Tag: Hipnotismo

  • B565

    B564 B566 [BTG XXXII Hypnotism, p. 565] “From this certain age mentioned, each one of these ‘Inkliazanikshanas’ of different tempo, that is to say each ‘blood circulation,’ begins to evoke in them the functioning of one of their mentioned consciousnesses; and vice versa, the intensive functioning of either consciousness begins to evoke in them the…

  • B107

    B106 B108 [BTG XIV Beginning of perspectives, p. 107] “They also differ among themselves in the color of their skin and in the conformation of their hair, and these latter particularities are determined in their presences, just as they are everywhere else, by the effects of that part of the planetary surface where the given…

  • B960

    B959 B961 [BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 960] “Well then, thanks to the fact that many of these diseases then called ‘Kolbana,’ ‘Tirdiank,’ ‘Moyasul,’ ‘Champarnakh,’ and so on, and called by contemporary beings ‘tabes,’ ‘sclerosis disseminata,’ ‘hemorrhoids,’ ‘ishias,’ ‘hemiplegia,’ and so on, were widely prevalent among the majority of those using these exceedingly comfortable…

  • presence

    the flow of Time is perceived by them according to the completeness of their own presence B126 and thus, correctly evaluating the essential significance of their own presence, they become capable of becoming aware of the genuine corresponding place for themselves in these common-cosmic actualizations B755 ff beings possessing presences similar to that of the…

  • B1218

    B1217 B1219 [BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1218] And it is this repetition of previously perceived impressions engendering what is called association, and the parts of this repetition which enter the field of a man’s attention, that together condition what is termed “memory.” The memory of the average man, in comparison with the memory…

  • Zernofookalnian-friction

    “Well then, my boy, in order that the mentioned Zernofookalnian-friction should be obtained in beings, and that at the same time the crystallization of the new perceptions should proceed for the Reason-of-understanding, I — already knowing very well what are called the ‘laws-of-the-fixing-and-unfixing-of-ideas-in-localizations’, the details of which laws, to mention it, by the way, I…

  • B564

    B563 B565 [BTG XXXII Hypnotism, p. 564] “Well then . . . the mentioned particular property recently newly fixed in the common presences of your favorites is that the functioning of their mentioned Zoostat, or as they themselves would say, of their ‘spiritual part,’ passes into that functioning of their common whole which properly proceeds…

  • B563

    B562 B564 [BTG XXXII Hypnotism, p. 563] “About this ‘essence-loving-hope’ of his, I chanced to learn during my investigations concerning His Very Saintly Activities there. “You, my boy, perhaps still do not know in what, namely, the cosmic process of the sacred Antkooano consists? “The sacred Antkooano is the name of that process of perfecting…

  • B562

    B561 B563 [BTG XXXII Hypnotism, p. 562] “The more the learned beings of recent times of this peculiar planet are themselves personally, in the sense of ‘idiotism,’ ‘squared,’ the more they criticize Mesmer and say or write concerning him every possible kind of absurdity to bring him into contempt. “And in doing this, they criticize…

  • B566

    B565 B567 [BTG XXXII Hypnotism, p. 566] “Thanks only to such a, in the objective sense, maleficence, but according to their naive subjective understanding ‘benevolence’ towards their offspring, all the sacred data put in by Great Nature Herself for forming in them their real being-consciousness become isolated and remain during the entire period of their…

  • B560

    B559 B561 [BTG XXXII Hypnotism, p. 560] “But even if certain of them should by chance notice something illogical in their manifestations or in the manifestations of others, then, thanks to the absence in them of the knowledge of the law of ‘typicality,’ they at best ascribe it to the particularities of the character of…

  • B559

    B558 B560 [BTG XXXII Hypnotism, p. 559] “This strange psychic property had its rise soon after the destruction of Atlantis and began to become finally fixed in the presence of every one of them from the time when their ‘Zoostat,’ that is the functioning of their ‘being-consciousness,’ began to be divided in two and when…

  • B558

    B557 <=> B559 [BTG XXXII Hypnotism, p. 559] Chapter XXXII Hypnotism E assim”, continuou Belzebu, “nessa minha sexta estada em pessoa na superfície do seu planeta Terra, decidi me estabelecer lá por um longo período e me tornar um médico profissional. De fato, eu me tornei um, mas não um médico como a maioria dos…

  • B645

    B644 B646 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 645] “And so, my boy, thanks to the mentioned strange property of the three-brained beings of this planet of yours, which property, as I have already told you, arose and gradually became, soon after the Tikliamishian civilization, fixed in their general psyche – the intensity of the fixing proceeded…

  • B644

    B643 B645 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 644] “As a concentrated result flowing from these abnormal conditions around them and which became the basic cause for this evil of theirs, there is a special property which arose not long ago in their psyche which they themselves call ‘suggestibility.’ “Thanks to this strange property which had only…

  • Nature

    Common Mother: walking at sunset over the hills and dales, and willy-nilly perceiving the exterior visibility of those enchanting parts of the bosom of Great Nature, the Common Mother, and involuntarily inhaling a pure air uncontaminated by the usual exhalations of industrial towns, our Kurd quite naturally suddenly felt a wish to gratify himself with…

  • Hanbledzoin

    that part of the being-blood which almost everywhere is called the sacred being-Hanbledzoin, and only on certain planets is called the sacred Aiesakhaldan, and which part serves the highest part of the being called the soul, is formed from the direct emanations of our Most Holy Sun Absolute B569 in order that you may understand…

  • accelerated

    “‘Now see in what order its artificially accelerated transformations will proceed’. BTG XVIII So, my boy, when the hypnotist, by modifying the tempo of their blood circulation, temporarily suspends the action of the localization of their false consciousness—now the ruling master of their common presence—the sacred data of their genuine consciousness can blend freely during…

  • B575

    B574 B576 [BTG XXXII Hypnotism, p. 575] “Well, when the abbot Pedrini told everything in detail to the doctor Bambini, the latter also became very much interested, and from then on they both began to occupy themselves with the elucidation of it all. “They first made various elucidating experiments upon the nun Ephrosinia herself, and…

  • B584

    B583 B585 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 584] “But to remain in this Turkestan and to organize my existence there in such a way as to have the full possibility of giving my planetary body the required rest I could not, in any way, because in almost all the beings there on that part…