Tag: Hipnotismo

  • adornments

    herself, and after several what are there called seances they noticed that this nun invariably fell into such a peculiar state of hers only when her gaze rested rather a long time on one of the brilliant colored stones, on what is called a Persian turquoise, which was among the adornments of the frame of…

  • tempo

    already established tempo B120 diverse-tempos B125 proceeding in his presence from taking in the second-being-food B165 tempo-of-ordinary-existence B240 of movement of the prime arising B293 required tempo of work B300 disharmony of the tempo, concerning Bobbin-kandelnosts B443 being-ableness deteriorated at such a tempo B496 of the deterioration of being-capacity B498 automatic B505 correct tempo for…

  • B529

    B528 B530 [BTG XXXI Last sojourn to Earth, p. 529] “While we were descending on to the surface of this planet of yours, the process of reciprocal destruction which had been proceeding in Afghanistan finished; but all the same, I remained to exist near this Afghanistan, as it was just on that part of the…

  • wiseacre

    they themselves admit the existence of many ancient sages and also do not deny the great amount of most varied information which has come down to them concerning the many objective truths elucidated by these sages, which information certain of your favorites are, without any remorse of conscience, giving out as having been thought of…

  • crystallization

    “And that is that during their later revolutions of this kind, almost all the three-brained beings there or at least the overwhelming majority who begin to fall into such a ‘psychosis ‘, always destroy for some reason or other, the existence of just such other beings like themselves, as have, for some reason or other,…

  • France

    “There is no harm in remarking here that just when I was leaving that planet forever, precisely the same was being repeated there as had occurred to this Mesmer. Namely, on this occasion, an honest and humble learned being there from among the beings of the community France, after persistent and conscientious labors came across…

  • Maralpleicie

    “During these periods the second also quite independent group of three-brained beings of your planet also dwelt on that continent Ashhark, on that part which was then called the country Maralpleicie. 1121 BTG XIX “And when, shortly afterwards, the continent Atlantis entered within the planet and this learned Akhaldan member had no longer any place…

  • evil

    Just in this alone I shall follow their example and also begin with such an address, but I shall try not to make it very “sugary” as they usually do, owing particularly to their evil wiseacring by which they titillate the sensibilities of the more or less normal reader. 22 BTG I “‘Do you understand,…

  • Individual

    used throughout in titles, for example, Most High Most Most Sacred Common Cosmic Individual; Sacred B82 B84 B89 B104 B128 B132 B175 B179 B183 B235 B237 ff B249 B353 B674 B695 ff B705 B715 B721 B735 B788 ff B743 B772 B835 B1043 B1127 B1178; Sacred Individuals actualized from Above B697 ff B732 B734 B736 ff…

  • Russia

    Soon after the definite inculcation into my nature of the said new inherency, that is the unaccountable striving to elucidate the real reasons for the arising of all sorts of “actual facts”, on my first arrival in the heart of Russia, the city of Moscow, where, finding nothing else for the satisfaction of my psychic…

  • blood

    it is necessary to tell you that in general the quality of the composition of the blood in the three-brained beings and also in the common presences of your favorites depends on the number of the being-bodies already completely formed 568 blood in the presences of the three-brained beings may be composed of substances arising…

  • B1169

    B1168 B1170 [BTG XLVI Form and sequence, p. 1169] “And therefore new data of every kind, formed and fixed in this way for the three-brained beings who have the Reason-of-knowing, have in respect of their use no significance at all for the welfare of their own subsequent existence. Moreover, the duration of the decrystallization of…

  • impressions

    concerning Kundabuffer: every repeated impression from outside should crystallize in them data which would engender factors for evoking in them sensations of pleasure and enjoyment B88 to perceive every new impression without being-Partkdolg-duty B103 my essence began to receive impressions directly B164 associations of three different kinds of impressions proceed in the three said localizations…

  • B1135

    B1134 B1136 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1135] “As for the second half of that unprecedented work which cannot be made again there, passing also from hand to hand owing to reasons of every kind, it finally also happened to get into one of the central communities of Asia, and during one of what…

  • B204

    B203 B205 [BTG XIX Beelzebub’s second descent, p. 204] “And this occurred in the following way: “My friend had no relatives at all in the city Koorkalai, having been born in some distant place. “And as for the hundreds of servants and other ordinary terrestrial nullities who had been around him owing to his former…

  • B590

    B589 <=> B591 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 590] “I shall say nothing now concerning just how and in what form the psyche of the three-brained beings breeding there on this part of the terra firma surface of your planet came to be molded. “Some time later perhaps, in its proper place, I shall…

  • B589

    B588 B590 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 589] “Such a result of the scientific attainments of beings of long, long past epochs reached the contemporary beings and became their possession for the following reason. “Perhaps, my dear Hassein, you already know, like all the responsible beings of our Great Universe, and even those still…

  • B588

    B587 B589 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 588] “But those planetary bodies upon which they employed the mentioned means remained intact and exist there even to the present time. “And these surviving planetary bodies are called by the contemporary beings ‘mummies.’ “The transformation of the planetary bodies into mummies was effected by the beings…

  • B587

    B586 B588 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 587] “Certain members of this society who already had some notion of the sacred Omnipresent Okidanokh, discovered, by their persistent labors, how to obtain from their own atmosphere and also from certain surplanetary formations each of its sacred parts separately, and by keeping these sacred cosmic ‘force-bearing’…

  • B586

    B585 B587 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 586] “Do you remember that at one time I told you that not one of the achievements of the beings of past generations had ever reached beings of subsequent generations? “Well it has become aware in me that I have made a mistake about this. “Not once…