Tag: sacrifício

  • Fremantle (Parabola V3N2) – sacrifício

    A ideia de sacrifício como uma forma de tornar sagrado sempre fez parte do pensamento ocidental. Hoje em dia, a palavra permanece, mas é usada com mais frequência no sentido político e econômico de apertar o cinto ou de aceitar inconveniências necessárias para o bem-estar comum, ou até mesmo como uma espécie de troca ou…

  • Lizelle Reymond (Anirvan:152-155) – mestre-discípulos (2)

    Por que você gostaria que o momento do conhecimento durasse? Nem mesmo Brahma pode guardar para si o que ele cria! Tudo brota dele e flui imediatamente para fora… Imediatamente, dez milhões de deuses ou leis se apoderam dele. Aqui estamos humildemente entre aqueles que estão tentando subir a correnteza. O que estamos vendo? Perto…

  • Orage (BTG:24-7-1927) – naves

    Hassein pergunta: “O que são almas?” e “Existem almas em todos os planetas?” Os planetas são estados ou posturas emocionais. O corpo passa pelo movimento de postura em postura, as emoções como o corpo. Podemos passar de um estado de espírito para outro? O uso do termo nave será familiar para aqueles que conhecem as…

  • B1101

    B1100 B1102 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1101] “And on that same day, the name of that society was changed. “Some days later, the members of that society now under the new motto, ‘The-Earth-Only-for-Men,’ dispersed from the city Mosulopolis to their native countries where, under the general instructions issuing from the philosopher Atarnakh,…

  • religion

    it has now become clear to you how there on your planet all the five religions I named, Buddhistic, Hebrew, Christian, Mohammedan, and Lamaist, still remaining there at the present time and which were founded on the teachings of five different genuine saints sent to the three-brained beings from Above for helping them to free…

  • B1102

    B1101 B1103 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1102] “The destruction of the existence of other forms of beings was resumed there not only privately in houses, among their families, but also publicly in special places. “But this time these special places were chiefly associated in a certain respect with the memory of Saint…

  • B1103

    B1102 B1104 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1103] “So it continued until that time when a certain famous Assadulla Ibrahim Ogly, a Persian dervish who obtained his arising and who was formed into a responsible being on that same continent, turned all this in another direction. “The dervish Assadulla Ibrahim Ogly began his…

  • B1104

    B1103 B1105 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1104] “This ingenious and energetic Persian dervish Assadulla Ibrahim Ogly, here, there, and everywhere, very cleverly persuaded these other dervishes of the ‘truth’ of his idea, and these in their turn now everywhere persuaded the ordinary beings of the continent Asia that the destruction of the…

  • B219

    B218 B220 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 219] “To the inventor himself of this ingenious ‘religious-doctrine,’ namely, the wise King Konuzion, the sacred ‘Rascooarno’ had occurred long before this time, that is to say, he had long previously ‘died.’ “But of course owing once again to the strangeness of the psyche of your favorites,…

  • B220

    B219 B221 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 220] “After serious pondering I found it necessary to add something to the ‘religious-doctrine’ existing there, and I counted on being able, like the wise King Konuzion, to spread this addition of mine effectively among them. “Just then I invented that those spirits in ‘caps-of-invisibility’ who, as…

  • B222

    B221 B223 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 222] “The result of it all was that there in the country of Maralpleicie, not only were Sacrificial-Offerings indeed diminished, but they even began to treat the beings of other forms with unprecedented attention. “Such comical farces very soon began there that though I myself was the…

  • B225

    B224 B226 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 225] “The beings of all other forms of that planet also manifest themselves by voice, but at a definite time. For instance, the cock cries at midnight, an ape in the morning when it is hungry, and so on, but donkeys there bray whenever it enters their…

  • B226

    B225 B227 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 226] “Soon after this decision, I sailed with Ahoon to the mouth of this river, and began to sail up against its current, having become persuaded that there had already passed from the beings of the city Gob to the beings of this group populating these large…

  • B247

    B246 B248 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 247] “There in Pearl-land also, just as in the city Gob, I first ‘invented-a-detailed-addition’ to the mentioned religious teaching, and afterwards by every possible means I began spreading this invention of mine. “I began to spread there in Pearl-land that that “Most-Sacred-Prana’ about which Our Divine…

  • B248

    B247 B249 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 248] “If only it had all continued like that, it would have been very good; but here as well, just as in the country Maralpleicie, they soon began, as is proper to them, to wiseacre and to manifest all kinds of comical aspects of their Havatvernoni.…

  • B261

    B260 B262 [BTG XXII Beelzebub’s first time Tibet, p. 261] “Your immured favorites did indeed exist in the said monastery sepulchres until their existence, so full of deprivations, half-starved and motionless, came quite to an end. “When the companions of the immured learned of the cessation of the existence of any one of them, his…

  • B34

    B33 B35 [BTG I The arousing of thought, p. 34] After this silence, unusual for us “young rascals,” the usual hubbub broke out again, and in this hubbub it was decided to go immediately to the barber, a specialist in extracting teeth, and to ask him just why this tooth was like that. So we…

  • B1120

    B1119 B1121 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1120] “And so . . . I have already once told you that when I descended for the fifth time on to the surface of this planet of yours, I remained on it a short time and soon returned home to the planet Mars. “This happened then…

  • Abdil

    in the Being of this priest the function called conscience had not yet been quite atrophied in him B187 ff; and B190 Beelzebub explained to his friend frankly the utter stupidity and absurdity of the custom of Sacrificial-Offerings B191 ff. instead of delivering the usual sermon he began speaking about Sacrificial-Offerings B201 ff. Beelzebub gave…

  • B1100

    B1099 B1101 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1100] “’If the universal laws I have discovered are opposed to the means you expected might bring a certain happiness to mankind, then, however strange it may seem to you at first glance, if only these same laws be employed otherwise, they might serve for the…