Tag: Música
EHN (Meu Pai) – ashokhs
Vi pessoalmente vários desses ashokhs que eram considerados famosos naquela época, e seus rostos ficaram fortemente gravados em minha memória. Eu os vi porque meu pai costumava me levar, quando criança, aos concursos em que esses ashokhs poetas, vindos de vários países, como Pérsia, Turquia, Cáucaso e até mesmo de partes do Turquestão, competiam diante…
EHN (Vitvitskaia) – música
Um dia, depois que eu estava tocando, a irmã do príncipe veio até mim e, com muita seriedade e solenidade, disse-me que, como Deus havia me dado esse talento, seria um grande pecado negligenciá-lo e não deixá-lo se desenvolver plenamente. Ela acrescentou que, como eu havia começado a trabalhar com música, eu deveria ser realmente…
Rodney Collin (TCI) – tipos humanos
Nove décimos dos problemas da psicologia comum e ainda mais dos enredos da literatura, poesia, drama e lenda dependem da interação dos tipos humanos, ou seja, da interação de diferentes tipos de essência. Desde os primórdios da história, o homem nunca deixou de ser fascinado por esse mistério, que preenche sua vida diária com esperança,…
Peter Brook (Dossiers H) – oitavas
O que Gurdjieff chama de “ciência objetiva” usa a analogia musical para descrever um universo composto por uma cadeia de energias, da oitava mais baixa à mais alta. Podemos falar aqui de energias plurais. Cada energia é transformada à medida que sobe ou desce, de modo que pode ser mais grossa ou mais fina, dependendo…
B868 B870 [BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 869] “On this piano vibrations of extraneous origin come through different shocks and tremblings and for the greater part from what are called aerial vibrations of inertia, which are generally formed in the atmospheric space by the natural vibrations already referred to. “It is necessary at this point in…
B489 B491 [BTG XXX Art, p. 490] “The learned musicians and singers then in the city of Babylon combined their melodies in such ways that the sequence of the vibrations of the sounds should evoke in the beings a sequence of associations, and therefore also impulses for experiencings, not in the usual automatic order, that…
B879 B881 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 880] “Continuing to speak further about the laws of vibration of sound, he said: “’I myself became interested in the knowledge Shat-Chai-Mernis through the laws of vibrations of sound; and they were the cause of my devoting the whole of my life subsequently to this knowledge.’ “And,…
B880 B882 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 881] “’”But here during my long and careful observations, I have never yet noticed any particular effect on our brother dervishes from these same sacred canticles. “’”What is wrong? What is the cause of this? To find out the cause has recently been my aim and I…
B882 B884 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 883] “’When I came to this queer friend of mine and explained to him what I wanted to obtain and what help I expected of him, he also immediately became very much interested in this and promised to help me in every way possible. “’And the very…
B887 B889 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 888] “Through these pipes, as I also afterwards learned, the air necessary for the breathing of the beings present during the experiments could flow in from outside, because this interior was then closed hermetically on all sides. “The beings who were present during the experiments wore over…
B890 B892 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 891] “’Unfortunately for the Europeans, neither the first inventor nor the perfecter of that siren knew that sound can be obtained not only from the action of genuine vibrations but also from the simple flow of air; and as this siren of theirs sounds only from the…
B891 B893 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 892] “When Hadji had finished his monotonous music, the flowers in the pot were in the same state of bloom as before. “Then Hadji moved from the former monochord to the sound-producing instrument grand piano, and having again directed our attention to the hands of the vibrometers,…
B897 B899 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 898] “’When I finished, the wandering dervish became intensely thoughtful and only after some time, looking at me steadily, he said as he rose from his place: “’”There is only one way out for you – devote yourself to religion.” “’Having said this, he walked away uttering…
B903 B905 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 904] “After this, the dervish Asvatz-Troov again sat down on the felt, and told us as follows: “’Every form of “life” has its own “total” of vibrations proper to it, which represents the totality of all the vibrations engendered from the various definite organs of the given…
B905 B907 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 906] “’And with this peculiar tent I am now carrying out my experiments, namely, those experiments which I call “architectural.” And these architectural experiments are now making clear to me just which interiors – and to what extent – act harmfully upon people and upon animals. “’These…
B906 B908 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 907] “He demonstrated and explained, among other things, also several experiments proving the harmful action on terrestrial contemporary being of those causes which they themselves, as if intentionally, produce, especially in recent times, in great quantity – namely, what they call ‘works of art.’ “Among these latter…
B151 B153 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 152] “And so, my boy, in view of all this, I shall not repeat these conversations word for word, but shall give you only their sense in our speech, continuing of course to employ those terms and ‘specific-names’ or rather those consonances produced by what are called ‘being-vocal-chords,’…
B213 B215 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 214] “For instance, a crow would appear to them to be a peacock; a trough of water, a sea; a harsh clatter, music; good will, enmity; insults, love; and so on and so forth. “When King Konuzion became clearly convinced of all this, he immediately dispatched everywhere…
B1153 B1155 [BTG XLV Extraction of Electricity, p. 1154] “Though the newcomer had exactly the same exterior as his ‘producer’ he had the appearance of being very virile and full of fiery youth. “When he had taken his place on his perch, as is proper to the three-brained beings of that planet, he began, as…
B487 B489 [BTG XXX Art, p. 488] “And they changed their costume in order to manifest themselves more clearly and more strikingly in the fulfillment of the roles they assumed, so that the other learned members present of the club of the Adherents-of-Legominism who checked and selected the fragments of the future mysteries could more…