Tag: mentação

  • EHN (Intro) – dizer e falar

    Certa vez, quando eu conversava em russo e, como de costume, estava traduzindo meus pensamentos, que se formavam à moda persa, achei necessário usar uma expressão que nós, persas, costumamos usar em conversas, myan-diaram, que significa em francês je dis e em inglês “I say”[em português, digo]. Mas, por mais que eu tentasse, buscando em…

  • B1162

    B1161 <=> B1163 [BTG XLVI Form and sequence, p. 1162] Chapter XLVI “Não se preocupe comigo, meu querido avô, esse meu estado logo passará. Evidentemente, durante o último ‘dianosk’, ponderei muito ativamente e, com toda a probabilidade, a partir desse funcionamento não acostumado ‘recém-temporizado’, o ritmo geral do funcionamento de toda a minha presença comum…

  • mentation

    the active mentation in a being and the useful results of such active mentation are in reality actualized exclusively only with the equal-degree functionings of all his three localizations of the results spiritualized in his presence, called thinking-center, feeling-center, and moving-motor-center 1172; and 1162 1165 active: 55 591 661 807 813 833 922 1056 1151…

  • Aiëssirittoorassnian-contemplation

    the sacred cosmic substances required for the coating of the highest being-body, can be assimilated and correspondingly transformed and coated in them, just as in us, exclusively only from the process of what is called Aiëssirittoorassnian-contemplation actualized in the common presence by the cognized intention on the part of all their spiritualized independent parts B569

  • being-Aimnophnian-mentation

    “In certain of the beings there, particularly of recent times, their being-Aimnophnian-mentation or perceptible logic has already become such that they can very clearly see this same ‘God’ of theirs in their picturings, almost with a comb sticking out of his left vest pocket, with which he sometimes combs his famous beard. BTG XXXIX “Such…

  • being-association

    “Not once during my preceding tales concerning these beings who have taken your fancy has there ever been recalled in my being-association an event which took place there just one day before my flight forever from the surface of that planet, and which event proves that something after all did reach even your contemporary favorites…

  • being-associations

    “After the need to actualize being-Partkdolg-duty in themselves had entirely disappeared from the presences of most of them, and every kind of association of unavoidably perceived shocks began to proceed in the process of their waking state only from several already automatized what are called ‘series-of-former-imprints’ consisting of endlessly repeated what are called ‘impressions-experienced-long-ago’, there…

  • being-confrontative-logical-mentation

    “From all that I have told you about this, that these contemporary Russians always follow the example of someone and imitate somebody, it can be clearly understood how much of the functioning of the data for being-confrontative-logical-mentation is already deteriorated in the presences of terrestrial three-brained beings. BTG XXXIV

  • being-contemplation

    “Teleoghinooras can be formed from such a quality of being-contemplation as only those three-brained beings have and can actualize, who have coated their higher being bodies in their presences and who have brought the perfecting of the Reason of their higher being part up to the degree of the sacred ‘Martfotai’. BTG XXIII “The information…

  • being-logic

    “These exhaustive conscious observations and impartial constatations finally convinced Belcultassi that something proceeded in his own common presence not as it should have proceeded according to sane being-logic. BTG XXIII

  • being-mentation

    “Thanks to the sciences invented by the ancient Greeks, only the being-mentation of other beings was spoiled and still continues to be spoiled. BTG XXIX “I will not, like His Right Reverence, relate to you in detail about any particular oddity of the psyche of those three-brained beings of our Great Universe who have taken…

  • being-pondering

    “And such a nonsensical ‘literal’ understanding proceeds in them, of course, always owing to the fact that they have entirely ceased to produce in their common presences Partkdolg-duty, which should be actualized by being-efforts, which in their turn, alone crystallize in the three-brained beings data for the capacity of genuine being-pondering. BTG XXXVIII

  • being-reflection

    “This same American prohibition of the consumption of alcohol can serve us yet again as an excellently illuminating example for understanding to what degree the possibilities for the crystallization of data for being-reflection are atrophied in these contemporary responsible power-possessing beings, in respect of the fact that such an absurdity is being actually repeated there.…

  • being-rumination

    “Not only absolutely nothing whatever reached them of all the various fragments of general knowledge already then known on the Earth, which the learned beings the Adherents-of-Legominism indicated in lawful divergencies from the sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh, or, as they called it the Law of Sevenfoldness, but in the interval of time between these two…

  • fantastic absurdities

    “And as regards the remaining terrestrial three-brained beings, who by the way in general represent in themselves the majority, then they, becoming usually transformed at the corresponding age — owing to many causes, but chiefly because already from the earliest years of their existence it became proper to them to occupy themselves with what is…

  • enslaving factor

    This is why in the contemporary average man, every inner experience and even every painful experience which engenders mentation and which has obtained logical results which might in other circumstances be very beneficent to those round about, is not manifested outwardly but is only transformed into so to say an “enslaving factor” for him himself.…

  • B553

    B552 B554 [BTG XXXI Last sojourn to Earth, p. 553] “One of these three medical means which does sometimes nevertheless produce a useful reaction is that substance, or, more strictly speaking, those active elements entering into it, which the beings of Maralpleicie learned how to obtain from the plant poppy and which they were the…

  • image of God

    “Here you should know that your contemporary favorites very often use a notion taken by them from somewhere, I do not know whether instinctively, emotionally, or automatically, and expressed by them in the following words: ‘We are the images of God’. BTG XXXIX “This same expression of theirs — ‘We are the images of God’…

  • Hanbledzoin

    that part of the being-blood which almost everywhere is called the sacred being-Hanbledzoin, and only on certain planets is called the sacred Aiesakhaldan, and which part serves the highest part of the being called the soul, is formed from the direct emanations of our Most Holy Sun Absolute B569 in order that you may understand…

  • B320

    B319 B321 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 320] “To be able more or less clearly to represent to yourself the rate at which the length of their existence declined during this time, it is enough for you to know that when I left this solar system for ever, the maximum length of their existence…