Tag: Santo Planeta Purgatório
highest being-body
“The third kind of Hasnamuss-individual is the highest being-body or soul, during the coating of which in the common presence of a three-brained being this something arises and participates; and he also acquires the property of Toorinoorino, but this time proper to this highest being-body; that is to say, this arising is no longer subject…
B770 B772 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 771] “Thanks to this, the completing process of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh for the continuation of the species, for instance, proceeds not through one being, as it proceeded with the Tetartocosmoses, but through two beings of different sexes, called by us ‘Actavus’ and ‘Passavus,’ and on the…
B1094 B1096 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1095] “’Obviously our lives serve also for maintaining something great or small in the World.’ “This idea expressed in the ancient manuscript so captivated the philosopher Atarnakh that thereafter he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the study of only this aspect of the question which had interested…
B803 B805 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 804] “The confusion of the minds of the initiated beings of the planet Earth of that time occurred, in my opinion, chiefly because of that beautiful theory of the Babylonian dualists in which it was said that, in some other world as it were, ‘paradise’ and…
B787 B789 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 788] “Well then, owing to that change in the general functioning of the primordial common-cosmic sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh, this totality of substances named ‘being-Tritoëry’ can in the given case evolve further from this state only with the help of forces coming from outside. “That is…
B65 <=> B67 [BTG IV The law of falling, p. 66] Chapter IV The Law of Falling O capitão continuou: “Isso aconteceu no ano 185, de acordo com o cálculo objetivo do tempo. “São Venoma havia sido levado, por seus méritos, do planeta Soort para o planeta sagrado Purgatório, onde, depois de se familiarizar com…
higher being-bodies
“Now when in this new part of these ‘two-natured-formations’ everything corresponding was acquired, and when all that functioning which it is proper to such cosmic arisings to have was finally established, then these same new formations in their turn on exactly the same basis as in the first case and also under the conditions of…
B769 B771 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 770] “The first highest kind of being-Reason is the ‘pure’ or objective Reason which is proper only to the presence of a higher being-body or to the common presences of the bodies themselves of those three-brained beings in whom this higher part has already arisen and…
B766 B768 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 767] “Here, you might as well be told that your favorites also have, as it were, a similar representation about the ‘Okipkhalevnian exchange’ and they have even invented a very clever name for it, namely, ‘metempsychosis’ or ‘reincarnation’; and that branch of their famous science which…
B802 B804 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 803] “And as for those partial Legominisms concerning the holy planet, which continued to be transmitted from generation to generation through genuine initiates there, they, having reached unchanged to a very recent epoch, that is, to what is called the ‘Babylonian epoch,’ also began – owing…
B786 B788 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 787] “From there, this totality which has the ‘gravity center vibration’ of being-Protoëry, passing – thanks again only to the process Harnelmiatznel – over the whole of what is called the ‘intestinal tract’ and gradually evolving, completedly acquires in consequence corresponding vibrations, and is this time…
Chapter XXXIX The Holy Planet “Purgatory” B747 <=> B749 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 748] “Isto é, sobre as leis cósmicas fundamentais pelas quais o nosso mundo atual é mantido e com base nas quais ele existe; e isso também deve ser feito, porque se essas duas questões forem consideradas em conjunto, somente…
sacred measure
sacred Measure “The point is that, even before this fifth sojourn of mine there, that is to say before that period when Babylon, as I have told you, flourished in every respect, those beings who became learned and were regarded by others as learned were not such beings as become and are regarded as learned…
B768 B770 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 769] “It is necessary to tell you that concerning the determination of the degree of individuality, our cherubim and seraphim also then at the very beginning established that still now existing sacred ‘Determinator-of-Reason’ which is applied for the determination of the gradations of Reason or, more…
B765 B767 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 766] “And if at the moment of the approach of the final process of the sacred Rascooarno these cosmic arisings had not yet attained to the required gradation of Reason of the sacred scale of Reason, then this higher being-part had to exist in the said…
Chapter XXXIX The Holy Planet “Purgatory” B749 <=> B751 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 750] “Para que você possa compreender mais claramente como a nossa INFINITUDE decidiu obter imunidade da ação maléfica do impiedoso Heropass e, é claro, como ELE finalmente realizou tudo isso, você deve, antes de tudo, saber que, antes disso,…
B801 B803 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 802] “In other words, every wish of the planetary body is taken as undesirable for the higher divine part which has to be coated and perfected, and therefore all three-centered beings of our Great Megalocosmos constantly carry on a relentless struggle against the wishes of their…
B785 B787 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 786] “And if thereafter these already definite active elements with their own specific-subjective properties enter into other processes of ‘Harnelmiatsnel’ which have other conditions, they again fuse with each other according to the same law of ‘affinity of vibrations,’ and thus acquiring other properties, are transformed…