Tag: observatório

  • systems

    “Although later, your Right Reverence, the inconveniences of this system gradually became more and more apparent, nevertheless it continued to displace all the systems that had existed before. BTG IV “But in spite of the said drawbacks of the system of Saint Venoma, it gradually, as I have already said, displaced all the previous systems.…

  • being-sight

    “Strictly speaking, it was owing to just this Teskooano that my observatory was afterwards considered one of the best constructions of its kind in the whole Universe; and, most important of all, it was by means of this Teskooano that I myself thereafter could, even while staying at home on the planet Mars, relatively easily…

  • beings of our tribe

    “As I have already said, many of us definitely settled down on the planet Mars; and others, by the ship Occasion which had been put at the disposal of the beings of our tribe for interplanetary communication, either went or prepared to go to exist on other planets of the same solar system. BTG X…

  • BTG III – A causa de um atraso na queda da nave Karnak

    BTG II <=> BTG IV III. The Cause of the Delay in the Falling of the Ship Karnak (pg. B56 – B65) Chapitre 3 Cause d’un retard dans la chute du Karnak Capítulo 3 A causa de um atraso na queda da nave Karnak. THE captain soon afterward entered and having performed before Beelzebub all…

  • BTG X Why “Men” Are Not Men

    BTG IX <=> BTG XI X. Why “Men” Are Not Men (pgs. B87 — B93) Chapitre 10 Pourquoi les « hommes » ne sont pas des hommes Capítulo 10 Porque “homens” não são homens. BEELZEBUB sighed deeply and continued to speak as follows: ”After the actualizing on this planet of the ‘Ilnosoparnian’ process, one year,…


    BTG XVII BTG XIX XVIII. The Arch-preposterous (pgs. B149 – B176) Chapitre 18 Archi-fantastique Capítulo 18 O arqui-prepóstero. Beelzebub tells Hassein about his first meeting with Gornahoor Harharkh on the planet Saturn, during his exile in the solar system Ors, where he witnessed those novel experiments elucidating the Omnipresent Okidanokh. This meeting took place after…

  • essence-friend

    “Gornahoor Harharkh, who afterwards, as I have already told you, became my essence-friend, was then considered one of the foremost scientists among the ordinary three-brained beings of the whole Universe, and all his constatations as well as the elucidatory apparatuses he had invented, were everywhere widespread, and other learned beings on the various planets were…

  • B304

    B303 B305 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 304] “Although the expectations that I had formed from all that our countrymen had told me concerning the mentioned new observatory there, before I had seen it with my own eyes, were not justified, nevertheless, the observatory itself and also the other constructions of the beings then…

  • B307

    B306 B308 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 307] “The observatory, I then saw, had five of these hollows. “They began, in relation to the horizon, from different places of the surface of the planet occupied by the observatory, but they all met at a small underground common hollow which was something like a cave.…

  • learning

    Yes, I think you might as well be told also about an idea which has only just arisen in my madcap brain, and namely, specially to request the printer, to whom I shall give my first book, to print this first chapter of my writings in such a way that anybody may read it before…

  • B269

    B268 B270 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 269] “Here I might as well emphasize the fact that if this observatory of mine afterwards became famous and indeed the best of all the constructions of its kind in the whole of the Universe, I am chiefly indebted to the learning of this same essence-friend of…

  • B270

    B269 B271 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 270] “Thanks to this Teskooano I was sometimes fully able, while seated in my house on Mars, to observe almost everything that proceeded on those parts of the surface of other planets of this solar system, which in the process of what is called the general-system-movement, were…