Tag: Kundabuffer
To stop this undesirable sensation I might then still have had recourse to the aid of that maleficent property existing also in me, as in contemporary man, which has become inherent in all of us, and which enables us, without experiencing any remorse of conscience whatever, to put off anything we wish to do “till…
“Certainly, my boy, on each separate planet of that solar system also, the planetary bodies of the three-brained beings are coated and take an exterior form in conformity with the nature of the given planet, and are adapted in their details to the surrounding nature. 327 BTG III “For instance, on that planet on which…
Saint and genuine Messenger from Above, Divine Teacher, Sacred Individual 233-61 passim advice concerning the destruction of the consequences of Kundabuffer 241 ff. and 699 724-5 733 Buddhism: 256 259 457 699 “In view of this, I first began seriously studying these religious-teachings there, and having in the course of my studies constated that one…
Our Common Father Endlessness began to actualize everything in such a direction that, under conditions of a certain kind of change in the functioning of the common presences of some of these Tetartocosmoses, there might be transformed and crystallized, besides the crystallizations which had to be transformed for the purpose of the new common-cosmic exchange…
the musical instrument B855 organs of perception B17 B39 B169 B468-70 B923 B972 the six being-Skernalits-ionniks, or sense organs B566 six organs called receivers-of-the-varied-qualitied-vibrations, which organs function in accordance with newly perceived impressions B1190 organs of hearing B17 B160 B270 B488-9 organ of smell B650 B957 organs of sight B157 B160 B168-9 B304-5 B472; organs…
that transformation which should in general proceed in the entirety of a man and give him, from his own conscious mentation the results he ought to have, which are proper to man B25 man is a transforming machine, a kind of transmitting station of forces B1203 and so, the three-brained beings of the planet Earth…
islands of the world. This island Paradise is full of young and lovely women, of all the peoples and races of the world; and each of them belongs for the asking to the soul that desires her. In certain public squares of that superb island, mountains of various articles of adornment are always kept, BTG…
B467 B469 [BTG XXX Art, p. 468] “Before continuing to speak about in which way those terrestrial learned beings then indicated various fragments of knowledge in their combinations of various colors, one fact concerning what I am just relating must be noticed – a fact definitely distressing for those favorites of yours and which was…
in the process of the creation of the now existing World, the Divine Will Power of our Endlessness participated only at the beginning B756 all men are divine, but if only one is violently killed by another, then all will be as nothing — motto of Persian anti-war society B1063 activities B740 actualization B759 anxiety…
B1182 B1184 [BTG XLVII Result impartial mentation, p. 1183] Thereupon Beelzebub suddenly also arose unexpectedly and having stretched His right hand forward and His left hand back, He directed His vision somewhere afar off, and it seemed that with His sight He was, as it were, piercing the very depths of space. Simultaneously ‘something’ pale…
concerning Kundabuffer: every repeated impression from outside should crystallize in them data which would engender factors for evoking in them sensations of pleasure and enjoyment B88 to perceive every new impression without being-Partkdolg-duty B103 my essence began to receive impressions directly B164 associations of three different kinds of impressions proceed in the three said localizations…
B723 B725 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 724] And when this future Saint arrived for the purpose mentioned at one large point, near which the armed crowd of foreign beings had camped for a needed rest, a stray bullet fired – intentionally or accidentally – in the street of this large point by one of these…
B720 B722 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 721] “And they learned about it only when that mob was already up. “When the beings of this high country learned of this unusual event, they immediately became alarmed and agitated, because they had grown accustomed to the notion during many centuries that the place of their existence was…
B717 B719 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 718] “And this further new combination of their general psyche occurred also thanks to a slight unforeseen misunderstanding connected with the common Harmonic-Movement of the whole of that solar system. “I will some time explain to you also about the details of that misunderstanding. “And meanwhile let us return…
B714 B716 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 715] “Now let us talk about what I promised to tell you a little more in detail, namely, about the teachings of the last Sacred Individual who appeared among the beings of Tibet, Saint Lama, and about the causes of the complete destruction of that teaching also. “The teaching…
B436 B438 [BTG XXIX Fruits of former civilizations, p. 437] “None of these unfortunates know and probably never will reflect that not only is nothing good obtained by them from this maleficent sport of theirs, but they, as I have already told you, solely owing to this sport alone, still further shorten the duration of…
B429 B431 [BTG XXIX Fruits of former civilizations, p. 430] “When their ancestors had that invention in themselves of the Great Angel Looisos, then, thanks to this organ, they were always exactly in the same state as the contemporary beings are when they introduce into themselves this German invention called cocaine. “I must warn you,…
Ashiata Shiemash began enlightening their Reason by means of objectively true information and guiding their being-impulses in such a way that they could sense these truths without the participation either of the abnormally crystallized factors already within their presences, or of the factors which might newly arise from the results of the external perceptions they…