Tag: Hipnotismo

  • being-centers

    To this question of his grandson, Beelzebub replied thus: “It was only during later periods that the three-brained beings of the planet Earth began to have this particularity in their psyche, and just this particularity arose in them only because their predominant part, which was formed in them as in all three-brained beings, gradually allowed…

  • objective characteristics

    “There are certain states in ordinary sleep in which a man wants to awaken but cannot. He tells himself that he is awake but, in reality, he continues to sleep — and this can happen several times before he finally awakes. But in ordinary sleep, once he is awake, he is in a different state;…

  • manifestations

    ordinary man is not free in his manifestations B1208 active B481 B802 concerted B1199 conscious B481 cultured B687 different-manifestations called Dooczako B831 displeasing-manifestations-of-others-towards-yourselves B242 displeasing to oneself B243 good or bad B1125 Hasnamussian B344 incongruous B1080 inner and outer B458 B538 intensive B1043 intentional B39 maleficent B390 mechanical B802 meritorious manifestations proper to three-brained beings…

  • perceptions

    As a result of this conviction of mine which as yet doubtlessly seems to you the fruit of the fantasies of an afflicted mind, I cannot now, as you yourself see, disregard this second consciousness and, compelled by my essence, am obliged to construct the general exposition even of this first chapter of my writings,…

  • perception

    In the entirety of every man, irrespective of his heredity and education, there are formed two independent consciousnesses which in their functioning as well as in their manifestations have almost nothing in common. One consciousness is formed from the perception of all kinds of accidental, or on the part of others intentionally produced, mechanical impressions,…

  • loss of sensation of self

    “Thanks to that peculiar inherency of theirs called ‘suggestibility’, which I mentioned before and which had been acquired in their common presences, all the surrounding beings, of course, believed this as they call it ‘propaganda’ of theirs, and, there usually being in these cases a quantity of talk about it, there was gradually crystallized in…

  • common psyche

    “Besides this chief particularity of their common psyche, there are completely crystallized in them and there unfailingly become a part of their common presences – regardless of where they may arise or exist – functions which exist under the names ‘egoism ‘, ‘self-love ‘, ‘vanity ‘, ‘pride ‘, ‘self-conceit ‘, ‘credulity ‘, ‘suggestibility ‘, and…

  • responsible

    the threshold of the Being of a responsible being: just that age when every kind of data for those functionings which during the responsible existence of each three-brained being compose his individuality is crystallized and acquires a harmonious tempo in the common functioning B1163 an individual is not responsible for his manifestations only when in…

  • being-particularities

    “Of these abnormal being-particularities, the particularity of their psyche the most terrible for them personally is that which is called ‘suggestibility ‘. BTG XIV

  • being-notion

    “This psychic particularity, namely, of falling into a ‘hypnotic state’, is, as I have already said, inherent to the three-brained beings only of this planet of yours, and one can therefore say that if they did not exist, then in all our Great Universe there would not exist in general even a being-notion of ‘hypnotism’.…

  • B585

    B584 B586 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 585] “Do you remember, I already told you that I was in this Egypt for the first time during my fourth appearance on the surface of that planet of yours, where I descended for the purpose of collecting with the help of several beings of our tribe…

  • Turkestan

    “And so, my boy, I began my activities in the capacity of a physician-hypnotist, as I have already told you, in the center of the continent Asia, in various towns of Turkestan. BTG XXXIII “I was first in the town of that part of Turkestan which later came to be called ‘Chinese Turkestan’ in contradistinction…

  • thought

    The Arousing of Thought B3 ff B1184 consider the analogy of the hackney carriage B1192 ff. the quality of the functioning of thought, feeling, and organic automatism B38 the quality of the Teleokrimalniehnian thought-waves B438 a Teleoghinoora is a materialized idea or thought B293 ff Korkaptilnian thought tapes B293 ff the sensing of the flow…

  • being-Partkdolg-duty

    concerning Okidanokh and Djartklom B144 ff. endurance towards others’ manifestations displeasing to oneself could alone crystallize in their common presences that Partkdolg-duty which in general is necessary for all three-centered beings — Buddha B243; see suffering the action of the results of intentionally actualized Partkdolg-duty, that is to say of conscious-labors-and-intentional-sufferings B409 concerning Itoklanoz B438…

  • self-perfecting

    “It is necessary to notice further that these localizations or brains in beings serve not only as apparatuses for the transformation of corresponding cosmic substances for the purposes of the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat, but also as the means for beings whereby their conscious self-perfecting is possible. BTG XVII “But the great terror of it,…

  • waking

    In self-justification, and also perhaps to diminish the degree of the censure in your waking consciousness of my ignorance of this language indispensable for contemporary life, I consider it necessary to say, with a humble heart and cheeks flushed with shame, that although I too was taught this language in my childhood, and even though…

  • theories

    “And as for the objective reality of the theories of both these ‘great’ terrestrial ‘learned beings’, I am reminded of one of the wise sayings of our esteemed Mullah Nassr Eddin, namely: “‘They were both very successful, though of course not without luck, in finding the authentic godmother of the incomparable Scheherazade on an old…

  • opium

    “‘Many hundreds of thousands of packets of powder are used here daily all over the country and the opium this powder ought to contain is, as you know, no cheap thing and if real opium were put into this powder, the opium alone would cost us pharmacists six or eight kopecks a packet, and we…

  • sensation

    Oh, the devil! Will there indeed be repeated that same exceedingly unpleasant and highly strange sensation which it befell me to experience when about three weeks ago I was composing in my thoughts the scheme and sequence of the ideas destined by me for publication and did not know then how to begin either? BTG…

  • B561

    B560 B562 [BTG XXXII Hypnotism, p. 561] “And only many centuries later did this branch of their science again show signs of reviving. “But . . . thanks to the fact that at this period most of the learned beings there had already become learned beings of ‘new formation,’ they sat upon this new revival…