Tag: Stopinders

  • Buzzell (Gurdjieff) – Okidanokh

    A concepção do Okidanokh de Gurdjieff representa um aspecto importante de seu esforço para reconciliar ciência e espiritualidade. Como tal, ela desempenha um papel importante em sua nova concepção de Deus no mundo. A maneira pela qual ele realiza essa reconciliação é bastante “oblíqua” ou indireta, e é preciso ler sua complexa elaboração com considerável…

  • Sun

    “Higher being-bodies, or as they are called on some planets of that solar system, souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets except those before reaching which the emanations of our ‘Most Holy Sun Absolute’, owing to repeated deflections, gradually lose the fullness of their strength and eventually cease entirely to contain…

  • being-apparatuses

    When these evolving active elements, in their returning ascent from the last Stopinder of the fundamental common-cosmic Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, enter into the common presences of being-apparatuses as their first being-food, they begin already from the mouth itself – with the help of the processes of the second-grade law Harnelmiatznel, that is, owing to mixture and…

  • sacred law

    “About how and why upon planets, during the transition of the fundamental sacred laws into ‘Ilnosoparnian’, there arise ‘Similitudes-of-the-Whole’ and about what factors contribute to the formation of one or another of these, as they are called, ‘systems of being-brains’, and also about all the laws of World-creation and World-maintenance in general, I will explain…

  • affinity of vibrations

    “These many hundreds of ‘active elements’ with various properties wherever they might be, proceeding from the seven Stopinders of the fundamental common-cosmic Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, are — depending upon the Stopinder from which they received their primordial arising — divided and localized, according to what is called the ‘affinity of vibrations’, into seven what are called…

  • Stopinder

    “And, namely, with the purpose of providing the ‘requisite inherency’ for receiving, for its functioning, the automatic affluence of all forces which were near, HE lengthened the Stopinder between its third and fourth deflections. BTG XXXIX “This same Stopinder of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh is just that one, which is still called the ‘mechanocoinciding-Mdnel-In’. BTG XXXIX…

  • primordial

    “It must be remarked that in the primordial three-brained beings there, this said being-brain was localized in the same part of their planetary body as in us, and had an exterior form exactly similar to our own; but for many reasons which you will be able to understand for yourself during the course of my…

  • B774

    B773 B775 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 774] “As for those particularities of the transformation of cosmic substances, thanks to which the continuation of the species of different beings at the present time proceeds differently, for the present I will say only this, that the cause depends on the place of concentration of…

  • subjective

    action of Stopinders B753 ff appearance B1043 subjective-being-Being B415 emotionalness B1223 meaning B1212 Exchange-of-subjective-opinions B150; and B1129 particularities B106 properties B784 reasoning B1165 inner subjective significance B1044 understanding B129 weaknesses B1209 Concerning Time: the Ideally-Unique-Subjective-Phenomenon B124 subjective, objective B127 Concerning education: purely peculiarly-subjective deductions B567 Subjectively: diversely-subjectively-propertied-active-elements B827 subjectively natural inner forces of every being…

  • being-Heptaparaparshinokh

    ”When these evolving active elements, in their returning ascent from the last Stopinder of the fundamental common-cosmic Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, enter into the common presences of being-apparatuses as their first being-food, they begin already from the mouth itself – with the help of the processes of the second-grade law Harnelmiatznel, that is, owing to mixture and…

  • seven

    the Law of Sevenfoldness exists on the Earth and will exist forever and in everything B461; and B462 ff B470 B478 ff B482 B493 B517; see Heptaparaparshinokh in accordance with this Law, there are in the white ray seven independent colors; in every sound there are seven independent tones; in every state of man, seven…

  • crystallized

    Data: thanks to three definite peculiar data which were crystallized in my entirety during various periods of my preparatory age, I am really unique-Gurdjieff B26 the steady deterioration of the degree of crystallization of data engendering the sane logical mentation which ought to be present in the common presences of your favorites B286 in the…

  • B789

    B788 B790 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 789] “At this point in my explanations, you can have one more clarifying example for a full understanding of the difference between Autoegocrat and Trogoautoegocrat, that is of the difference between the former maintaining system of the existence of the Sun Absolute when that system was…

  • B786

    B785 B787 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 786] “And if thereafter these already definite active elements with their own specific-subjective properties enter into other processes of ‘Harnelmiatsnel’ which have other conditions, they again fuse with each other according to the same law of ‘affinity of vibrations,’ and thus acquiring other properties, are transformed…

  • B785

    B784 B786 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 785] “And these subjective properties of theirs and likewise their what are called ‘proportions of vivifyingness’ are actualized firstly, according to what form of functioning of the fifth Stopinder of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh was flowing during their arising, and secondly, whether the given active elements arise…

  • B784

    B783 B785 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 784] “Unfortunately Nature there was compelled to adapt herself to this abnormality, so that, owing to these unexpectednesses, certain intense being-experiencings and active deliberations might proceed in them automatically, independently of them themselves and so that, owing to these ‘active deliberations,’ the required transformation and assimilation…

  • Okidanokh

    in our youth all such ships both for intersystem and for interplanetary communication were still run on the cosmic substance Elekilpomagtistzen, which is a totality consisting of two separate parts of the omnipresent Okidanokh — the captain of the ship Karnak B65 only one cosmic crystallization, existing under the name Omnipresent-Okidanokh, obtains its prime arising-although…

  • B753

    Chapter XXXIX The Holy Planet “Purgatory” B752 <=> B754 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 753] “E assim, em consequência do fato de que, para esse novo sistema de funcionamento das forças que até então mantinham a existência do Santíssimo Sol Absoluto, eram necessárias fontes correspondentes fora do Sol Absoluto, nas quais tais forças…

  • Most Holy Sun Absolute

    “Higher being-bodies, or as they are called on some planets of that solar system, souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets except those before reaching which the emanations of our ‘Most Holy Sun Absolute’, owing to repeated deflections, gradually lose the fullness of their strength and eventually cease entirely to contain…

  • action

    cosmic B300 every action of man is good in the objective sense, if it is done according to his conscience, and every action is bad if from it he later experiences remorse B342 the four sources of action: mother-in-law, digestion, John Thomas and cash B343 reciprocal B493 maleficent B688 B1159; on the merciless Heropass B750…