Tag: sugestionabilidade
loss of sensation of self
“Thanks to that peculiar inherency of theirs called ‘suggestibility’, which I mentioned before and which had been acquired in their common presences, all the surrounding beings, of course, believed this as they call it ‘propaganda’ of theirs, and, there usually being in these cases a quantity of talk about it, there was gradually crystallized in…
common psyche
“Besides this chief particularity of their common psyche, there are completely crystallized in them and there unfailingly become a part of their common presences – regardless of where they may arise or exist – functions which exist under the names ‘egoism ‘, ‘self-love ‘, ‘vanity ‘, ‘pride ‘, ‘self-conceit ‘, ‘credulity ‘, ‘suggestibility ‘, and…
“Of these abnormal being-particularities, the particularity of their psyche the most terrible for them personally is that which is called ‘suggestibility ‘. BTG XIV
concerning Okidanokh and Djartklom B144 ff. endurance towards others’ manifestations displeasing to oneself could alone crystallize in their common presences that Partkdolg-duty which in general is necessary for all three-centered beings — Buddha B243; see suffering the action of the results of intentionally actualized Partkdolg-duty, that is to say of conscious-labors-and-intentional-sufferings B409 concerning Itoklanoz B438…
Oh, the devil! Will there indeed be repeated that same exceedingly unpleasant and highly strange sensation which it befell me to experience when about three weeks ago I was composing in my thoughts the scheme and sequence of the ideas destined by me for publication and did not know then how to begin either? BTG…
“There is no harm in remarking here that just when I was leaving that planet forever, precisely the same was being repeated there as had occurred to this Mesmer. Namely, on this occasion, an honest and humble learned being there from among the beings of the community France, after persistent and conscientious labors came across…
Just in this alone I shall follow their example and also begin with such an address, but I shall try not to make it very “sugary” as they usually do, owing particularly to their evil wiseacring by which they titillate the sensibilities of the more or less normal reader. 22 BTG I “‘Do you understand,…
used throughout in titles, for example, Most High Most Most Sacred Common Cosmic Individual; Sacred B82 B84 B89 B104 B128 B132 B175 B179 B183 B235 B237 ff B249 B353 B674 B695 ff B705 B715 B721 B735 B788 ff B743 B772 B835 B1043 B1127 B1178; Sacred Individuals actualized from Above B697 ff B732 B734 B736 ff…
Soon after the definite inculcation into my nature of the said new inherency, that is the unaccountable striving to elucidate the real reasons for the arising of all sorts of “actual facts”, on my first arrival in the heart of Russia, the city of Moscow, where, finding nothing else for the satisfaction of my psychic…
B662 <=> B664 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 663] Chapter XXXVII France Além disso, Belzebu continuou a falar assim: “Depois da Alemanha, tive por pouco tempo o lugar de minha existência novamente lá no continente europeu, entre os seres da comunidade chamada ‘Itália’; e depois da Itália, entre os seres dessa comunidade, que se tornaram para…