Tag: Terra-das-Pérolas

  • B229

    B228 B230 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 229] “And only after a month’s travel, according to their time-calculation, did our caravan from Arguenia come to places where in the soil the possibility had not yet been quite destroyed of Nature’s forming surplanetary formations and creating corresponding conditions for the arising and existing of…

  • Gemchania

    “In Gemchania itself all the adherents of that sect already knew of the existence of that special ‘convenient’ place for the actualization of the finale of their religious doctrine, purporting to have been based on the exact instructions of Saint Buddha; and in every big center they even had what are called agents who helped…

  • Sacrificial-Offerings

    “Before telling you more about this priest Abdil, I must make clear to your Reason, that there on the continent of Ashhark, the mentioned terrible custom of Sacrificial-Offerings was at that time, as it is said, at its ‘height’, and the destruction of various weak one-brained and two-brained beings proceeded everywhere in incalculable numbers. BTG…

  • B970

    B969 B971 [BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 970] “His name was Asiman and he was a member of a group of contemporary Asiatic three-brained beings, who, having cognized their slavish dependence upon certain causes within themselves, organized a collective existence for the purpose of working upon themselves to deliver themselves from this inner slavery.…

  • B976

    B975 B977 [BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 976] “A good example of what has just been said are the beings belonging to the group existing there under the name Persia which occupies a relatively large territory on the continent Asia. “Among the beings dwelling in the central, eastern, southern, and western areas of this…

  • B181

    B180 B182 [BTG XIX Beelzebub’s second descent, p. 181] “’Not only has this planet itself now again acquired a normal movement in the general cosmic equilibrium, but its two detached fragments also, which, as I have already told you, are now called Moon and Anoolios, have also acquired a normal movement and have become, although…

  • B186

    B185 B187 [BTG XIX Beelzebub’s second descent, p. 186] “This region of the existence of this third group was then called, as I have already told you ‘Pearl-land.’ “Later the name of this locality also changed many times and the whole of this terra firma region of the surface of the planet Earth now exists…

  • B227

    B226 <=> B228 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 227] Chapter XXI The First Visit of Beelzebub to India BELZEBU continuou a falar da seguinte forma: “Sentado em um Chaihana nesta pequena cidade de Arguenia, certa vez ouvi uma conversa entre vários seres sentados não muito longe de mim. “Eles estavam conversando e decidindo…

  • B228

    B227 B229 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 228] “And the conversation I then heard at once evoked in my mentation an association to the effect that it might be better to go to the country Pearl-land directly from here with this large caravan of these beings, rather than return the same way to…

  • B237

    B236 B238 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 237] “’A little later, when the normal existence of your solar system was stabilized and the necessity for certain intentionally created abnormal actualizations had passed, our most ALL-GRACIOUS COMMON FATHER did not fail to give the command immediately to annul certain artificial measures among which was…

  • B230

    B229 B231 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 230] “The history of the arising of this third group of Asiatic beings begins only a little later than that period when the families of hunters for Pirmarals first came to the shores of the Sea of Beneficence from the continent Atlantis and, having settled there,…

  • B231

    B230 B232 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 231] “Once during these searches of theirs, owing to what are called ‘Saliakooriapnian-displacements,’ or as they say, prolonged ‘storms,’ their rafts came unexpectedly to a place where there proved to be a great number of these pearl-bearing beings; and the place itself was extremely convenient for…

  • B232

    B231 B233 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 232] “Later several of these first settlers of this – for the beings then of that time – ‘new’ country, visited their native land from time to time for the purpose of exchanging pearls for articles required by them there; and each time they took back…

  • B233

    B232 B234 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 233] “But it turned out that amongst the beings of this third group of the continent Ashhark, there were at that time several peculiar ‘Havatvernonis’ or ‘Religions’ all based on different, quite independent, what are called ‘religious-teachings,’ having nothing in common with each other. “In view…

  • B234

    B233 B235 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 234] “As I later learned, with the multiplication of the three-brained beings of that third group, many beings among them with the properties of Hasnamusses were formed into responsible beings; and when these latter began spreading ideas more maleficent than usual among the beings of that…

  • B235

    B234 B236 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 235] “Be so kind as always and explain to me the real meaning and exact sense of this word.” Whereupon Beelzebub, with a smile inherent to him, said as follows: “Concerning the ‘typicality’ of the three-brained beings for whom I have adopted this verbal definition, I…

  • B236

    B235 B237 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 236] “Saint Buddha first assembled many of the chiefs of that group and spoke to them as follows: “’Beings possessing presences similar to that of the ALL-CREATOR HIMSELF! “’By certain all-enlightened and all-justly guiding most sacred final results of the actualization of everything existing in the…


    BTG XX BTG XXII XXI. The First Visit of Beelzebub to India (pgs. B227 – B251) Chapitre 21 Première visite de Belzébuth aux Indes Capítulo 21 A primeira visita de Belzebu à Índia. Beelzebub continues his recount, describing to Hassein the events that took place during his first visit to India, which happened in order…

  • B530

    B529 B531 [BTG XXXI Last sojourn to Earth, p. 530] “Just at the beginning of this sixth personal sojourn of mine I soon categorically made clear, thanks to my experimental investigations, that most of the causes of the strangeness of their psyche are found not in that usual consciousness of theirs, in which alone they…

  • meat

    The Russian language is like the English, which language is also very good, but only for discussing in “smoking rooms”, while sitting on an easy chair with legs out-stretched on another, the topic of Australian frozen meat or, sometimes, the Indian question. BTG I “‘Although the turkey is a very useful bird for the household,…