Tag: Karnak
Gurdjieff Relatos de Belzebu I
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Índice a partir da versão em inglês publicada em 1950 LIVRO I I A ascensão do pensamento II Introdução: porque Belzebu esteve em nosso sistema solar III A causa do atraso na queda da nave Karnak IV A lei da queda V O sistema do Arcanjo Hariton…
In the entirety of every man, irrespective of his heredity and education, there are formed two independent consciousnesses which in their functioning as well as in their manifestations have almost nothing in common. One consciousness is formed from the perception of all kinds of accidental, or on the part of others intentionally produced, mechanical impressions,…
SEE essence Then Beelzebub, turning to Hassein, said, “First of all, my boy, I give you my word that when we return home – unless any event from external causes independent of our Essence will prevent this – I shall explain to you everything relating to the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, concerning…
B50 <=> B52 [BTG II Why in solar system, p. 51] Capítulo II Introdução – Por que Belzebu estava em nosso sistema solar FOI NO ANO 223 após a criação do mundo, segundo o cálculo objetivo do tempo, ou, como seria dito aqui na “Terra”, no ano 1921 após o nascimento de Cristo. Através do…
BTG XXXIV BTG XXXVI XXXV. A Change in the Appointed Course of the Falling of the Transspace Ship Karnak (pgs. B657 – B659) Chapitre 35 Modification au cours de chute prévu pour le vaisseau intersystémaire « Karnak » Capítulo 35 Uma mudança no apontado curso de queda da nave trans-espacial Karnak. At this point of…
BTG XXX BTG XXXII XXXI. The Sixth and Last Sojourn of Beelzebub on the Planet Earth (pgs. B524 – B557) Chapitre 31 Sixième et dernier séjour de Belzébuth à la surface de notre Terre Capítulo 31 A sexta e última estadia de Belzebu sobre o planeta Terra. When the cosmic intersystem ship Karnak had left…
BTG XXIX BTG XXXI XXX. Art (pgs. B449 – B523) Chapitre 30 L’Art Capítulo 30 Arte. During their trip towards the planet Revozvradendr on board the ship Karnak, Beelzebub urges Ahoon to tell Hassein something about the strange three-brained beings on the planet Earth. So Ahoon addressing Hassein says that he will not, like Beelzebub,…
BTG V The System of Archangel Hariton
BTG IV <=> BTG VI V. The System of Archangel Hariton (pgs. B70 – B72) Chapitre 5 Système de l’Archange Khariton Capítulo 5 Sistema do Arcanjo Hariton. The captain of the ship Karnak explains to Beelzebub and Hassein that Archangel Hariton’s new system of ships was unanimously acknowledged to be the best, and soon it…
BTG II – Prólogo: Por que Belzebu estava em nosso sistema solar.
BTG I <=> BTG III Chapter II. Introduction: Why Beelzebub Was in Our Solar System (pgs. B51 – B55) Chapitre 2 Prologue Pourquoi Belzébuth vint sur notre système solaire Capítulo 2 Prólogo: Por que Belzebu estava em nosso sistema solar. In the year 223 after the creation of the world or as would be said…
And so, when the usual tempo of the falling of the ship Karnak had been re-established, Hassein, the grandson of Beelzebub, again sat down at his feet and turning to him, said: “Grandfather, oh, dear grandfather! Explain to me, please, why, as my uncle Tooilan told me, does our COMMON ALL-EMBRACING UNI-BEING AUTOCRAT ENDLESSNESS appear…
“Before beginning his explanations I think it not inadvisable to warn you once and for all that all my conversations with various three-centered beings arising and existing on various planets of that system where I was obliged to exist for the ‘Sins of my youth’ -, as for instance in the present case, the conversations…
sacred canticle
“From the third most sacred canticle of our cherubim and seraphim, we were worthy of learning that our CREATOR OMNIPOTENT once ascertained that this same Sun Absolute, on which HE dwelt with HIS cherubim and seraphim was, although almost imperceptibly yet nevertheless gradually, diminishing in volume. BTG XXXIX “Further, again from the sacred canticle of…
“‘Many hundreds of thousands of packets of powder are used here daily all over the country and the opium this powder ought to contain is, as you know, no cheap thing and if real opium were put into this powder, the opium alone would cost us pharmacists six or eight kopecks a packet, and we…
already established tempo B120 diverse-tempos B125 proceeding in his presence from taking in the second-being-food B165 tempo-of-ordinary-existence B240 of movement of the prime arising B293 required tempo of work B300 disharmony of the tempo, concerning Bobbin-kandelnosts B443 being-ableness deteriorated at such a tempo B496 of the deterioration of being-capacity B498 automatic B505 correct tempo for…