Tag: são
I repeat, my boy: Try very hard to understand everything that will relate to both these fundamental cosmic sacred laws, since knowledge of these sacred laws, particularly knowledge relating to the particularities of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, will help you in the future to understand very easily and very well all the second-grade and third-grade laws…
I then decided to tell you everything about them in such a way that there should be crystallized in you for your future being-associations the required what are called Egoplastikoori B1165; and B1170; consider also B439 every part of this allegorical figure gives every member of our society in all the three independently associating parts…
B1184 B1186 [BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1185] While I was reading that first chapter, which I wrote only six years ago, but which seems to me by my present sensing to have been written long long ago, a sensing which is now in my common presence obviously because during that time I had…
the active mentation in a being and the useful results of such active mentation are in reality actualized exclusively only with the equal-degree functionings of all his three localizations of the results spiritualized in his presence, called thinking-center, feeling-center, and moving-motor-center 1172; and 1162 1165 active: 55 591 661 807 813 833 922 1056 1151…
B1201 B1203 [BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1202] It was as follows: “For the definition of man, considered from our point of view, neither anatomical, nor physiological, nor psychological, contemporary knowledge of his symptoms can assist us; since they are inherent in one degree or another in every man and consequently apply equally to…
B1195 B1197 [BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1196] It must further be added that although the coachman has a very feeble understanding of his duties, he can nevertheless, even though only a little, think logically; and remembering tomorrow, he either from fear of losing his job or from the desire of receiving a reward,…
B1190 B1192 [BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1191] Only then can the “I” which should be in a man, be his own “I.” According to the already indicated seriously instituted experimental investigations carried on over many years, or even according merely to the sane and impartial reflection of even every contemporary man, the common…
B295 B297 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 296] “Further, he then began to make similar sincere observations of the impressions coming from outside as well as those formed within himself, which were perceived by his common presence; and he made them all with the same exhaustive, conscious verifications of how these impressions were perceived…
B293 B295 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 294] “And however long a time may have already passed, every three-brained being in whose presence there has been acquired the ability to enter into the being-state called ‘Soorptakalknian contemplation’ can perceive and cognize the texts of these Korkaptilnian thought tapes. “And so, my boy, I myself…
B10 B12 And the chief reason for this unhappiness of mine in my almost already mellow age, results from the fact that since childhood there was implanted in my peculiar psyche, together with numerous other rubbish also unnecessary for contemporary life, such an inherency as always and in everything automatically enjoins the whole of me…
it has now become clear to you how there on your planet all the five religions I named, Buddhistic, Hebrew, Christian, Mohammedan, and Lamaist, still remaining there at the present time and which were founded on the teachings of five different genuine saints sent to the three-brained beings from Above for helping them to free…
B479 B481 [BTG XXX Art, p. 480] “As this said ‘currents-of-associative-movements’ does not proceed in the presences of the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, as it generally proceeds in the presences of other three-brained beings, and as there were quite special reasons there for this, proper to them alone, I must therefore first…
Data: thanks to three definite peculiar data which were crystallized in my entirety during various periods of my preparatory age, I am really unique-Gurdjieff B26 the steady deterioration of the degree of crystallization of data engendering the sane logical mentation which ought to be present in the common presences of your favorites B286 in the…
Having thus begun, I can now be quite at ease, and should even, according to the notions of religious morality existing among contemporary people, be beyond all doubt assured that everything further in this new venture of mine will now proceed, as is said, “like a pianola”. 5 BTG I “Several days after this conversation…
B241 B243 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 242] “This explanation of Saint Buddha together with other definite indications of His was spread by His nearest initiates among the ordinary beings there; and after the process of the sacred Rascooarno had occurred to Him, it also began to pass from generation to generation. “So,…
B735 B737 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 736] “The result of this kind of, in the objective sense, ‘criminal wiseacring’ of theirs, was that in the beings of subsequent generations, genuine faith in all this Divine and uniquely accomplished teaching of salvation of the All-Loving Jesus Christ was totally destroyed. “These absurdities which were written down,…
B731 B733 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 732] “Among these destroyed formations, reproduced both naturally as well as artificially by the beings, there were also all the what are called ‘books’ which belonged to these seven terrestrial genuine great initiated beings, and other things which had served as means for keeping in memory everything concerning all…
B133 <=> B135 [BTG XVII The Arch-absurd, p. 134] Chapter XVII The Arch-absurd. According to the Assertion of Beelzebub, Our Sun Neither Lights nor Heats (resumo) “PARA QUE, meu caro Hassein, você possa, nesse meio tempo, ter uma representação aproximada de até que ponto essa função chamada ‘percepção instintiva da realidade’, que é própria de…
B102 <=> B104 [BTG XIII Fantasy perceived as reality, p. 103] Chapter XIII Why in Man’s Reason Fantasy May Be Perceived as Reality “MEU querido e amável avô, tenha a bondade de me explicar, mesmo que seja de uma forma geral, por que esses seres são tais que tomam o ‘efêmero’ pelo Real”. A essa…