Tag: mulher

  • Michel Conge: Atenção e as duas naturezas do homem

    Excerto da tradução em inglês de registro em espanhol de palestra feita no Chile em 1966 My wish this evening is that we might come to feel that a broad vision of human nature is needed to begin real work on oneself. If we speak of liberation, questions soon arise as to the “why” of…

  • Gurdjieff Attentio

    GURDJIEFF TERMOS — ATENÇÃO Excertos de Fran Shaw, Ph.D. Notes on The Next Attention (Chandolin, 1993–2000) Readers engaged in yoga, meditation, or mindfulness practice will find resonances in what Michel brings, a teaching he (and Gurdjieff) call haida yoga, that is, rapid yoga. “As human beings,” Michel tells us, “we have the capacity for another…

  • G Procriar

    GURDJIEFF TERMOS — PROCRIAÇÃO Existe em nosso Grande Megalocosmo um planeta sobre o qual esta lei sagrada Heptaparaparshinokh conduz seu processo completante para a continuação das espécies dos entes tricerebrais, através de três indivíduos independentes. Deves assim se familiar em certo detalhe com este planeta. Este planeta é chamado Modiktheo e pertence ao sistema do…

  • G Imagem de Deus

    GURDJIEFF TERMOS — IMAGEM DE DEUS Teus favoritos contemporâneos frequentemente usam a noção tomada por reles de alguma parte, não sei se instintivamente, emocionalmente, ou automaticamente, e expressada por eles nas seguintes palavras: «Somos imagens de Deus». Esses desafortunados nem mesmo suspeitam que, de tudo conhecido para a maioria deles concernente as verdades cósmicas, esta…

  • laziness

    “‘”And precisely their parents, husbands, and guardians should be blamed and despised who have allowed the arising in them during their age preparatory to adult being – while as yet they have not their own good sense – of the property called laziness. BTG XLII “‘”Although at this age this laziness is as yet only…

  • sacraments

    “But having now no other possibility of learning all the secret sacraments, except only by attempting to enter into relations with the Reason of their deceased chief, they decided to try to carry out this sacred sacrament upon the body Kesdjan of their former chief, even without the said preliminary preparation. BTG XXXVIII “Whereas, this…

  • faith

    “I said to him as follows: ” ‘Good. “‘You have a religion, a faith in something. It is excellent to have faith in something, in whatever it might be even if you don’t exactly know in whom or in what, nor can represent to yourself the significance and the possibilities of what you have faith…

  • perceptions

    As a result of this conviction of mine which as yet doubtlessly seems to you the fruit of the fantasies of an afflicted mind, I cannot now, as you yourself see, disregard this second consciousness and, compelled by my essence, am obliged to construct the general exposition even of this first chapter of my writings,…

  • sensibility of perception

    “At the age he was when I first met him he already had his ‘I’ – in respect of rationally directing what is called the ‘automatic-psychic-functioning’ of his common presence – at the maximum stability for three-centered beings of the planet Earth at that time, in consequence of which during what is called his ‘waking-passive-state’…

  • essential

    “You probably already well know that Zirlikners among us on the planet Karatas, as also in general beings similar to them on other planets of our Great Universe upon which breed already-formed three-brained beings, and from the number of whom are several, who, called differently on different planets, take upon themselves essential obligations in relation…

  • BTG III – A causa de um atraso na queda da nave Karnak

    BTG II <=> BTG IV III. The Cause of the Delay in the Falling of the Ship Karnak (pg. B56 – B65) Chapitre 3 Cause d’un retard dans la chute du Karnak Capítulo 3 A causa de um atraso na queda da nave Karnak. THE captain soon afterward entered and having performed before Beelzebub all…

  • BTG I – O Despertar do Pensar

    => BTG II I. The Arousing of Thought (pgs. B3 – B50) Chapitre 1 – Eveil du penser I. O Despertar do Pensar AMONG other convictions formed in my common presence during my responsible, peculiarly composed life, there is one such also – an indubitable conviction – that always and everywhere on the earth, among…

  • Great Holy Law Triamazikamno

    “The point is that, according to that definite cosmic law, all those separate individuals, among whom are numbered also all Keshapmartnian beings of the female sex, are for the transformation of cosmic substances the sources of all those active elements which in further cosmic formations must serve in the process of the Great Holy Law…

  • Great All-Universal Trogoautoegocratic process

    “In the hotel where we had the place of our existence, next to my room, or as is said there in the ‘number’ next to mine, there existed a very sympathetic pair of beings who had only recently completed the sacrament of the Union of the Active with the Passive for the purpose of serving…

  • woman-female

    “‘And every normal Persian – normal in the sense of not being under the influence of tambak, alcohol, or opium, the consumption of which has in recent times been unfortunately spreading among us ever more and more – can always unmistakedly tell which woman represents a “woman-mother” and which a “woman-female”, that is, a prostitute.…

  • wifely duty

    “‘During my stay in these European countries, I have observed that there is never formed in the being of a woman here, that “something” which should – in her as in our women – constantly maintain what is called “organic shame” or at least the disposition to it, upon which feeling, in my opinion, what…


    “‘But what has the existence of another being, which you destroy, to do with this, and, moreover, one whose existence you destroy in the name of its CREATOR? “‘Is not that “life” just the same as yours for the CREATOR Who created you as well as this other being? “‘Thanks to your psychic strength and…

  • holy days

    To this question of Beelzebub’s his grandson Hassein replied thus: “No, dear Grandfather, the details of this I do not yet know; I only know that these Dionosks arc regarded among us on the planet Karatas as great holy days and are called ‘Helping-God-Dionosks’, and I know that for these great holy days, the Dionosks,…

  • second holy force

    “It is interesting to note that the said being-brains are found in the same parts of the planetary body of these three-brained beings who arise on the planet Earth as in us, namely: “1. The brain predetermined by Great Nature for the concentration and further actualizing of the first holy force of the sacred Triamazikamno,…

  • beings of our tribe

    “As I have already said, many of us definitely settled down on the planet Mars; and others, by the ship Occasion which had been put at the disposal of the beings of our tribe for interplanetary communication, either went or prepared to go to exist on other planets of the same solar system. BTG X…