of accidental, or on the part of others intentionally produced, mechanical impressions,…
the individual collision which often arises from the contradiction between the concrete results flowing from the processes of all the cosmic laws and the results presupposed and even quite surely expected by their sane-logic B755 every-cause-gives-birth-to-its-corresponding-result, cosmic law B190 the-result-of-the-process-of-the-reciprocal-destruction-of-two-opposite-forces or the-cause-of-artificial-light B157 the assimilation of the results of oft-repeated acts, cosmic law B1220 arising…
Now that you have become familiar with the story of our common countryman, the Transcaucasian Kurd, I already consider it my duty to make a confession and hence before continuing this first chapter, which is by way of an introduction to all my further predetermined writings, I wish to bring to the knowledge of what…
For one who desires to study human mechanicality in general and to make it clear to himself, the very best object of study is he himself with his own mechanicality; and to study this practically and to understand it sensibly, with all one’s being, and not “psychopathically”, that is, with only one part of one’s…
“Such deaths by thirds there on the planet Earth which has taken your fancy, have occurred particularly frequently during the last two centuries, and they occur to those of your favorites who, thanks either to their profession, or to one of their what are called ‘passions’, arising and acquired by the beings belonging to all…
BTG XLII BTG XLIV XLIII. BEELZEBUB’S Survey of the Process of the Periodic Reciprocal Destruction of Men, or BEELZEBUB’S Opinion of War (pgs. B1055 – B1118) Chapitre 43 Belzébuth expose ses vises sur le processus périodique de destruction mutuelle des hommes Capítulo 43 A pesquisa de Belzebu do processo da recíproca destruição periódica dos homens,…
BTG XXXVII BTG XXXIX XXXVIII. Religion (pgs. B694 – B743) Chapitre 38 La Religion Capítulo 38 Religião. Beelzebub, during their trip on the ship Karnak heading for the holly planet Purgatory, explains to Hassein how a large number of ‘havatvernonis’ or ‘religions’ came to existence on the plane Earth. According to his explanations our Abundantly…
BTG XXXIII BTG XXXV XXXIV. Russia (pgs. B591 – B656) Chapitre 34 Belzébuth en Russie Capítulo 34 Rússia. Beelzebub relates to Hassein about the events that occurred during the last sojourn of his on the surface of the planet Earth. According to his narration, once, walking one morning by the said Pyramids, he met a…
BTG XXX BTG XXXII XXXI. The Sixth and Last Sojourn of Beelzebub on the Planet Earth (pgs. B524 – B557) Chapitre 31 Sixième et dernier séjour de Belzébuth à la surface de notre Terre Capítulo 31 A sexta e última estadia de Belzebu sobre o planeta Terra. When the cosmic intersystem ship Karnak had left…
BTG XXVII BTG XXIX XXVIII. The Chief Culprit in the Destruction of All the Very Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash (pgs. B390 – B410) Chapitre 28 Le principal coupable de la destruction des Saints Travaux d’Ashyata Sheyimash Capítulo 28 O principal culpado na destruição de todos os Mui Santíssimos Trabalhos de Ashyata Shiemash. Beelzebub tells…
BTG XXV BTG XXVII XXVI. The Legominism Concerning the Deliberations of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash Under the Title of “The Terror-of-the Situation” (pgs. B353 – B365) Chapitre 26 Légamonisme concernant les réflexions du Très Saint Ashyata Sheyimash sous le titre « Horreur de la Situation » Capítulo 26 O Legominismo concernente às deliberações do…
BTG I – O Despertar do Pensar
=> BTG II I. The Arousing of Thought (pgs. B3 – B50) Chapitre 1 – Eveil du penser I. O Despertar do Pensar AMONG other convictions formed in my common presence during my responsible, peculiarly composed life, there is one such also – an indubitable conviction – that always and everywhere on the earth, among…
Great Angel
“That system of the Great Angel, now Archangel, Hariton is now in use everywhere at the present day. BTG V “When their ancestors had that invention in themselves of the Great Angel Looisos, then, thanks to this organ, they were always exactly in the same state as the contemporary beings are when they introduce into…
“But when the three-brained beings there, who arose and existed on the neighbouring continent, now called Europe, then began taking part in the Asiatic wars, and when ‘hordes’ with the arch-vainglorious Greek called ‘Alexander-of-Macedonia’ at their head were dispatched thence and passed almost everywhere over the continent of Asia, they made, as it is said,…
beings of our tribe
“As I have already said, many of us definitely settled down on the planet Mars; and others, by the ship Occasion which had been put at the disposal of the beings of our tribe for interplanetary communication, either went or prepared to go to exist on other planets of the same solar system. BTG X…
power-possessing beings
“What occurred was as follows: “The ordinary beings of the said community, seeing the fuss made about this writer by the power-possessing beings, became very greatly interested in him and avidly bought and read not only this new ‘Gospel ‘ of his but also all the books he had written before. BTG XII “And this…