Tag: Kashireitleer
XXVIII O principal culpado pela destruição de todos os mui santos trabalhos de Ashiata Shiemash [RBN I-28]
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo a partir da versão em inglês publicada em 1950 LIVRO I (pgs. 390-412) RBN I-27 => XXVIII O PRINCIPAL CULPADO PELA DESTRUIÇÃO DE TODOS OS MUI SANTOS TRABALHOS DE ASHIATA SHIEMASH => RBN II-29 *A destruição é devida à invenção de um douto ser de nova…
Now listen and try to justify, and not to disappoint, my expectations. This original personality of mine, already “smelled out” by certain definite individuals from both choirs of the Judgement Seat Above, whence Objective justice proceeds, and also here on Earth, by as yet a very limited number of people, is based, as I already…
BTG XXVII BTG XXIX XXVIII. The Chief Culprit in the Destruction of All the Very Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash (pgs. B390 – B410) Chapitre 28 Le principal coupable de la destruction des Saints Travaux d’Ashyata Sheyimash Capítulo 28 O principal culpado na destruição de todos os Mui Santíssimos Trabalhos de Ashyata Shiemash. Beelzebub tells…
The Chief Culprit in the Destruction of All the Very Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash BTG XXVIII B390 ff one of those three hundred and thirteen Hasnamussian-Eternal-individuals B346 B410 his parents and his upbringing B392 ff. he had absolutely no Being in regard to this information or knowledge which he had acquired B394 Lentrohamsanin showed…
Having said this, Beelzebub again continued to relate about the Babylonian events. 1959 BTG XXIV “It was talked about and discussed by the young and old, by men and women, and even by the Babylonian butchers. Exceedingly anxious were they, particularly the learned, to know about this question. 1970 BTG XXIV “‘As I personally still…
B401 B403 [BTG XXVIII Destruction of Ashiata’s labors, p. 402] “And those to blame for the final destruction of these said usages and customs that still remained in certain communities, were those learned beings who were then assembled in the city of Babylon. “And they were then to blame in this respect owing to the…
B398 B400 [BTG XXVIII Destruction of Ashiata’s labors, p. 399] “Thereupon began that usual maleficent what is called ‘mutual inflation,’ which had already long been practiced among the learned beings of new formation and chiefly on account of which no true knowledge which has chanced to reach them ever evolves there as it does everywhere…
B397 B399 [BTG XXVIII Destruction of Ashiata’s labors, p. 398] “’And we must elect these governors and counselors on the basis of equal rights, without distinction of sex or age, by universal, direct, equal, and open ballot.’ “Thus ended the said famous Kashireitleer. “When this subsequent Universal Hasnamuss, Lentrohamsanin, had finished inscribing this Kashireitleer, indeed…
B394 B396 [BTG XXVIII Destruction of Ashiata’s labors, p. 395] “So, with all his presence he dreamed and ruminated how he could attain this. “For many days he then thought seriously, and finally he decided first of all to invent a theory upon a topic which nobody before him had ever touched upon; and secondly,…