Tag: Kundabuffer
Saint Moses, one of the genuine Sacred Individuals intentionally actualized from Above B699 normality-loving Saint Moses B700 teaching of B699 B702 ff B733 commandment of Saint Moses not to take the holy names in vain B23 all the five religions — Buddhistic, Hebrew, Christian, Mohammedan, Lamaist — founded on the teachings of five different genuine…
Having said this with a smile, Beelzebub became silent; a little later he made a very strange gestu1e with his left hand, and with an intonation not proper to his own voice, he continued: “While I am gradually recalling and telling you about all this concerning the events of a period of my existence now…
“Moreover, you will soon clearly convince yourself about this, when on returning to our dear Karatas, I will show you, as I have already promised, and explain practically the significance of the tuning on that contemporary sound-producing instrument, the piano, which was taken by me among a number of other things from the surface of…
And so, just at the moment when our Kurd was overwhelmed by all the unusual sensations proceeding within him from this strange repast on the bosom of Nature, there came along the same road a fellow villager of his, one reputed by those who knew him to be very clever and experienced; and, seeing that…
“Among the latter, both in respect of name and caricature imitations, are their contemporary theaters now existing there. BTG XXX “The three-brained beings of the contemporary civilization quite frequently assemble in considerable numbers in these theaters of theirs in order to observe and presumably to study the various prepared manifestations of their ‘actors’, as they…
a something arose, an irresistible urge to do things not as others do them B30 that soft and slippery something B31 ff a something automatically engendering definite unfriendliness B44 I, that is, this something-unknown of mine B38 Kundabuffer, that something accursed for them B89 B1162 in Poundolero and Sensimiriniko, there arose and was continuously sensed…
Whereupon she immediately, without hesitation, and with a perceptible impulse of disdain for all around her, and with commendable self-cognizance, gave up her soul directly into the hands of His Truthfulness, the Archangel Gabriel. BTG I “The results of these experiments having been approved and blessed by the Commission of Inspection under the presidency of…
Objective-Conscience is not yet atrophied in them — the Legominism of Ashiata Shiemash B359 conscience had not yet been quite atrophied in the priest Abdil B188 B190 the germs which are in him for the possibilities of acquiring pure-Reason have not the time during the process of his subsequent formation to become atrophied to the…
In trying first to understand the basic thought and real significance hidden in this strange verbal formulation, there must, in my opinion, first of all arise in the consciousness of every more or less sane-thinking man the supposition that, in the totality of ideas on which is based and from which must flow a sensible…
“‘Many hundreds of thousands of packets of powder are used here daily all over the country and the opium this powder ought to contain is, as you know, no cheap thing and if real opium were put into this powder, the opium alone would cost us pharmacists six or eight kopecks a packet, and we…
Oh, the devil! Will there indeed be repeated that same exceedingly unpleasant and highly strange sensation which it befell me to experience when about three weeks ago I was composing in my thoughts the scheme and sequence of the ideas destined by me for publication and did not know then how to begin either? BTG…
Now listen and try to justify, and not to disappoint, my expectations. This original personality of mine, already “smelled out” by certain definite individuals from both choirs of the Judgement Seat Above, whence Objective justice proceeds, and also here on Earth, by as yet a very limited number of people, is based, as I already…
And so, I have already composed in my head the plan and sequence of the intended expositions, but what form they will take on paper, I, speaking frankly, myself do not as yet know with my consciousness, but with my subconsciousness I already definitely feel that on the whole it will take the form of…
“‘Although these Havatvernoni or Religions have nothing in common’, continued His Conformity, ‘yet nevertheless in these peculiar religions of theirs there is very widely spread among the beings of all three groups the same custom called among them “Sacrificial-Offerings”. 1102 BTG XIX “The name Olbogmek means, ‘There are not different religions, there is only one…
“In this same city the head of this large community existed who was called ‘King Appolis ‘. 710 BTG XV “I learned, namely, that before this incident our unfortunate country man had for some reason been on friendly terms with this King Appolis, and was often at his house. 712 BTG XV “As it transpired,…
three separate independent spiritualized parts, each of which has, as a central place for the concentration of all its functioning, a localization of its own which they call a brain; all the impressions in their common presences whether coming from without or arising from within are also perceived independently by each of these brains of…
“And that is that during their later revolutions of this kind, almost all the three-brained beings there or at least the overwhelming majority who begin to fall into such a ‘psychosis ‘, always destroy for some reason or other, the existence of just such other beings like themselves, as have, for some reason or other,…
That Greek language, the spirit and essence of which were transmitted to me by heredity, and the language now spoken by contemporary Greeks, are as much alike as, according to the expression of Mullah Nassr Eddin, “a nail is like a requiem”. 58 BTG I In the entirety of every man, irrespective of his heredity…
by being instinct B86 the active mentation in a being and the useful results of such active mentation are in reality actualized exclusively only with the equal-degree functionings of all his three localizations of the results spiritualized in his presence, called thinking-center, feeling-center and moving-motor-center B1172 in the name of the causes of my arising,…