Tag: Terra

  • Most Holy Prime Source

    “It is necessary to say, first of all, that according to the completed result of the fundamental cosmic law of the holy Heptaparaparshinokh, that is, that cosmic law which was called by the three-brained beings of the planet Earth of the mentioned Babylonian period the Law of Sevenfoldness, the ‘common-integral-vibration’ like all the already ‘definitized’…

  • Most Holy Individuals

    Having said these last words, Beelzebub, after a little while, with a bitter smile, continued to talk as follows: “You, for instance, have the normal presence of a three-brained being, and within your presence, there is intentionally ‘implanted’ from without, ‘Oskiano’, or as they say there on the Earth, ‘education’, which is founded on a…

  • Most Holy Sun Absolute

    “Higher being-bodies, or as they are called on some planets of that solar system, souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets except those before reaching which the emanations of our ‘Most Holy Sun Absolute’, owing to repeated deflections, gradually lose the fullness of their strength and eventually cease entirely to contain…

  • Holy Ghost

    Among other convictions formed in my common presence during my responsible, peculiarly composed life, there is one such also – an indubitable conviction – that always and everywhere on the earth, among people of every degree of development of understanding and of every form of manifestation of the factors which engender in their individuality all…

  • holy labors

    “The point is, that during the mentioned ‘agitation-of-minds’ of that time in the city of Babylon, these learned beings, owing to their collective wiseacrings acquired in their presences, in addition to all they already had, a further mass of new data for Hasnamussian manifestations, and when they dispersed and went home to their own countries,…

  • holy place

    “It is very interesting to remark here that the information that serves on the planet Earth for the rise of a holy place is usually due to certain Earth beings called ‘Liars’. BTG XX “‘At the time when we first moved here, there was not far from here a certain holy place called the “holy…

  • third holy force

    “It is interesting to note that the said being-brains are found in the same parts of the planetary body of these three-brained beings who arise on the planet Earth as in us, namely: “1. The brain predetermined by Great Nature for the concentration and further actualizing of the first holy force of the sacred Triamazikamno,…

  • second holy force

    “It is interesting to note that the said being-brains are found in the same parts of the planetary body of these three-brained beings who arise on the planet Earth as in us, namely: “1. The brain predetermined by Great Nature for the concentration and further actualizing of the first holy force of the sacred Triamazikamno,…

  • first holy force

    “It is interesting to note that the said being-brains are found in the same parts of the planetary body of these three-brained beings who arise on the planet Earth as in us, namely: “1. The brain predetermined by Great Nature for the concentration and further actualizing of the first holy force of the sacred Triamazikamno,…

  • beings of our tribe

    “As I have already said, many of us definitely settled down on the planet Mars; and others, by the ship Occasion which had been put at the disposal of the beings of our tribe for interplanetary communication, either went or prepared to go to exist on other planets of the same solar system. BTG X…

  • Earth

    nearest to that small planet, Moon, is another, a larger planet which also occasionally approaches quite close to the planet Mars and is called Earth B63 ff that planet of that most remote solar system situated even almost beyond the reach of the immediate emanations of the Omni Most Holy Sun Absolute B524; consider also…

  • power-possessing beings

    “What occurred was as follows: “The ordinary beings of the said community, seeing the fuss made about this writer by the power-possessing beings, became very greatly interested in him and avidly bought and read not only this new ‘Gospel ‘ of his but also all the books he had written before. BTG XII “And this…

  • being-understanding

    “In respect of the sequence of my information to you and of the results of your essence-understanding, I must still tell you that if, when I first noticed your interest in the three-brained beings who arise on the planet Earth I would have given from the very beginning, concerning every event, only my personal conviction…

  • being-sensations

    “And so, it follows from all that has been said that although according to our time-calculations you are still only like a boy of twelve there on the planet Earth who is not yet formed and not yet cognizant of himself, yet according to their subjective understanding and their being-sensations of the flow of Time,…

  • being-sensation

    After a short pause Beelzebub continued thus: “Before telling you further about the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy and who breed on the planet Earth, it is in my opinion absolutely necessary for you, for a clear representation of the strangeness of their psyche and, in general, for a better understanding of everything…

  • being-Sarpitimnian-experiencing

    “Then, namely, for the second time in the whole of my existence, there proceeded in my Being the process of this same being-Sarpitimnian-experiencing, which had engendered in my common presence a revolt on account of various unforeseeingnesses on the part of our Most High, Most Saintly Cosmic Individuals, and of all the objective misfortunes flowing…

  • being-rumination

    “Not only absolutely nothing whatever reached them of all the various fragments of general knowledge already then known on the Earth, which the learned beings the Adherents-of-Legominism indicated in lawful divergencies from the sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh, or, as they called it the Law of Sevenfoldness, but in the interval of time between these two…

  • being-property

    “So, my boy, the Party-Pythoness there was able to warn those beings of our tribe who had been obliged to exist on that planet, and thereby to save them, as I have already told you, from the inevitable ‘Apocalyptic-fate’, owing only to one special being-property which, by the way, can be acquired by beings only…