Tag: Religião

  • Reuniões (1-3-1924): Deus o Verbo

    No início de toda religião, encontramos uma afirmação da existência de Deus, o Verbo, e do Deus-Verbo. Um ensinamento diz que quando o mundo ainda era nada, havia emanações, havia Deus, o Verbo. Deus, o Verbo, é o mundo. Deus disse: “Que assim seja”, e enviou o Pai e o Filho. Ele está sempre enviando…

  • XXXVIII Religião [RBN II-38]

    GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo da tradução em inglês de 1950 LIVRO II RBN II-37 => XXXVIII RELIGIÃO => RBN II-39 Tal, em sentido objetivo, de fato, “arquemaleficente” fator [a religiosidade] para a “redução” da psique deles surgiu aí, neste planeta desgraçado, também desde que várias consequências das propriedades do sempre…

  • XXII Belzebu pela primeira vez no Tibet [RBN I-22]

    GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo a partir da versão em inglês publicada em 1950 LIVRO I (pgs. 252-267) RBN I-21 => XXII BELZEBU PELA PRIMEIRA VEZ NO TIBETE => RBN I-23 *Retorno ao Mar de Beneficência pelos Himalaias **Passagem por lugares ainda mais peculiares, e através de partes ainda mais incomuns…

  • XXI A primeira visita de Belzebu à Índia [RBN I-21]

    GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo a partir da versão em inglês publicada em 1950 LIVRO I (pgs. 227-251) RBN I-20 => XXI A PRIMEIRA VISITA DE BELZEBU À ÍNDIA => RBN I-22 *Em continuação a sua terceira estadia, B decide ir por caravana até a Terra-das-Pérolas, o terceiro grupo de entes…

  • XIX Relatos de Belzebu sobre sua segunda descida ao planeta Terra [RBN I-19]

    GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo a partir da versão em inglês publicada em 1950 LIVRO I (pgs. 177-206) RBN I-18 => XIX RELATOS DE BELZEBU SOBRE SUA SEGUNDA DESCIDA NO PLANETA TERRA => RBN I-20 *Descida onze séculos após a primeira viagem de Belzebu; logo após esta primeira viagem, ocorreu a…

  • Gurdjieff Amor

    Sobre o amor PRIEURE, 24 DE MAYO, 1923 Hay dos clases de amor; uno el amor de un esclavo, el otro que debe ser adquirido por medio de trabajo. El primero no tiene valor alguno; sólo el segundo tiene valor, esto es, el amor adquirido a través de trabajo. Este es el amor del cual…

  • G Ser

    GURDJIEFF TERMOS — SER O sentido e importância do termo e noção «ser» é da maior relevância nos RELATOS DE BELZEBU, assim como em todo pensamento de G (v. Ser e Saber). Heidegger, reconhecido pensador «do ser», nos oferece uma brilhante iniciação à «questão do ser» e ao «esquecimento do ser», que para aqueles com…

  • Above

    The Judgment Seat Above B27 the foundation of this Most Great Greatness is there Above B244 From Above: command B1120 B1147; commanded B353; commandment B948 confided to Moses B1004 data manifested, for engendering in them genuine conscience B368; and B378 supreme direction B110 desire expressed B1142 not forbidden us from Above to be frank B901…

  • lawful

    “‘And as regards the strange image of the head of our allegorical being, in the form of the “Breasts of a virgin”, this expresses that Love should predominate always and in everything during the inner and the outer functionings evoked by one’s consciousness, such a Love as can arise and be present only in the…

  • faith

    “I said to him as follows: ” ‘Good. “‘You have a religion, a faith in something. It is excellent to have faith in something, in whatever it might be even if you don’t exactly know in whom or in what, nor can represent to yourself the significance and the possibilities of what you have faith…

  • maintenance

    “And they resolved that the best measure in the given case would be that the fundamental piece, namely, the planet Earth, should constantly send to its detached fragments, for their maintenance, the sacred vibrations ‘askokin’. BTG IX “And during just this third descent there, when it was made clear by the thorough investigations of the…

  • Personality

    “Although the present generation of ‘Jews’ are not direct enemies of Jesus Christ, yet they each also now have the conviction that this Jesus who appeared among their ancestors and came to be regarded as a Sacred Personality by all the followers of the Christian religion, was, quite simply, a fervent and sick ‘visionary’. BTG…

  • essential

    “You probably already well know that Zirlikners among us on the planet Karatas, as also in general beings similar to them on other planets of our Great Universe upon which breed already-formed three-brained beings, and from the number of whom are several, who, called differently on different planets, take upon themselves essential obligations in relation…

  • Self-tamers

    “These sectarians who called themselves the Self-tamers arose owing to that distorted understanding of the Buddhist religion which, as I have already told you, they called ‘suffering-in-solitude’. BTG XXII “From this time on, these sectarians, formerly called the Self-tamers, now began to be called by various names those of the Self-tamers who remained faithful to…


    BTG XXXVII BTG XXXIX XXXVIII. Religion (pgs. B694 – B743) Chapitre 38 La Religion Capítulo 38 Religião. Beelzebub, during their trip on the ship Karnak heading for the holly planet Purgatory, explains to Hassein how a large number of ‘havatvernonis’ or ‘religions’ came to existence on the plane Earth. According to his explanations our Abundantly…


    BTG XXIX BTG XXXI XXX. Art (pgs. B449 – B523) Chapitre 30 L’Art Capítulo 30 Arte. During their trip towards the planet Revozvradendr on board the ship Karnak, Beelzebub urges Ahoon to tell Hassein something about the strange three-brained beings on the planet Earth. So Ahoon addressing Hassein says that he will not, like Beelzebub,…


    BTG XXIV BTG XXVI XXV. The Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash, Sent from Above to the Earth (pgs. B347 – B352) Chapitre 25 Le Très Saint Ashyata Sheyimash Envoyé d’En-Haut sur la Terre Capítulo 25 O Mui Santíssimo Ashyata Shiemash, enviado d’O-Alto para a Terra. Beelzebub tells Hassein all the information about the Very Saintly Ashiata…


    BTG XX BTG XXII XXI. The First Visit of Beelzebub to India (pgs. B227 – B251) Chapitre 21 Première visite de Belzébuth aux Indes Capítulo 21 A primeira visita de Belzebu à Índia. Beelzebub continues his recount, describing to Hassein the events that took place during his first visit to India, which happened in order…

  • BTG XX

    BTG XIX BTG XXI XX. The Third Flight of Beelzebub to the Planet Earth (pgs. B207 – B226) Chapitre 20 Troisième vol de Belzébuth vers la planète Terre Capítulo 20 O terceiro voo de Belzebu para o planeta Terra. On Beelzebub’s third descent from planet Mars to the planet Earth, his ship Occasion alighted on…


    BTG XVIII BTG XX XIX. BEELZEBUB’S Tales About His Second Descent on to the Planet Earth (pgs. B177 – B206) Chapitre 19 Belzébuth raconte sa seconde descente sur la planète Terre Capítulo 19 Relatos de Belzebu sobre sua segunda descida sobre o planeta Terra. Beelzebub recounts to Hassein the events that happened during his second…