Tag: monastérios
they themselves admit the existence of many ancient sages and also do not deny the great amount of most varied information which has come down to them concerning the many objective truths elucidated by these sages, which information certain of your favorites are, without any remorse of conscience, giving out as having been thought of…
It must even be emphasized that although even before this event I already did everything not as others did, yet my manifestations were hardly thrust before the eyes of my fellow countrymen around me, but from the moment when the essence of this principle of living was assimilated in my nature, then on the one…
That Greek language, the spirit and essence of which were transmitted to me by heredity, and the language now spoken by contemporary Greeks, are as much alike as, according to the expression of Mullah Nassr Eddin, “a nail is like a requiem”. 58 BTG I In the entirety of every man, irrespective of his heredity…
I then had only the logical supposition that it was perhaps only because the room in which this sacred scene occurred, which was to have tremendous significance for the whole of my further life, was permeated through and through with the scent of a special incense brought from the monastery of “Old Athos” and very…
And nothing stuck, as it was quite recently made clear to me, not through any fault of mine, nor through the fault of my former respected and nonrespected teachers, but this human labor was spent in vain owing to one unexpected and quite exceptional event which occurred at the moment of my appearance on God’s…
Having thus begun, I can now be quite at ease, and should even, according to the notions of religious morality existing among contemporary people, be beyond all doubt assured that everything further in this new venture of mine will now proceed, as is said, “like a pianola”. 5 BTG I “Several days after this conversation…
To stop this undesirable sensation I might then still have had recourse to the aid of that maleficent property existing also in me, as in contemporary man, which has become inherent in all of us, and which enables us, without experiencing any remorse of conscience whatever, to put off anything we wish to do “till…
“Certainly, my boy, on each separate planet of that solar system also, the planetary bodies of the three-brained beings are coated and take an exterior form in conformity with the nature of the given planet, and are adapted in their details to the surrounding nature. 327 BTG III “For instance, on that planet on which…
Having said this, Beelzebub again continued to relate about the Babylonian events. 1959 BTG XXIV “It was talked about and discussed by the young and old, by men and women, and even by the Babylonian butchers. Exceedingly anxious were they, particularly the learned, to know about this question. 1970 BTG XXIV “‘As I personally still…
“And we descended upon this Sea because it washed the Eastern shores of that continent where I wished to go, namely, to that continent then called Grabontzi and now called Africa, on which those ape-beings I needed then bred more than on any other of the terra firma parts of the surface of that planet…
B464 B466 [BTG XXX Art, p. 465] “Friday, the ‘day-of-sculpture.’ “Saturday, the ‘day-of-the-mysteries,’ or, as it was also called, ‘the-day-of-the-theater.’ “Sunday, the ‘day-of-music-and-song.’ “On Mondays, namely, on the ‘day-of-religious-and-civil-ceremonies,’ the learned beings of the first group demonstrated various ceremonies in which the ‘fragments-of-knowledge’ that had been previously selected for transmission, were indicated by means of…
B709 B711 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 710] “The power-possessing beings of certain communities there gradually mixed into this divine teaching, for their said Hasnamussian aims such ‘spices’ of their own invention, that a ‘Sherakhoorian-combination’ resulted, the secret of which would be the envy of all the contemporary famous European as they are called ‘pastry cooks’…
that something accursed for them B1162 the sacred members of this Most High Commission then reasoned that if the said mechanical instinct in these biped three-brained beings should develop towards the attainment of Objective Reason — as usually occurs — then it might quite possibly happen that they would prematurely comprehend the real cause of…
Mullah Nassr Eddin
Mullah Nassr Eddin, or has he is also called, Hodja Nassr Eddin, is, it seems, little known in Europe and America, but he is very well known in all countries of the continent of Asia; this legendary personage corresponds to the American Uncle Sam or the German Till Eulenspiegel. Numerous tales popular in the East,…
place of banishment for Beelzebub, his household, comrades and sympathizers B52 ff. description of the three-brained beings on Mars B61 B1149 permanent port of the ship Occasion B110 the Teskooano on Mars B151 the planetary body of the priest Abdil was given to the presence of the planet B205 ff its atmosphere B269 Toof-Nef-Tef or…
B706 B708 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 707] “But these contemporary and now archstrange three-brained beings there have taken upon themselves to sweep this also entirely from off the face of their planet. “Although the process of the strangeness of their peculiar psyche, namely, the process of the final destruction of these two great religions, began…
B520 B522 [BTG XXX Art, p. 521] “For instance, at the beginning of the contemporary European civilization one of these beings, a certain monk named Ignatius, who had formerly been an architect, attained even to the possibility of deciphering the hidden knowledge and useful information in the productions of almost all the branches of what…
B31 B33 [BTG I The arousing of thought, p. 32] He discharged the last words with such a shower of saliva that it was as if my face were exposed to the action of an “atomizer” – not of “Ersatz” production – invented by the Germans for dyeing material with aniline dyes. This was more…
B27 B29 [BTG I The arousing of thought, p. 28] “Either do nothing – just go to school – or do something nobody else does.” Whereupon she immediately, without hesitation, and with a perceptible impulse of disdain for all around her, and with commendable self-cognizance, gave up her soul directly into the hands of His…