Tag: monastérios
Orage (BTG:24-1-1927) – movimento perpétuo
Essa parábola está em termos mecânicos (psicológicos). Movimento perpétuo; a noção de que, de uma forma ou de outra, alcançamos a imortalidade. Um corpo imortal é uma máquina capaz de movimento perpétuo, potência, etc. Isso é uma sátira, pois com essas noções muitos enlouqueceram. Todos tentaram criar uma religião, independentemente de estarem qualificados para o…
B366 B368 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 367] “According to my latest investigations, when, in all the separate spiritualized parts of the common presences of these two three-brained beings of that period, Poundolero and Sensimiriniko, there arose and was continuously sensed the suspicion, which later became a conviction, that, owing to some obviously nonlawful…
in the Being of this priest the function called conscience had not yet been quite atrophied in him B187 ff; and B190 Beelzebub explained to his friend frankly the utter stupidity and absurdity of the custom of Sacrificial-Offerings B191 ff. instead of delivering the usual sermon he began speaking about Sacrificial-Offerings B201 ff. Beelzebub gave…
XXII Belzebu pela primeira vez no Tibet [RBN I-22]
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo a partir da versão em inglês publicada em 1950 LIVRO I (pgs. 252-267) RBN I-21 => XXII BELZEBU PELA PRIMEIRA VEZ NO TIBETE => RBN I-23 *Retorno ao Mar de Beneficência pelos Himalaias **Passagem por lugares ainda mais peculiares, e através de partes ainda mais incomuns…
I O Despertar do Pensar [RBN I-1]
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo feito a partir da versão em inglês de 1950 LIVRO I CONSELHO <= I O Despertar do Pensar => RBN I-2 ‘O prefácio do livro’, Orage disse, ‘é o que uma abertura é para uma ópera; as ideias a serem desenvolvidas estão indicadas rápida e superficialmente,…
“The result of these serious ponderings of theirs was that the conviction at first arose in them that this self-perfection could probably be actualized by itself, by abstaining from the ejection from oneself in the customary manner of these substances formed in them called sperm, and certain of them decided to unite and exist together,…
Yes, I think you might as well be told also about an idea which has only just arisen in my madcap brain, and namely, specially to request the printer, to whom I shall give my first book, to print this first chapter of my writings in such a way that anybody may read it before…
BTG XXVI BTG XXVIII XXVII. The Organization for Man’s Existence Created by the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash (pgs. B366 – B389) Chapitre 27 De l’ordre d’existence que créa pour les hommes le Très Saint Ashyata Sheyimash Capítulo 27 A organização da existência do homem criada pelo Mui Santíssimo Ashyata Shiemash. Continuing his recount about the…
BTG XVIII BTG XX XIX. BEELZEBUB’S Tales About His Second Descent on to the Planet Earth (pgs. B177 – B206) Chapitre 19 Belzébuth raconte sa seconde descente sur la planète Terre Capítulo 19 Relatos de Belzebu sobre sua segunda descida sobre o planeta Terra. Beelzebub recounts to Hassein the events that happened during his second…
BTG I – O Despertar do Pensar
=> BTG II I. The Arousing of Thought (pgs. B3 – B50) Chapitre 1 – Eveil du penser I. O Despertar do Pensar AMONG other convictions formed in my common presence during my responsible, peculiarly composed life, there is one such also – an indubitable conviction – that always and everywhere on the earth, among…
“However it might have been, my boy, it then so turned out that almost all of your favorites – those strange three-brained beings – also wished and began to strive with all their spiritualized being-parts to have in their ordinary waking-consciousness the Divine genuine objective conscience, and in consequence, most of the beings of Asia…
common existence
“Only much later the center of their common existence was formed on the southeastern shore of the sea; and this place they called the city Gob. This city became the chief place of existence for the head of this second group of beings of the continent Ashhark, whom they called ‘king’. BTG XX “Just these…
Beelzebub continued to relate further as follows: “My further researches and investigations also cleared up for me that after the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash had pondered on the mountain Veziniama and ad formulated in his mind a definite plan for his further Most Saintly Activities, he did not again return to the city of Babylon…
existence of beings of other forms
“‘And this custom of theirs is based on the notion, which can be cognized only by their strange Reason alone, that if they destroy the existence of beings of other forms in honor of their gods and idols, then these imaginary gods and idols of theirs would find it very, very agreeable, and always and…
“At the present time, very many of these ‘monasteries’ exist there, and these innumerable ‘monks’ who enter them do indeed strictly abstain from the ejection from themselves in the customary way of the being-Exioëhary or sperm formed in them; but of course, no sensible result at all is ever obtained from this abstinence of theirs,…
Divine being-impulse
“When the organization of the first brotherhood Heechtvori in the city Djoolfapal had been more or less regulated and was so established that the further work could already be continued independently, by means only of the directions issuing from the Reason then present in the brotherhood, then the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash himself selected from…
“And your favorites, the beings of the planet Earth, particularly the beings of the present time, do not use these same substances of being-Exioëhary at all consciously, neither for self-perfecting nor for conscious reproduction outside of themselves of new beings similar to themselves. BTG XXXIX “There I will explain to you sometime in detail where…
sacred canticles
“‘And the cause of my further serious interest in the laws of vibrations was the following: “‘Once the Sheikh of our monastery called me to him and said: “‘”Hadji! In the monastery where I was still an ordinary dervish, whenever during certain mysteries our musician dervishes played the melodies of the sacred canticles, all of…
sacred being-Partkdolg-duties
“At the present time, very many of these ‘monasteries’ exist there, and these innumerable ‘monks’ who enter them do indeed strictly abstain from the ejection from themselves in the customary way of the being-Exioëhary or sperm formed in them; but of course, no sensible result at all is ever obtained from this abstinence of theirs,…