Tag: mensageiro

  • Teacher

    our Common-Father-Endlessness is only the Maker of a three-centered being; the genuine creator, however, of his essence during the period of his preparatory existence is his Oskianotsner, namely his tutor or teacher B818 the Great Saroonoorishan, my first educator, the fundamental cause of all the spiritualized parts of my genuine common presence, the prime creator…

  • methods

    “His methods were so varied and at the same time so reasonable that even those of his ‘subjects-beings ‘ in whom the said consequences had already been crystallized could not help respecting him, although they added to his name, of course behind his back, the nickname ‘Archcunning ‘. BTG XV “But for the three-brained beings…

  • religions

    “‘Although these Havatvernoni or Religions have nothing in common’, continued His Conformity, ‘yet nevertheless in these peculiar religions of theirs there is very widely spread among the beings of all three groups the same custom called among them “Sacrificial-Offerings”. 1102 BTG XIX “The name Olbogmek means, ‘There are not different religions, there is only one…

  • soul

    “Here it is interesting to notice that concerning this they were warned by still another Saint-Individual, also a genuine Messenger from Above, namely, the Saint Kirmininasha. “And this Saint and genuine Messenger gave this warning to them in the following words: “’Blessed is he that bath a soul; blessed also is he that hath none;…

  • Buddha

    Saint and genuine Messenger from Above, Divine Teacher, Sacred Individual 233-61 passim advice concerning the destruction of the consequences of Kundabuffer 241 ff. and 699 724-5 733 Buddhism: 256 259 457 699 “In view of this, I first began seriously studying these religious-teachings there, and having in the course of my studies constated that one…

  • Babylonian

    Having said this, Beelzebub again continued to relate about the Babylonian events. 1959 BTG XXIV “It was talked about and discussed by the young and old, by men and women, and even by the Babylonian butchers. Exceedingly anxious were they, particularly the learned, to know about this question. 1970 BTG XXIV “‘As I personally still…