Tag: Itoklanoz

  • systems

    “Although later, your Right Reverence, the inconveniences of this system gradually became more and more apparent, nevertheless it continued to displace all the systems that had existed before. BTG IV “But in spite of the said drawbacks of the system of Saint Venoma, it gradually, as I have already said, displaced all the previous systems.…

  • being-Partkdolg-duty

    concerning Okidanokh and Djartklom B144 ff. endurance towards others’ manifestations displeasing to oneself could alone crystallize in their common presences that Partkdolg-duty which in general is necessary for all three-centered beings — Buddha B243; see suffering the action of the results of intentionally actualized Partkdolg-duty, that is to say of conscious-labors-and-intentional-sufferings B409 concerning Itoklanoz B438…

  • abnormal being-existence

    “To tell the truth, this old man had remained with him only on account of old age which, owing to abnormal being-existence most of the beings there reach; that is to say, on account of his complete uselessness for anything required under the conditions of being-existence there. BTG XIX “‘In this present period of the…

  • normal being-existence

    “To tell the truth, this old man had remained with him only on account of old age which, owing to abnormal being-existence most of the beings there reach; that is to say, on account of his complete uselessness for anything required under the conditions of being-existence there. BTG XIX “‘In this present period of the…

  • Foolasnitamnian-existence

    “But later when, as I have already said, most of them began to exist in a way unbecoming to three-brained beings, Great Nature was constrained to change their Foolasnitamnian-existence into an existence according to the principle of Itoklanoz, and when gradually in the presences of most of them those definite crystallizations foreseen by Great Nature…

  • Egoplastikoori

    GURDJIEFF TERMOS — EGOPLASTIKOORI Explicando, de acordo com o princípio Itoklanoz, a questão da duração da existência-esseral, assim como dos conteúdos das presenças comuns dos entes tricerebrais, B aponta, como responsáveis, sete atualizações que cercam estas presenças, dentre as quais a sétima atualização é a qualidade do que são chamados os egoplastikoori esserais do dado…

  • XXIX Os frutos das civilizações anteriores e as florescências da contemporânea [RBN II-29]

    GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO LIVRO II XXVIII => XXIX OS FRUTOS DAS CIVILIZAÇÕES ANTERIORES E AS FLORESCÊNCIAS DA CONTEMPORÂNEA <= XXX Explicação sobre formação, crescimento e consequências desastrosas dos principais legados das duas poderosas comunidades denominadas «Gregos» e «Romanos» Os «Gregos» e sua herança de um modo ocidental de «pensar insensato»,…

  • XXXII Hipnotismo [RBN II-32]

    GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO LIVRO II RBN II-31<=XXXII HIPNOTISMO=>RBN II-33 Porque B decidiu tornar-se um médico hipnotista. Belzebu explica o hipnotismo Estado hipnótico Como todos os entes tricerebrais de todo o Universo, os favoritos de Hassein eram sem essa propriedade psíquica particular que os permite serem trazidos ao que é chamado…