Tag: Moisés

  • evil

    Just in this alone I shall follow their example and also begin with such an address, but I shall try not to make it very “sugary” as they usually do, owing particularly to their evil wiseacring by which they titillate the sensibilities of the more or less normal reader. 22 BTG I “‘Do you understand,…

  • religious

    Having thus begun, I can now be quite at ease, and should even, according to the notions of religious morality existing among contemporary people, be beyond all doubt assured that everything further in this new venture of mine will now proceed, as is said, “like a pianola”. 5 BTG I “Several days after this conversation…

  • Christian

    I then had only the logical supposition that it was perhaps only because the room in which this sacred scene occurred, which was to have tremendous significance for the whole of my further life, was permeated through and through with the scent of a special incense brought from the monastery of “Old Athos” and very…

  • Akhaldan

    the word expresssed: the striving to become aware of the sense and aim of the Being of beings B297 founded on the initiative of Belcultassi B292 ff a society which in its time was, throughout the whole Universe, called envied for imitation B294 genuine objective science then arose on their planet B298 members called Akhaldan…

  • Teacher

    our Common-Father-Endlessness is only the Maker of a three-centered being; the genuine creator, however, of his essence during the period of his preparatory existence is his Oskianotsner, namely his tutor or teacher B818 the Great Saroonoorishan, my first educator, the fundamental cause of all the spiritualized parts of my genuine common presence, the prime creator…

  • Moses

    Saint Moses, one of the genuine Sacred Individuals intentionally actualized from Above B699 normality-loving Saint Moses B700 teaching of B699 B702 ff B733 commandment of Saint Moses not to take the holy names in vain B23 all the five religions — Buddhistic, Hebrew, Christian, Mohammedan, Lamaist — founded on the teachings of five different genuine…

  • Land of Canaan

    “This Sacred Individual, called by your favorites ‘Jesus Christ’, was actualized in the planetary body of a boy of that race of terrestrial three-brained beings whom Saint Moses, on the command from Above, chose from among the beings of the country Egypt and led to what is called the ‘Land of Canaan’. BTG XXXVIII

  • sacred name

    I said “with my genuine soul” because recently living in Europe and coming in frequent contact with people who on every appropriate and inappropriate occasion are fond of taking in vain every sacred name which should belong only to man’s inner life, that is to say, with people who swear to no purpose, I being,…

  • Great Moses

    SEE Moses

  • BTG I – O Despertar do Pensar

    => BTG II I. The Arousing of Thought (pgs. B3 – B50) Chapitre 1 – Eveil du penser I. O Despertar do Pensar AMONG other convictions formed in my common presence during my responsible, peculiarly composed life, there is one such also – an indubitable conviction – that always and everywhere on the earth, among…


    BTG XXXVII BTG XXXIX XXXVIII. Religion (pgs. B694 – B743) Chapitre 38 La Religion Capítulo 38 Religião. Beelzebub, during their trip on the ship Karnak heading for the holly planet Purgatory, explains to Hassein how a large number of ‘havatvernonis’ or ‘religions’ came to existence on the plane Earth. According to his explanations our Abundantly…

  • learning

    Yes, I think you might as well be told also about an idea which has only just arisen in my madcap brain, and namely, specially to request the printer, to whom I shall give my first book, to print this first chapter of my writings in such a way that anybody may read it before…