Tag: Kundabuffer
B624 B626 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 625] “Only in consequence of the fact that the data for the sacred impulse of being-conscience do not take part in the function of this consciousness of theirs, the actions of the law Solioonensius, just as well as of other inevitable cosmic laws, are molded into such abnormal and…
“In Gemchania itself all the adherents of that sect already knew of the existence of that special ‘convenient’ place for the actualization of the finale of their religious doctrine, purporting to have been based on the exact instructions of Saint Buddha; and in every big center they even had what are called agents who helped…
“‘These meditations of mine made it categorically clear to me, that all the genuine functions proper to men-beings, as they are proper to all the three-centered beings of our Great Universe, had already degenerated in their remote ancestors into other functions, namely, into functions included among the properties of the organ Kundabuffer which were very…
B373 B375 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 374] “However it might have been, my boy, it then so turned out that almost all of your favorites – those strange three-brained beings – also wished and began to strive with all their spiritualized being-parts to have in their ordinary waking-consciousness the Divine genuine objective conscience,…
“Meanwhile know that there, among these terrestrial three-brained beings who please you, there existed and exists a great quantity of all kinds of ‘religious doctrines’ on which these numerous ‘religions’ of theirs are just built up, and that they usually arise in the following way: “I already told you that when it became clear that…
“The result of these serious ponderings of theirs was that the conviction at first arose in them that this self-perfection could probably be actualized by itself, by abstaining from the ejection from oneself in the customary manner of these substances formed in them called sperm, and certain of them decided to unite and exist together,…
SEE abstain monks B807 ff from the consumption of certain edible products B1011 theirs was that the conviction at first arose in them that this self-perfection could probably be actualized by itself, by abstaining from the ejection from oneself in the customary manner of these substances formed in them called sperm, and certain of [BTG…
B363 B365 [BTG XXVI “The-terror-of-the-situation,” p. 364] “In such cases a strong desire appears in the common presences of such favorites of yours, to work upon themselves, to work as they say, for the ‘salvation-of-their-soul.’ “But needless to say, nothing can result from such desires of theirs just because it is already too late for…
B361 B363 [BTG XXVI “The-terror-of-the-situation,” p. 362] “Before continuing to tell you more about the activities of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash for the welfare of your favorites, I must, I think, elucidate to you, a little more in detail, that inner impulse which is called there by your favorites Hope, and concerning which the…
B359 B361 [BTG XXVI “The-terror-of-the-situation,” p. 360] “’When all the above-mentioned was completely transubstantiated in me, I decided to consecrate the whole of myself from that time on to the creation here of such conditions that the functioning of the “sacred-conscience” still surviving in their subconsciousness, might gradually pass into the functioning of their ordinary…
B357 B359 [BTG XXVI “The-terror-of-the-situation,” p. 358] “’But never do beings-men here love with genuine, impartial and nonegoistic love. “’Thanks to this kind of love in the contemporary beings here, their hereditary predispositions to the crystallizations of the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer are crystallized at the present time without hindrance, and…
B356 B358 [BTG XXVI “The-terror-of-the-situation,” p. 357] “’In an equally abnormal form were data moulded in them for evoking the sacred impulse of love. “’In the presences of the beings of contemporary times, there also arises and is present in them as much as you please of that strange impulse which they call love; but…
B355 B357 [BTG XXVI “The-terror-of-the-situation,” p. 356] “’They also believe, but this sacred impulse in them does not function independently, as it does in general in all the three-centered beings existing on the various other planets of our Great Universe, upon which beings with the same possibilities breed; but it arises dependent upon some or…
B354 B356 [BTG XXVI “The-terror-of-the-situation,” p. 355] “’A third forty days and nights I knelt on my knees and also neither ate nor drank, and every half-hour I plucked two hairs from my breast. “’And only when, thereafter, I had finally attained complete freedom from all the bodily and spiritual associations of the impressions of…
sofrimento voluntário
GURDJIEFF TERMOS — TRABALHO CONSCIENTE E SOFRIMENTO VOLUNTÁRIO VIDE: SOFRIMENTO; OBRIGAÇÕES Segundo Richard Defouw, no ensinamento de G, um elemento chave do processo pelo qual a transformação que é possível para uma pessoa pode ser alcançada, é o «trabalho sobre si mesmo». Ser e consciência são desenvolvidos através de uma espécie de trabalho chamado «trabalho…
XXXVIII Religião [RBN II-38]
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo da tradução em inglês de 1950 LIVRO II RBN II-37 => XXXVIII RELIGIÃO => RBN II-39 Tal, em sentido objetivo, de fato, “arquemaleficente” fator [a religiosidade] para a “redução” da psique deles surgiu aí, neste planeta desgraçado, também desde que várias consequências das propriedades do sempre…
XXVI O legominismo concernente às deliberações do muito santo Ashiata Shiemash sob o título «O Terror da Situação» [RBN I-26]
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo a partir da versão em inglês publicada em 1950 LIVRO I (pgs. 353-365) RBN I-25 ⇐ XXVI O legominismo concernente às deliberações do Mui Santo Ashiata Shiemash sob o título «O Terror da Situação» ⇒ RBN I-27 *LEGOMINISMO, um dos meios de transmissão de informação sobre…
XXV O muito santo Ashiata Shiemash enviado do Alto à Terra [RBN I-25]
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO VIDE: philo:ASHIATA SHIEMASH, philo:LEGOMINISM, philo:INITIATE Resumo a partir da versão em inglês publicada em 1950 LIVRO I RBN I-24 => XXV O MUITO SANTO ASHIATA SHIEMASH ENVIADO DO ALTO PARA A TERRA => RBN I-26 Escute muito atentamente à informação concernente ao Mui Verdadeiro Santo, agora já…