Tag: Kundabuffer

  • B87

    B86 <=> B88 [BTG X Why “men” are not men, p. 87] Chapter X Why “Men” Are Not Men BELZEBU suspirou profundamente e continuou a falar da seguinte forma: Após a atualização do processo “Ilnosoparniano” neste planeta, passou-se um ano, segundo o cálculo objetivo do tempo. “Durante esse período, os processos correspondentes ou a involução…

  • B353

    B352 <=> B354 [BTG XXVI “The-terror-of-the-situation,” p. 353] Chapter XXVI The Legominism Concerning the Deliberations of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash Under the Title of “The Terror-of-the-Situation” “O ‘Legominismo’”, Belzebu continuou a falar, “por meio do qual as deliberações do Santo Ashiata Shiemash foram transmitidas, tinha o seguinte conteúdo: “Começava com a oração: “‘Em nome…

  • sacred being-impulses

    “‘At this period of my “self-preparation”, I had the intention upon reaching responsible age, of carrying out the task laid upon me, through one or other of the said three sacred being-impulses also. BTG XXVI “‘And this degeneration occurred in all probability in consequence of the fact that when the organ Kundabuffer had been destroyed…

  • sacred ways

    “‘All the sacred Individuals here before me, specially and intentionally actualized from Above, have always endeavored while striving for the same aim to accomplish the task laid upon them through one or other of those three sacred ways for self-perfecting, foreordained by OUR ENDLESS CREATOR HIMSELF, namely, through the sacred ways based on the being-impulses…

  • sacred members

    “The sacred members of this Most High Commission at once quieted us by saying that the apprehended danger of a catastrophe on a great cosmic scale had already passed. BTG IX “And so, my boy, inasmuch as such a cosmic actualization was possible only with the sanction of HIS ENDLESSNESS, the Great Archangel Sakaki, accompanied…

  • displeasing-manifestations-of-others-towards-yourselves

    ” He then, among other things, told them very definitely the following: “‘One of the best means of rendering ineffective the predisposition present in your nature of the crystallization of the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer is “intentional-suffering”; and the greatest intentional-suffering can be obtained in your presences if you compel yourselves…

  • arrogance

    “‘It is perfectly easy to convince beings of this planet of anything you like, provided only during their perceptions of these “fictions”, there is evoked in them and there proceeds, either consciously from without, or automatically by itself, the functioning of one or another corresponding consequence of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer crystallized in…

  • Transapalnian

    “What is most peculiar, in this case, is that, except for certain beings who existed before the second Transapalnian perturbation there, absolutely no doubt whatever concerning this certainty of theirs, has ever, as yet, crept into a single one of them. BTG XVII “It was just in those, for your contemporary favorites, infinitely remote days,…

  • Love

    the eighteenth personal commandment of our Common Creator: Love everything that breathes B198 the symbol of Love in the emblem of the society Akhaldan is in the form of the Breasts of a virgin B309 ff three fundamental factors which ought to exist in the presence of every three-brained being; namely, those factors which give…

  • souls

    “Higher being-bodies, or as they are called on some planets of that solar system, souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets except those before reaching which the emanations of our ‘Most Holy Sun Absolute’, owing to repeated deflections, gradually lose the fullness of their strength and eventually cease entirely to contain…

  • B429

    B428 B430 [BTG XXIX Fruits of former civilizations, p. 429] “Although thanks to that invention your favorites can now dye any object any color, yet, what the lastingness of the existence of these objects becomes – ah, just there lies their famous Bismarck’s ‘pet cat.’ “Before that maleficent aniline existed, the objects produced by your…

  • monks

    “At that time of the day we usually made a halt to feed our quadruped workers, and so we asked the monks to allow us to make our necessary halt in the shelter of their monastery. BTG XXII “Strange and unusual as it may seem, the beings there bearing the name monks did not refuse…

  • self-perfecting

    “It is necessary to notice further that these localizations or brains in beings serve not only as apparatuses for the transformation of corresponding cosmic substances for the purposes of the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat, but also as the means for beings whereby their conscious self-perfecting is possible. BTG XVII “But the great terror of it,…

  • suffering

    in all three-brained beings of the whole of our Universe without exception, among whom are also we men, owing to the data crystallized in our common presences for engendering in us the Divine impulse of conscience, the whole-of-us and the whole of our essence are, and must be already in our foundation, only suffering; and…

  • Commission

    “The results of these experiments having been approved and blessed by the Commission of Inspection under the presidency of Archangel Adossia, the construction of a big ship based on these principles was begun. BTG IV “The Most High Commission came to our planet Mars since it was the nearest to the planet Earth and from…

  • B674

    B673 B675 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 674] “Sitting then in solitude in the restaurant in Montmartre and watching the contemporary favorites of yours gathered there, I continued to ponder: “How many centuries have passed since that time when I began to observe the existence of the three-brained beings of this ill-fated planet! “During these long…

  • B673

    B672 B674 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 673] “It is true that later when it was no longer necessary and this for them maleficent organ was destroyed, they yet again did not foresee that by the destruction of the organ itself the possibility was not destroyed that in the future the given consequences of its properties…

  • B672

    B671 B673 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 672] At this point in his tale Beelzebub sighed deeply, and then continued thus: “Just now, while telling you about that evening spent in the restaurant in Montmartre among the contemporary three-brained beings breeding on that planet Earth which pleases you, there involuntarily revived in me the ‘being-Sarpitimnian-experiencing,’ which…

  • theories

    “And as for the objective reality of the theories of both these ‘great’ terrestrial ‘learned beings’, I am reminded of one of the wise sayings of our esteemed Mullah Nassr Eddin, namely: “‘They were both very successful, though of course not without luck, in finding the authentic godmother of the incomparable Scheherazade on an old…

  • duty

    if before my acquaintance with this all-universal principle of living, I had actualized all manifestations differently, then I did so automatically, and sometimes only half consciously, but after this event I began to do so consciously and moreover with an instinctive sensation of the two blended impulses of self-satisfaction and selfcognizance in correctly and honorably…