Tag: Ors
Great Archangel
And indeed, soon after this rumor, practical experiments open to all, again under the superintendence of the Great Archangel Adossia, were made with this new and later very famous invention. BTG V “In consequence of this report, a whole commission consisting of Angels and Archangels, specialists in the work of World-creation and World-maintenance, under the…
II Introdução: porque Belzebu esteve em nosso sistema solar [RBN I-2]
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo a partir da versão em inglês publicada em 1950 (pgs. 51-55) LIVRO I RBN I-1 => II INTRODUÇÃO: PORQUE BELZEBU ESTEVE EM NOSSO SISTEMA SOLAR => RBN I-3 Apresentação dos principais personagens do livro: Belzebu, seu neto Hassein e seu servente Ahoon Início da “viagem” de…
XVIII O arque-prepóstero [RBN I-18]
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo a partir da versão em inglês publicada em 1950 LIVRO I RBN I-17 => XVIII O ARQUE-PREPÓSTERO => RBN I-19 *Para melhor representar os eventos que vão ser relatados, B conta que no início de seu exílio nesse sistema solar, certos amigos-esserais dele que não tomaram…
Gurdjieff Anjos
Sua Veracidade, o Arcanjo Gabriel é mencionado em RBN I-1. O Arcanjo Adossia, Presidente da Comissão de Inspeção, anuncia a construção da nova nave inventada pelo Arcanjo Hariton para a comunicação intersistêmica e interplanetária. A Mui Alta Comissão consistindo de Anjos e Arcanjos, especialistas na obra de criação-do-Mundo e manutenção-do-Mundo, sob a direção do Mui…
B265 B267 [BTG XXII Beelzebub’s first time Tibet, p. 266] “Clearly to understand in what work it was there that I became interested, you must know, first of all, that the planet Mars is for the system Ors, to which it belongs, what is called an ‘Mdnel-outianlink’ in the transformation of cosmic substances, in consequence…
BTG XVIII BTG XX XIX. BEELZEBUB’S Tales About His Second Descent on to the Planet Earth (pgs. B177 – B206) Chapitre 19 Belzébuth raconte sa seconde descente sur la planète Terre Capítulo 19 Relatos de Belzebu sobre sua segunda descida sobre o planeta Terra. Beelzebub recounts to Hassein the events that happened during his second…
BTG XVII BTG XIX XVIII. The Arch-preposterous (pgs. B149 – B176) Chapitre 18 Archi-fantastique Capítulo 18 O arqui-prepóstero. Beelzebub tells Hassein about his first meeting with Gornahoor Harharkh on the planet Saturn, during his exile in the solar system Ors, where he witnessed those novel experiments elucidating the Omnipresent Okidanokh. This meeting took place after…
BTG II – Prólogo: Por que Belzebu estava em nosso sistema solar.
BTG I <=> BTG III Chapter II. Introduction: Why Beelzebub Was in Our Solar System (pgs. B51 – B55) Chapitre 2 Prologue Pourquoi Belzébuth vint sur notre système solaire Capítulo 2 Prólogo: Por que Belzebu estava em nosso sistema solar. In the year 223 after the creation of the world or as would be said…
“Personally I liked best of all the three-centered beings breeding on the planet bearing the name Saturn, whose exterior is quite unlike ours, but resembles that of the being-bird raven. 579 BTG X “The verbal intercourse of these beings, ravens, of that planet Saturn is something like ours. 581 BTG X “Later, I must certainly…
Most Holy Sun Absolute
“Higher being-bodies, or as they are called on some planets of that solar system, souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets except those before reaching which the emanations of our ‘Most Holy Sun Absolute’, owing to repeated deflections, gradually lose the fullness of their strength and eventually cease entirely to contain…
beings of our tribe
“As I have already said, many of us definitely settled down on the planet Mars; and others, by the ship Occasion which had been put at the disposal of the beings of our tribe for interplanetary communication, either went or prepared to go to exist on other planets of the same solar system. BTG X…
higher being-bodies
“Now when in this new part of these ‘two-natured-formations’ everything corresponding was acquired, and when all that functioning which it is proper to such cosmic arisings to have was finally established, then these same new formations in their turn on exactly the same basis as in the first case and also under the conditions of…
sacred action
“Bear in mind, first of all, that according to the data about which you will also learn when I shall later have specially explained to you the fundamental laws of World-creation and World-maintenance, it is also established by the same Objective Science that in general all normal three-brained beings, and amongst them certainly even the…
“The results of these experiments having been approved and blessed by the Commission of Inspection under the presidency of Archangel Adossia, the construction of a big ship based on these principles was begun. BTG IV “The Most High Commission came to our planet Mars since it was the nearest to the planet Earth and from…
Whereupon she immediately, without hesitation, and with a perceptible impulse of disdain for all around her, and with commendable self-cognizance, gave up her soul directly into the hands of His Truthfulness, the Archangel Gabriel. BTG I “The results of these experiments having been approved and blessed by the Commission of Inspection under the presidency of…