Tag: Iraniranumange

  • elements

    Omnipresent-Active-Element, Okidanokh B138 ff thanks just to these processes of evolution and involution inherent in the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, there also began to be crystallized and decrystallized in the presences of all the greatest and smallest cosmic concentrations, all kinds of definite cosmic substances with their own inherent subjective properties, and which objective science calls active…

  • surplanetary

    “He said, ‘By means of this special appliance, there are first “sucked-in” separately from the atmosphere or from any intra- or surplanetary fomation, all the three independent parts of the Omnipresent-Active-Element-Okidanokh present in it, and only afterwards when in a certain way, these separate independent parts are artificially reblended in the Krhrrhihirhi into a single…

  • being-bodies

    “Yes”, replied Beelzebub, “on almost all the planets of that solar system also, three-brained beings dwell, and in almost all of them higher being-bodies can be coated. 325 BTG III “Higher being-bodies, or as they are called on some planets of that solar system, souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets…

  • crystallization

    “And that is that during their later revolutions of this kind, almost all the three-brained beings there or at least the overwhelming majority who begin to fall into such a ‘psychosis ‘, always destroy for some reason or other, the existence of just such other beings like themselves, as have, for some reason or other,…

  • octave

    “By the way, you should know that this same Hydrogen of theirs is just one of those seven cosmic substances which in their general totality actualize specially for the given solar system what is called the ‘inner Ansapalnian-octave’ of cosmic substances, which independent octave, in its turn, is a one-seventh independent part of the fundamental…

  • B775

    B774 B776 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 775] “The difference between each of them and our common great Megalocosmos is only in scale. “Here you should know that your contemporary favorites very often use a notion taken by them from somewhere, I do not know whether instinctively, emotionally, or automatically, and expressed by…

  • B773

    B772 B774 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 773] “And so, during their actualization of their conceptions, all these three conceptions merge one with another, and in this way there appears in our Megalocosmos a new three-brained being of such an uncommon construction. “And the three-centered beings of this kind are ideal in our…

  • particularities

    “The exterior forms of their planetary bodies are all made alike, and of course in respect of size and in their other subjective particularities, they are each coated, just as we are, in accordance with the reflection of heredity, with the conditions at the moment of conception and with the other factors that serve in…

  • crystallizations

    “Owing to these two fundamental sacred cosmic laws, there first arise from the substance called ‘Etherokrilno’, under certain conditions, what are called ‘crystallizations’ and from these crystallizations, but later, and also under certain conditions, there are formed various large and small, more or less independent, cosmic definite formations. 876 BTG XVII “It is just within…

  • transformation

    that transformation which should in general proceed in the entirety of a man and give him, from his own conscious mentation the results he ought to have, which are proper to man B25 man is a transforming machine, a kind of transmitting station of forces B1203 and so, the three-brained beings of the planet Earth…

  • Trogoautoegocrat

    SEE Trogoautoegocratic the fundamental common-cosmic Ansanbaluiazar, by which the Most Great cosmic Trogoautoegocrat is actualized, the true Savior from the law-conformable action of the merciless Heropass B785 from then on the system which maintained the existence of the Sun Absolute began to be called Trogoautoegocrat B753 then our cherubim gave names to the emanations and…

  • atmosphere

    of the Holy Sun Absolute B798 of the holy planet Purgatory B746 of almost all cosmic concentrations B270 of planets B136 B139 B181 B288 B728 B763 B1050 of Mars B61; of Mars and Saturn B269 of the moon B63 B181 B183 B316 B838 which is necessary for every planet and which serves for the actualization…

  • B1164

    B1163 B1165 [BTG XLVI Form and sequence, p. 1164] “Your weeping gives me the assurance also that in your future responsible existence there will also be in your common presence those being-data which are the foundation of the essence of every bearer of Divine Reason and which are even formulated by our COMMON FATHER in…

  • B1148

    B1147 B1149 [BTG XLV Extraction of Electricity, p. 1148] “This Martian Toof-Nef-Tef was, according to the notions of your favorites, already an extremely old being: he was by the time-calculation of the planet Mars about twelve thousand Martian years old, which is only a little less than the time-calculation of the Earth. “Here you must…

  • B763

    B762 B764 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 763] “That this idea first arose just then in our ENDLESSNESS, we can also see from the words of that sacred canticle with which at the present time, at all divine solemnities, our cherubim and seraphim extol the marvelous works of our CREATOR. “Before continuing to…

  • substance

    the fundamental aim and sense of the existence of these beings is that there must proceed through them the transmutation of cosmic substances necessary for the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic-process B130; see transformation the cosmic substance, the Sacred Askokin B84 B182 ff B1106 ff the sacred substances Abrustdonis and Helkdonis B1106 ff B1166 B1168 Hydro-oomiak and Petrkarmak…

  • B855

    B854 B856 [BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 855] “And so, although the theory ‘wiseacred’ by this Chai-Yoo also did not last very long, yet nevertheless this sound-producing instrument King constructed by him had become generally accessible owing to its simplicity; and in consequence of the fact that the result obtained from it during intentional action turned…

  • B824

    B823 B825 [BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 824] “There were evidently transmitted by inheritance to these two great terrestrial learned beings from their great grandfather, the great King Konuzion, in addition to the ability of well considering and cognizing their being-duty in relation to beings around them similar to themselves, also an interest in and a…

  • B791

    B790 B792 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 791] “Just these same substances in beings, according to the fifth deflection of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, have the free possibility of giving, in the manifestations of the common presences of three-brained beings, results not similar but ‘opposite to each other.’ “That is why, in respect of…

  • vibrations

    the vibrations required by Nature which have to be formed from the radiations issuing from beings both during their existence as well as from the process of their Rascooarno, have no significance quantitatively, but only qualitatively 1104 quality of vibrations 106 124 131 416 763 1103 1218 quality and/or quantity of vibrations 131 905 1104…