Tag: Negatividade

  • aim

    Aim of: Adherents-of-Legominism B485; consider also B454 Society Akhaldan, the striving to become aware of the sense and aim of the Being of beings B297; and B211 B298 Ashiata Sheimash B348 B354 Atarnak B1100 Beelzebub B207 B233 B531 B558 B594 B608 Belcultassi B294 ff Gurdjieff: as a boy B39; consider also, From the Author BTG…

  • absurdities

    wiseacring about the life and death of Jesus Christ B735 ff the more absurd their manifestations, the more famous they become B224 their quite absurd egoism B231 Concerning: Time, obvious absurdities B132 Sacriflcial-Offerings B191 ff polyglotism B531 ff Esperanto B536 and B32 B617 “You now understand, my boy, that even the Most Great Heropass of…

  • absurdity

    wiseacring about the life and death of Jesus Christ B735 ff the more absurd their manifestations, the more famous they become B224 their quite absurd egoism B231 Concerning: Time, obvious absurdities B132 Sacriflcial-Offerings B191 ff polyglotism B531 ff Esperanto B536 and B32 B617

  • learning

    Yes, I think you might as well be told also about an idea which has only just arisen in my madcap brain, and namely, specially to request the printer, to whom I shall give my first book, to print this first chapter of my writings in such a way that anybody may read it before…

  • lawful

    “‘And as regards the strange image of the head of our allegorical being, in the form of the “Breasts of a virgin”, this expresses that Love should predominate always and in everything during the inner and the outer functionings evoked by one’s consciousness, such a Love as can arise and be present only in the…

  • faith

    “I said to him as follows: ” ‘Good. “‘You have a religion, a faith in something. It is excellent to have faith in something, in whatever it might be even if you don’t exactly know in whom or in what, nor can represent to yourself the significance and the possibilities of what you have faith…

  • maintenance

    “And they resolved that the best measure in the given case would be that the fundamental piece, namely, the planet Earth, should constantly send to its detached fragments, for their maintenance, the sacred vibrations ‘askokin’. BTG IX “And during just this third descent there, when it was made clear by the thorough investigations of the…

  • transformatory function

    “In addition to the fact that this maleficent invention was and still is one of the chief factors in the said disharmonization now proceeding in them themselves and also in almost all the beings of the other continents – who, by the way, have already begun in recent times very jealously imitating them in all…

  • Transapalnian-perturbation

    SEE Transapalnian perturbation; Transapalnian; perturbation “Some time later, in its appropriate place, during my further tales concerning the three-brained beings existing on the planet Earth, I shall also explain to you in detail how thanks to those conditions of external being-existence which were established there, your favorites first began assigning each other to various castes,…

  • perceptive

    And so, cheerful and swaggering candidate for a buyer of my wiseacrings, having warned you that I am going to write not as “professional writers” usually write but quite otherwise, I advise you, before embarking on the reading of my further expositions, to reflect seriously and only then to undertake it. If not, I am…

  • perceptions

    As a result of this conviction of mine which as yet doubtlessly seems to you the fruit of the fantasies of an afflicted mind, I cannot now, as you yourself see, disregard this second consciousness and, compelled by my essence, am obliged to construct the general exposition even of this first chapter of my writings,…

  • essential

    “You probably already well know that Zirlikners among us on the planet Karatas, as also in general beings similar to them on other planets of our Great Universe upon which breed already-formed three-brained beings, and from the number of whom are several, who, called differently on different planets, take upon themselves essential obligations in relation…

  • essence-egoism

    “However it might have been, my boy, indeed according to the detailed and impartial researches I made there on the spot concerning all this, the following then became very definitely clear to me: “When this maleficent idea there gradually took on such a definite form and began to be for the psyche of your favorites…

  • Essence

    SEE essence Then Beelzebub, turning to Hassein, said, “First of all, my boy, I give you my word that when we return home – unless any event from external causes independent of our Essence will prevent this – I shall explain to you everything relating to the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, concerning…

  • self-remorse

    “Consequently, in their presences there arise more and more frequently the causes for the manifestation of the said being-impulse of Remorse of Conscience. And as the sensations thereby induced, which are similar to those which arise from ‘being-Partkdolg-duty’, infallibly lead to the suppression and the enslaving of the ‘denying-principle’ inherent in the common presences of…

  • self-quieting

    Thanks to these consequences, not only does the cognition of these terrors not arise in the psyche of these people, but also for the purpose of self-quieting they even invent all kinds of fantastic explanations plausible to their naive logic for what they really sense and also for what they do not sense at all.…

  • self-perfection

    “‘And none of them would, because in none of the ordinary beings-men here has there ever been for a long time, any sensation of the sacred being-impulse of genuine Love. And without this “taste” they cannot even vaguely describe that most beatific sacred being-impulse in the presence of every three-centered being of the whole Universe,…

  • self-love

    “At that time, our dear Ahoon, bearing in mind their numerous weaknesses, such as their self-love, pride, vanity, and still many others, indicated to you in which cases just which of these specific properties of theirs it was necessary, as he expressed it, to ‘tickle’. BTG XLIII

  • self-justification

    In self-justification, and also perhaps to diminish the degree of the censure in your waking consciousness of my ignorance of this language indispensable for contemporary life, I consider it necessary to say, with a humble heart and cheeks flushed with shame, that although I too was taught this language in my childhood, and even though…

  • self-initiated manifestations

    While speaking of the will of man and of the various aspects of its supposedly self-initiated manifestations, which for contemporary what are called “enquiring minds” – but according to our reasoning, “naïve minds” – are matters for wiseacring and self-adulation, it will do no harm to quote what was said by Mr. Gurdjieff in another…