Tag: impulso-esseral

  • B1162

    B1161 <=> B1163 [BTG XLVI Form and sequence, p. 1162] Chapter XLVI “Não se preocupe comigo, meu querido avô, esse meu estado logo passará. Evidentemente, durante o último ‘dianosk’, ponderei muito ativamente e, com toda a probabilidade, a partir desse funcionamento não acostumado ‘recém-temporizado’, o ritmo geral do funcionamento de toda a minha presença comum…

  • Arauto do Bem Vindouro (15)

    No início, a manifestação desse estranho “fator psíquico” influenciava apenas minha atividade mental, mas não me perturbava como um todo, ou seja, os efeitos dessa manifestação não impediam o funcionamento estabelecido do meu organismo físico, com seu sistema psico-nervoso, nem do espírito, no sentido puro da palavra, e eu podia, mesmo em períodos de resistência…

  • Arauto do Bem Vindouro (14)

    Embora eu também, naquele período de minha vida, me assemelhasse a eles em minhas manifestações externas, já que eu era um produto, tanto quanto eles, das mesmas condições anormais de ambiente, ainda assim, graças à circunstância de que eu tinha em minha natureza, desde a infância, através da inculca deliberada de tanto meu pai como…

  • aware

    the gradations of Reason, or, more exactly, the totality-of-self-awareness B769 as soon as all three-brained beings of our Megalocosmos without distinction of exterior coating acquire any degree of self-awareness, they already begin consciously or instinctively to dream of going on to that holy planet B801 Akhaldan — the striving to become aware of the sense…

  • B579

    B578 <=> B580 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 580] Chapter XXXIII Beelzebub as Professional Hypnotist BELZEBU continuou a relatar o seguinte: “Quando eu estava entre os seus favoritos como hipnotizador profissional, fiz meus experimentos elucidativos sobre a psique deles principalmente por meio desse estado particular deles, que os seres contemporâneos chamam de ‘estado hipnótico’.…

  • XXVI O legominismo concernente às deliberações do muito santo Ashiata Shiemash sob o título «O Terror da Situação» [RBN I-26]

    GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo a partir da versão em inglês publicada em 1950 LIVRO I (pgs. 353-365) RBN I-25 ⇐ XXVI O legominismo concernente às deliberações do Mui Santo Ashiata Shiemash sob o título «O Terror da Situação» ⇒ RBN I-27 *LEGOMINISMO, um dos meios de transmissão de informação sobre…

  • G Ser

    GURDJIEFF TERMOS — SER O sentido e importância do termo e noção «ser» é da maior relevância nos RELATOS DE BELZEBU, assim como em todo pensamento de G (v. Ser e Saber). Heidegger, reconhecido pensador «do ser», nos oferece uma brilhante iniciação à «questão do ser» e ao «esquecimento do ser», que para aqueles com…

  • aim

    Aim of: Adherents-of-Legominism B485; consider also B454 Society Akhaldan, the striving to become aware of the sense and aim of the Being of beings B297; and B211 B298 Ashiata Sheimash B348 B354 Atarnak B1100 Beelzebub B207 B233 B531 B558 B594 B608 Belcultassi B294 ff Gurdjieff: as a boy B39; consider also, From the Author BTG…

  • absurdities

    wiseacring about the life and death of Jesus Christ B735 ff the more absurd their manifestations, the more famous they become B224 their quite absurd egoism B231 Concerning: Time, obvious absurdities B132 Sacriflcial-Offerings B191 ff polyglotism B531 ff Esperanto B536 and B32 B617 “You now understand, my boy, that even the Most Great Heropass of…

  • act

    to do means to act consciously and by one’s own initiative B1202 impulses which constrain us to act to attain something and to strive for some aim B1225 anti-God acts B197 concerning opium B214 assimilation of the results of oft-repeated acts B1220; see repetition; being-act

  • learning

    Yes, I think you might as well be told also about an idea which has only just arisen in my madcap brain, and namely, specially to request the printer, to whom I shall give my first book, to print this first chapter of my writings in such a way that anybody may read it before…

  • lawful

    “‘And as regards the strange image of the head of our allegorical being, in the form of the “Breasts of a virgin”, this expresses that Love should predominate always and in everything during the inner and the outer functionings evoked by one’s consciousness, such a Love as can arise and be present only in the…

  • life of man

    In trying first to understand the basic thought and real significance hidden in this strange verbal formulation, there must, in my opinion, first of all arise in the consciousness of every more or less sane-thinking man the supposition that, in the totality of ideas on which is based and from which must flow a sensible…

  • Divine impulse conscience

    “Already during that same period while the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash was enlightening the Reason of the brethren of the former brotherhood Tehaftantouri as well as of the newly collected thirty-five novices, there began to spread, among ordinary beings of the city Djoolfapal and its environs, the true idea that in the common presences of…

  • impulse of astonishment

    “And if besides this I now still add, concerning the strange psyche of your favorites, what I constated during my last sojourn among them, namely, that none of the contemporary three-brained beings of your planet – in spite of the fact that they, having put this same ‘Chinese seven-toned subdivision’ as the basis of all…

  • impulse of love

    “‘In an equally abnormal form were data moulded in them for evoking the sacred impulse of love. BTG XXVI To this question of Beelzebub’s, Hassein, also in an uncertain tone unusual for him, timidly replied: “Almost . . . yes . . . Sacred Podkoolad of our Great Megalocosmos. Only with this difference, that at…

  • impulse of desire

    And to be such, one must first of all, with an indefatigable persistence and an unquenchable impulse of desire, issuing from all the separate independent parts constituting one’s entire common presence, that is to say, with a desire issuing simultaneously from thought, feeling, and organic instinct, work on an all-round knowledge of oneself – at…

  • Podkoolads

    Podkoolad “This impulse of love has become stronger in me, evidently because, as it seems to me, both Ahoon and the three-brained beings of the planet Earth have greatly aided me in becoming worthy to be a recent eyewitness of the Great Solemnity of Him Who is the cause of the cause of my arising…

  • Podkoolad

    All fell prostrate before Beelzebub because by the fifth fork on his horns it was indicated that He had attained the Reason of the sacred Podkoolad, i.e., the last gradation before the Reason of the sacred Anklad. BTG XLVII But the Reason of the sacred Podkoolad, to which Beelzebub had already perfected himself, is also…

  • faith

    “I said to him as follows: ” ‘Good. “‘You have a religion, a faith in something. It is excellent to have faith in something, in whatever it might be even if you don’t exactly know in whom or in what, nor can represent to yourself the significance and the possibilities of what you have faith…