Tag: Lentrohamsanin
BTG XXXIII BTG XXV XXIV. BEELZEBUB’S Flight to the Planet Earth for the Fifth Time (pgs. B315 – B346) Chapitre 24 Belzébuth s’envole vers la planète Terre pour la cinquième fois Capítulo 24 O voo de Belzebu para o planeta Terra pela quinta vez. Beelzebub continued his tale telling Hassein that he visited Earth for…
BTG XXVII BTG XXIX XXVIII. The Chief Culprit in the Destruction of All the Very Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash (pgs. B390 – B410) Chapitre 28 Le principal coupable de la destruction des Saints Travaux d’Ashyata Sheyimash Capítulo 28 O principal culpado na destruição de todos os Mui Santíssimos Trabalhos de Ashyata Shiemash. Beelzebub tells…
“In the name of Justice, I must now say that the prime initiative for the destruction of the holy labors of Ashiata Shiemash did not spring, however, from these learned of the Earth who were then assembled in the city of Babylon, but from the invention of a learned being very well known there, who…
you, at your age, should have an exhaustive knowledge and understanding about this holy planet-Beelzebub to Hassein B744 it is necessary for the three-brained beings of your planet to have knowledge-of-being, and any information, even if true, gives to beings in general only mental knowledge, which always serves as a means to diminish their possibilities…
The Judgment Seat Above B27 the foundation of this Most Great Greatness is there Above B244 From Above: command B1120 B1147; commanded B353; commandment B948 confided to Moses B1004 data manifested, for engendering in them genuine conscience B368; and B378 supreme direction B110 desire expressed B1142 not forbidden us from Above to be frank B901…
GURDJIEFF TERMOS — EGOPLASTIKOORI Explicando, de acordo com o princípio Itoklanoz, a questão da duração da existência-esseral, assim como dos conteúdos das presenças comuns dos entes tricerebrais, B aponta, como responsáveis, sete atualizações que cercam estas presenças, dentre as quais a sétima atualização é a qualidade do que são chamados os egoplastikoori esserais do dado…
XXVIII O principal culpado pela destruição de todos os mui santos trabalhos de Ashiata Shiemash [RBN I-28]
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo a partir da versão em inglês publicada em 1950 LIVRO I (pgs. 390-412) RBN I-27 => XXVIII O PRINCIPAL CULPADO PELA DESTRUIÇÃO DE TODOS OS MUI SANTOS TRABALHOS DE ASHIATA SHIEMASH => RBN II-29 *A destruição é devida à invenção de um douto ser de nova…