Tag: Sakaki
“The results of these experiments having been approved and blessed by the Commission of Inspection under the presidency of Archangel Adossia, the construction of a big ship based on these principles was begun. BTG IV “The Most High Commission came to our planet Mars since it was the nearest to the planet Earth and from…
“Meanwhile you must note that there was still a third descent of that Most High Commission to that planet, three years later according to objective time-calculations, but this time it was under the direction of the Most-Great-Arch-Seraph Sevohtartra, the Most Great Archangel Sakaki having, in the meantime, become worthy to become the divine Individual he…
B83 B85 [BTG IX Cause of genesis of the moon, p. 84] “Therefore the Most High Commission decided to take certain measures to avoid this eventuality. “And they resolved that the best measure in the given case would be that the fundamental piece, namely, the planet Earth, should constantly send to its detached fragments, for…
B88 B90 [BTG X Why “men” are not men, p. 89] “And this ‘something’ they then first called the ‘organ Kundabuffer.’ “Having made this organ grow in the presences of the three-brained beings and having seen that it would work, the Most High Commission consisting of Sacred Individuals headed by the Archangel Sakaki, reassured and…
His Truthfulness, the Archangel Gabriel B28 Archangel Adossia, President of the Commission of Inspection, announces the construction of the new ship invented by Archangel Hariton for intersystem arid interplanetary communication, from B68 ff The Most High Commission consisting of Angels and Archangels, specialists in the work of World-creation and World-maintenance, under the direction of the…
“Higher being-bodies, or as they are called on some planets of that solar system, souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets except those before reaching which the emanations of our ‘Most Holy Sun Absolute’, owing to repeated deflections, gradually lose the fullness of their strength and eventually cease entirely to contain…
It must even be emphasized that although even before this event I already did everything not as others did, yet my manifestations were hardly thrust before the eyes of my fellow countrymen around me, but from the moment when the essence of this principle of living was assimilated in my nature, then on the one…
Whereupon she immediately, without hesitation, and with a perceptible impulse of disdain for all around her, and with commendable self-cognizance, gave up her soul directly into the hands of His Truthfulness, the Archangel Gabriel. BTG I “The results of these experiments having been approved and blessed by the Commission of Inspection under the presidency of…
B86 <=> B88 [BTG X Why “men” are not men, p. 87] Chapter X Why “Men” Are Not Men BELZEBU suspirou profundamente e continuou a falar da seguinte forma: Após a atualização do processo “Ilnosoparniano” neste planeta, passou-se um ano, segundo o cálculo objetivo do tempo. “Durante esse período, os processos correspondentes ou a involução…
sacred members
“The sacred members of this Most High Commission at once quieted us by saying that the apprehended danger of a catastrophe on a great cosmic scale had already passed. BTG IX “And so, my boy, inasmuch as such a cosmic actualization was possible only with the sanction of HIS ENDLESSNESS, the Great Archangel Sakaki, accompanied…
Most Holy Sun Absolute
“Higher being-bodies, or as they are called on some planets of that solar system, souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets except those before reaching which the emanations of our ‘Most Holy Sun Absolute’, owing to repeated deflections, gradually lose the fullness of their strength and eventually cease entirely to contain…
Great Archangel
And indeed, soon after this rumor, practical experiments open to all, again under the superintendence of the Great Archangel Adossia, were made with this new and later very famous invention. BTG V “In consequence of this report, a whole commission consisting of Angels and Archangels, specialists in the work of World-creation and World-maintenance, under the…
BTG X Why “Men” Are Not Men
BTG IX <=> BTG XI X. Why “Men” Are Not Men (pgs. B87 — B93) Chapitre 10 Pourquoi les « hommes » ne sont pas des hommes Capítulo 10 Porque “homens” não são homens. BEELZEBUB sighed deeply and continued to speak as follows: ”After the actualizing on this planet of the ‘Ilnosoparnian’ process, one year,…
Gurdjieff Anjos
Sua Veracidade, o Arcanjo Gabriel é mencionado em RBN I-1. O Arcanjo Adossia, Presidente da Comissão de Inspeção, anuncia a construção da nova nave inventada pelo Arcanjo Hariton para a comunicação intersistêmica e interplanetária. A Mui Alta Comissão consistindo de Anjos e Arcanjos, especialistas na obra de criação-do-Mundo e manutenção-do-Mundo, sob a direção do Mui…