Tag: Most Holy Sun Absolute

  • IX A causa da gênese da Lua [RBN I-9]

    GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo da tradução em inglês de 1950 (pgs. 81-86) LIVRO II RBN I-8 => IX A CAUSA DA GÊNESE DA LUA => RBN I-10 Depois da chegada ao planeta Marte e acomodação, este planeta foi sacudido e um cheiro fedorento surgiu no ar Depois de algum tempo…

  • learning

    Yes, I think you might as well be told also about an idea which has only just arisen in my madcap brain, and namely, specially to request the printer, to whom I shall give my first book, to print this first chapter of my writings in such a way that anybody may read it before…

  • maintenance

    “And they resolved that the best measure in the given case would be that the fundamental piece, namely, the planet Earth, should constantly send to its detached fragments, for their maintenance, the sacred vibrations ‘askokin’. BTG IX “And during just this third descent there, when it was made clear by the thorough investigations of the…

  • B304

    B303 B305 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 304] “Although the expectations that I had formed from all that our countrymen had told me concerning the mentioned new observatory there, before I had seen it with my own eyes, were not justified, nevertheless, the observatory itself and also the other constructions of the beings then…

  • perceptions

    As a result of this conviction of mine which as yet doubtlessly seems to you the fruit of the fantasies of an afflicted mind, I cannot now, as you yourself see, disregard this second consciousness and, compelled by my essence, am obliged to construct the general exposition even of this first chapter of my writings,…

  • perception

    In the entirety of every man, irrespective of his heredity and education, there are formed two independent consciousnesses which in their functioning as well as in their manifestations have almost nothing in common. One consciousness is formed from the perception of all kinds of accidental, or on the part of others intentionally produced, mechanical impressions,…

  • Heropass

    “You now understand, my boy, that even the Most Great Heropass of Time has also been compelled to actualize obvious absurdities in the presences of these unfortunate three-brained beings who arise and exist on this ill-fated planet Earth. BTG XVI “And thanks to all I have just explained to you, you can put yourself in…


    BTG XXXI BTG XXXIII XXXII. Hypnotism (pgs. B558 – B578) Chapitre 32 L’hypnotisme Capítulo 32 Hipnotismo. Beelzebub, at his sixth sojourn in person on the surface of planet Earth, he decided to settle there for a long stay and to become a professional physician but he chose for himself the profession of what is called…


    BTG XVI BTG XVIII XVII. The Arch-Absurd: According to the Assertion of Beelzebub, Our Sun Neither Lights nor Heats (pgs. B134 – B148) Chapitre 17 Archi-absurde Capítulo 17 O arqui-absurdo: de acordo com a assertiva de Belzebu, nosso sol nem ilumina nem aquece. In order that Hassein may have some idea of how completely the…


    BTG XV BTG XVII XVI. The Relative Understanding of Time (pgs. B121 – B133) Chapitre 16 Relativité de la notion de Temps Capítulo 16 A relativa compreensão do Tempo. Beelzebub explains to Hassein how those three-brained beings who breed on the planet Earth calculate Time, and how the being-sensation in their presence of what is…

  • BTG IX The Cause of the Genesis of the Moon

    BTG VIII <=> BTG X IX. The Cause of the Genesis of the Moon (pgs. B81 – B86) Chapitre 9 Cause de la genèse de la Lune Capítulo 9 A causa da gênese da Lua. Beelzebub began his tale as follows: ”After we arrived on the planet Mars where we were directed to exist, we…

  • BTG III – A causa de um atraso na queda da nave Karnak

    BTG II <=> BTG IV III. The Cause of the Delay in the Falling of the Ship Karnak (pg. B56 – B65) Chapitre 3 Cause d’un retard dans la chute du Karnak Capítulo 3 A causa de um atraso na queda da nave Karnak. THE captain soon afterward entered and having performed before Beelzebub all…

  • BTG II – Prólogo: Por que Belzebu estava em nosso sistema solar.

    BTG I <=> BTG III Chapter II. Introduction: Why Beelzebub Was in Our Solar System (pgs. B51 – B55) Chapitre 2 Prologue Pourquoi Belzébuth vint sur notre système solaire Capítulo 2 Prólogo: Por que Belzebu estava em nosso sistema solar. In the year 223 after the creation of the world or as would be said…

  • Most Great and Most Most Holy Sun Absolute

    “In the beginning, when nothing yet existed and when the whole of our Universe was empty endless space with the presence of only the prime-source cosmic substance ‘Etherokrilno’, our present Most Great and Most Most Holy Sun Absolute existed alone in all this empty space, and it was on this then sole cosmic concentration that…

  • Great Archangel

    And indeed, soon after this rumor, practical experiments open to all, again under the superintendence of the Great Archangel Adossia, were made with this new and later very famous invention. BTG V “In consequence of this report, a whole commission consisting of Angels and Archangels, specialists in the work of World-creation and World-maintenance, under the…


    And so, my dear boy, our COMMON FATHER CREATOR ALMIGHTY, having then in the beginning changed the functioning of both these primordial sacred laws, directed the action of their forces from within the Most Holy Sun Absolute into the space of the Universe, whereupon there was obtained the what is called ‘Emanation-of-the-Sun-Absolute’ and now called,…


    He began thus: “I was on that planet for the sixth time just before I received my full pardon and permission to leave that most remote solar system situated even almost beyond the reach of the immediate emanations of the Omni Most Holy Sun Absolute, that is, just before my return here to the center…


    I do not know how it is with you, who are already partly candidate for a buyer of my writings, but my peculiar nature cannot, even with a great mental desire, avoid being indignant at the fact manifested by people of contemporary civilization, that the very highest in man, particularly beloved by our COMMON FATHER…

  • Most Most Holy Prime-Source

    “And, namely, they named the Most Most Holy Prime-Source Sun Absolute itself – ‘Protocosmos’. BTG XXXIX “And so . . . from the very beginning, when these higher being-parts arose in this way and were perfected in beings to the required sacred gradation of Objective Reason, that is to say, when in accordance with the…

  • Most Most Holy Sun Absolute

    “In the beginning all these ‘higher-being-bodies’ who at the present time have the place of their existence on this holy planet, went directly on to our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, but later when that all-universal calamity which we call the ‘Choot-God-litanical period’ occurred in our Great Universe, then after this terrifying common-cosmic calamity, similar…