Tag: monastérios

  • sacred canticle

    “From the third most sacred canticle of our cherubim and seraphim, we were worthy of learning that our CREATOR OMNIPOTENT once ascertained that this same Sun Absolute, on which HE dwelt with HIS cherubim and seraphim was, although almost imperceptibly yet nevertheless gradually, diminishing in volume. BTG XXXIX “Further, again from the sacred canticle of…

  • sacred law

    “About how and why upon planets, during the transition of the fundamental sacred laws into ‘Ilnosoparnian’, there arise ‘Similitudes-of-the-Whole’ and about what factors contribute to the formation of one or another of these, as they are called, ‘systems of being-brains’, and also about all the laws of World-creation and World-maintenance in general, I will explain…

  • sacred scene

    I then had only the logical supposition that it was perhaps only because the room in which this sacred scene occurred, which was to have tremendous significance for the whole of my further life, was permeated through and through with the scent of a special incense brought from the monastery of “Old Athos” and very…

  • souls

    “Higher being-bodies, or as they are called on some planets of that solar system, souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets except those before reaching which the emanations of our ‘Most Holy Sun Absolute’, owing to repeated deflections, gradually lose the fullness of their strength and eventually cease entirely to contain…

  • thought

    The Arousing of Thought B3 ff B1184 consider the analogy of the hackney carriage B1192 ff. the quality of the functioning of thought, feeling, and organic automatism B38 the quality of the Teleokrimalniehnian thought-waves B438 a Teleoghinoora is a materialized idea or thought B293 ff Korkaptilnian thought tapes B293 ff the sensing of the flow…

  • monks

    “At that time of the day we usually made a halt to feed our quadruped workers, and so we asked the monks to allow us to make our necessary halt in the shelter of their monastery. BTG XXII “Strange and unusual as it may seem, the beings there bearing the name monks did not refuse…

  • waking

    In self-justification, and also perhaps to diminish the degree of the censure in your waking consciousness of my ignorance of this language indispensable for contemporary life, I consider it necessary to say, with a humble heart and cheeks flushed with shame, that although I too was taught this language in my childhood, and even though…

  • bread

    Walking at sunset over the hills and dales, and willy-nilly perceiving the exterior visibility of those enchanting parts of the bosom of Great Nature, the Common Mother, and involuntarily inhaling a pure air uncontaminated by the usual exhalations of industrial towns, our Kurd quite naturally suddenly felt a wish to gratify himself with some ordinary…

  • brethren

    “And here, for the elucidation of the strangeness of the psyche of the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, it is very important and interesting to note that while Gornahoor Harharkh was, with the aid of his new invention, artificially and deliberately producing the evolution and involution of the density and vivifyingness of the…

  • Makary

    “And according to this elucidation, it turned out that that three-brained being who was the first to give the beginning of the crystallizing of that maleficent idea was a certain Makary Kronbernkzion whose higher being-part perfected to the required gradation of Reason had not only become worthy to go to the holy planet, but was…

  • monastery

    I then had only the logical supposition that it was perhaps only because the room in which this sacred scene occurred, which was to have tremendous significance for the whole of my further life, was permeated through and through with the scent of a special incense brought from the monastery of “Old Athos” and very…

  • priest

    The point is that this dexterity was thoroughly taught me only a few days before this event by a Greek priest from Turkey, who, persecuted by Turks for his political convictions, had been compelled to flee from there, and having arrived in our town had been hired by my parents as a teacher for me…

  • sensations

    And so, just at the moment when our Kurd was overwhelmed by all the unusual sensations proceeding within him from this strange repast on the bosom of Nature, there came along the same road a fellow villager of his, one reputed by those who knew him to be very clever and experienced; and, seeing that…

  • one-brained

    “And it is according to the second principle of being-existence that all one-brained and two-brained beings in general exist wherever they may arise… BTG XVI “And the sense and aim of the existence of these beings, also, consist in this, that there are transmuted through them the cosmic substances required not for purposes of a…

  • atrophy

    Objective-Conscience is not yet atrophied in them — the Legominism of Ashiata Shiemash B359 conscience had not yet been quite atrophied in the priest Abdil B188 B190 the germs which are in him for the possibilities of acquiring pure-Reason have not the time during the process of his subsequent formation to become atrophied to the…

  • cognized

    In trying first to understand the basic thought and real significance hidden in this strange verbal formulation, there must, in my opinion, first of all arise in the consciousness of every more or less sane-thinking man the supposition that, in the totality of ideas on which is based and from which must flow a sensible…

  • money

    Yes, I think you might as well be told also about an idea which has only just arisen in my madcap brain, and namely, specially to request the printer, to whom I shall give my first book, to print this first chapter of my writings in such a way that anybody may read it before…

  • B422

    B421 B423 [BTG XXIX Fruits of former civilizations, p. 422] “And there already on the continent Asia, they began spreading that maleficent influence of theirs, first among beings populating the western shores of that continent – in whom, as I have already said, being-impulses for a more or less normal being-existence had been implanted during…

  • subconsciousness

    And so, I have already composed in my head the plan and sequence of the intended expositions, but what form they will take on paper, I, speaking frankly, myself do not as yet know with my consciousness, but with my subconsciousness I already definitely feel that on the whole it will take the form of…

  • two-brained

    “And it is according to the second principle of being-existence that all one-brained and two-brained beings in general exist wherever they may arise… 845 BTG XVI “And the sense and aim of the existence of these beings, also, consist in this, that there are transmuted through them the cosmic substances required not for purposes of…