Tag: Protocosmos

  • food

    three kinds of food which are the gift of Great Nature, the Common Mother B19 ff those substances which, on the path of their returning evolutionary ascent from the sacred Ashagiprotoehary — i.e. from the last Stopinder of the fundamental Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh toward the Most Most Holy Protocosmos — were transmitted with the aid of…

  • Sun Absolute

    the Most Holy Sun Absolute where our Lord Sovereign Endlessness has the fundamental place of His Dwelling B52 B136 B749 there, Beelzebub, among others like himself had become an attendant upon His Endlessness, until his banishment B52 when Ashiata Shiemash returned to the Sun Absolute, he earnestly besought His Endlessness to pardon Beelzebub B54 higher…

  • B777

    B776 B778 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 777] “And afterwards, in their transmission from generation to generation by inheritance, they gradually began to be crystallized into such monstrous ‘logicnestarian-materials,’ with the result that in the psyche of the contemporary three-brained beings there, there began to proceed such an already exceptionally distorted being-Aimnophnian-mentation. “And…

  • B778

    B777 B779 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 778] “When these higher parts of three-brained beings, who are perfected to the corresponding gradation of objective Reason, get there, they fulfill precisely that function of the Okaniaki or ‘cells-of-the-head-brain,’ for which function, as I have already said, our UNI-BEING COMMON FATHER ENDLESSNESS condescended at the…

  • B779

    B778 B780 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 779] “Well, then, just these separate brain nodes of their spinal marrow are the sources of denial in relation to the separate shades of affirmation in their head-brain, precisely as the separate ‘second-order-Suns’ are the sources of the various shades of denial in relation to the…

  • B780

    B779 B781 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 780] “That is to say, she gradually dispersed the localization of this organ, which had had its concentration in one place in them, into small localizations over the whole of their common presence, but chiefly in the region of what is called the ‘pit of the…

  • B781

    B780 B782 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 781] “That is to say, those substances which, on the path of their returning evolutionary ascent from the sacred ‘Ashagiprotoëry’ – i.e., from the last Stopinder of the fundamental Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh toward the Most Most Holy Protocosmos – were transmitted with the aid of their own…

  • B797

    B796 B798 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 797] “This continued so right up to that time when that terrifying cosmic event occurred which, as I have already told you, is now called the ‘Choot-God-Litanical’ period. “Until this common-cosmic misfortune, all the higher being-bodies which arose and were perfected in certain Tetartocosmoses and in…

  • B799

    B798 B800 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 799] “This Geneotriamazikamnian contact occurred because, in the atmosphere itself of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, various-sourced unusual vibrations began, as I have already said, to issue from these higher being-bodies and to unite with the emanations of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, and…

  • B866

    B865 B867 [BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 866] “However it might have been there, my boy, yet at the present time I regret very much that it will be impossible for me with the contemporary sound-producing instrument piano which I brought from the surface of your planet, to explain fully to you the laws of vibrations…

  • Angels

    His Truthfulness, the Archangel Gabriel B28 Archangel Adossia, President of the Commission of Inspection, announces the construction of the new ship invented by Archangel Hariton for intersystem arid interplanetary communication, from B68 ff The Most High Commission consisting of Angels and Archangels, specialists in the work of World-creation and World-maintenance, under the direction of the…

  • B760

    Chapter XXXIX The Holy Planet “Purgatory” B759 <=> B761 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 760] “E, especificamente, eles chamaram o próprio Sol Absoluto Fonte Primal Santíssima de ‘Protocosmos’. “Cada ‘Sol de Segunda Ordem’ recém-surgido, com todos os seus consequentes resultados definidos, eles chamaram de ‘Defterocosmos’. “‘Sóis de terceira ordem’, ou seja, aqueles que…

  • Sun

    “Higher being-bodies, or as they are called on some planets of that solar system, souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets except those before reaching which the emanations of our ‘Most Holy Sun Absolute’, owing to repeated deflections, gradually lose the fullness of their strength and eventually cease entirely to contain…

  • Most Most Holy Prime-Source

    “And, namely, they named the Most Most Holy Prime-Source Sun Absolute itself – ‘Protocosmos’. BTG XXXIX “And so . . . from the very beginning, when these higher being-parts arose in this way and were perfected in beings to the required sacred gradation of Objective Reason, that is to say, when in accordance with the…

  • being-bodies

    “Yes”, replied Beelzebub, “on almost all the planets of that solar system also, three-brained beings dwell, and in almost all of them higher being-bodies can be coated. 325 BTG III “Higher being-bodies, or as they are called on some planets of that solar system, souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets…

  • affirming

    and in those nervous nodes scattered over the whole of the planetary body, there are accumulated at the present time all the results obtained from the affirming and denying manifestations of their head-brain and spinal marrow, and these results having become fixed in these nervous nodes scattered over the whole of their common presence, are…

  • surplanetary

    “He said, ‘By means of this special appliance, there are first “sucked-in” separately from the atmosphere or from any intra- or surplanetary fomation, all the three independent parts of the Omnipresent-Active-Element-Okidanokh present in it, and only afterwards when in a certain way, these separate independent parts are artificially reblended in the Krhrrhihirhi into a single…

  • Objective

    Now listen and try to justify, and not to disappoint, my expectations. This original personality of mine, already “smelled out” by certain definite individuals from both choirs of the Judgement Seat Above, whence Objective justice proceeds, and also here on Earth, by as yet a very limited number of people, is based, as I already…

  • Stopinder

    “And, namely, with the purpose of providing the ‘requisite inherency’ for receiving, for its functioning, the automatic affluence of all forces which were near, HE lengthened the Stopinder between its third and fourth deflections. BTG XXXIX “This same Stopinder of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh is just that one, which is still called the ‘mechanocoinciding-Mdnel-In’. BTG XXXIX…

  • Lav-Merz-Nokh

    “The said apparatus Lav-Merz-Nokh, like the middle part of the Alla-attapan, consisted of a very strong frame with a great many strings stretched on it made from the intestines and tail-hairs of various quadruped beings there. “One end of each string was fixed to one edge of this frame, and the other to pegs inserted…