Tag: Hanbledzoin
B578 <=> B580 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 580] Chapter XXXIII Beelzebub as Professional Hypnotist BELZEBU continuou a relatar o seguinte: “Quando eu estava entre os seus favoritos como hipnotizador profissional, fiz meus experimentos elucidativos sobre a psique deles principalmente por meio desse estado particular deles, que os seres contemporâneos chamam de ‘estado hipnótico’.…
“During these periods the second also quite independent group of three-brained beings of your planet also dwelt on that continent Ashhark, on that part which was then called the country Maralpleicie. 1121 BTG XIX “And when, shortly afterwards, the continent Atlantis entered within the planet and this learned Akhaldan member had no longer any place…
“Certainly, my boy, on each separate planet of that solar system also, the planetary bodies of the three-brained beings are coated and take an exterior form in conformity with the nature of the given planet, and are adapted in their details to the surrounding nature. 327 BTG III “For instance, on that planet on which…
“Higher being-bodies, or as they are called on some planets of that solar system, souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets except those before reaching which the emanations of our ‘Most Holy Sun Absolute’, owing to repeated deflections, gradually lose the fullness of their strength and eventually cease entirely to contain…
B727 B729 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 728] “And the second particular property of this Hanbledzoin consist in this, that, when it is introduced into the fundamental concentration of this substance and has mixed with this primordial concentration, it is distributed in it everywhere in uniform densities and in uniform quantities, wherever the given concentration may…
B726 B728 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 727] “And this most sacred process consists in this, that when there is intentionally first produced the coating of the highest being-body, namely, the ‘body of the soul,’ only afterwards, as in the first case, is the sacred Almznoshinoo produced. “It is possible of course to produce both these…
B1200 B1202 [BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1201] Strictly speaking he cannot always do even this, because the reins in general are made of materials that react to various atmospheric phenomena: for example, during a pouring rain they swell and contract; and in heat, the contrary; thereby changing their effect upon the horse’s automatized…
B1199 B1201 [BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1200] It is possible, however, that in its locked-in life the horse does nevertheless learn some form of relationship with the coachman and that even, perhaps, it is familiar with some “language”; but the trouble is, that the coachman does not know this and does not even…
B730 B732 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 731] “And so, owing to this risk of theirs, that proceeded there which served as the cause of the mentioned great misfortune. “As my further investigations showed me, this great misfortune occurred in the following way: “When these six ‘great initiates’ still existing with their planetary existence began by…
already established tempo B120 diverse-tempos B125 proceeding in his presence from taking in the second-being-food B165 tempo-of-ordinary-existence B240 of movement of the prime arising B293 required tempo of work B300 disharmony of the tempo, concerning Bobbin-kandelnosts B443 being-ableness deteriorated at such a tempo B496 of the deterioration of being-capacity B498 automatic B505 correct tempo for…
B729 B731 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 730] “So, my boy! Until these completed movements have come to an end, those beings existing on planets who either have in themselves a particle of the Hanbledzoin of any body Kesdjan or have at their disposal the surplanetary formation in which that part of the Hanbledzoin was fixed,…
B728 B730 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 729] “In order to be clear in our subsequent talks upon this question, you must now be told just here that the said connection – one end of which is kept in the body Kesdjan which has risen to its corresponding sphere and the other end of which stays…
the fundamental aim and sense of the existence of these beings is that there must proceed through them the transmutation of cosmic substances necessary for the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic-process B130; see transformation the cosmic substance, the Sacred Askokin B84 B182 ff B1106 ff the sacred substances Abrustdonis and Helkdonis B1106 ff B1166 B1168 Hydro-oomiak and Petrkarmak…
B568 B570[The following two paragraphs were missing from the 1950 edition] “So, my boy, when the hypnotist, by modifying the tempo of their blood circulation, temporarily suspends the action of the localization of their false consciousness – now the ruling master of their common presence – the sacred data of their genuine consciousness can blend…
that part of the being-blood which almost everywhere is called the sacred being-Hanbledzoin, and only on certain planets is called the sacred Aiesakhaldan, and which part serves the highest part of the being called the soul, is formed from the direct emanations of our Most Holy Sun Absolute B569 in order that you may understand…
Sun Absolute
the Most Holy Sun Absolute where our Lord Sovereign Endlessness has the fundamental place of His Dwelling B52 B136 B749 there, Beelzebub, among others like himself had become an attendant upon His Endlessness, until his banishment B52 when Ashiata Shiemash returned to the Sun Absolute, he earnestly besought His Endlessness to pardon Beelzebub B54 higher…
Chapter XXXIX The Holy Planet “Purgatory” B759 <=> B761 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 760] “E, especificamente, eles chamaram o próprio Sol Absoluto Fonte Primal Santíssima de ‘Protocosmos’. “Cada ‘Sol de Segunda Ordem’ recém-surgido, com todos os seus consequentes resultados definidos, eles chamaram de ‘Defterocosmos’. “‘Sóis de terceira ordem’, ou seja, aqueles que…
“The substances of that part of the being-blood which is designed by Nature for serving the planetary body of the being, arise by means of the transformation of substances of that planet on which the given beings are formed and exist”The substances of that part of the being-blood which is designed by Nature for serving…
G Ser
GURDJIEFF TERMOS — SER O sentido e importância do termo e noção «ser» é da maior relevância nos RELATOS DE BELZEBU, assim como em todo pensamento de G (v. Ser e Saber). Heidegger, reconhecido pensador «do ser», nos oferece uma brilhante iniciação à «questão do ser» e ao «esquecimento do ser», que para aqueles com…
Emanações e Radiações
CRIAÇÃO DO MUNDO — EMANAÇÕES E RADIAÇÕES DENOMINAÇÃO DE EMANAÇÕES E RADIAÇÕES PROVENIENTES DE TODOS OS COSMOS DE DIFERENTES ESCALAS, POR MEIO DAS QUAIS O GRANDE TROGOAUTOEGOCRÁTICO CÓSMICO PROCEDE *Emanação do Mui Mui Santo Sol Absoluto Ele Mesmo = Theomertmalogos ou “Deus-Verbo” *Radiação de cada Sol-de-segunda-ordem = Mente kithzoin *Radiação de cada planeta separadamente =…