Tag: Trogoautoegocrata

  • vibrations

    the vibrations required by Nature which have to be formed from the radiations issuing from beings both during their existence as well as from the process of their Rascooarno, have no significance quantitatively, but only qualitatively 1104 quality of vibrations 106 124 131 416 763 1103 1218 quality and/or quantity of vibrations 131 905 1104…

  • B855

    B854 B856 [BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 855] “And so, although the theory ‘wiseacred’ by this Chai-Yoo also did not last very long, yet nevertheless this sound-producing instrument King constructed by him had become generally accessible owing to its simplicity; and in consequence of the fact that the result obtained from it during intentional action turned…

  • substance

    the fundamental aim and sense of the existence of these beings is that there must proceed through them the transmutation of cosmic substances necessary for the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic-process B130; see transformation the cosmic substance, the Sacred Askokin B84 B182 ff B1106 ff the sacred substances Abrustdonis and Helkdonis B1106 ff B1166 B1168 Hydro-oomiak and Petrkarmak…

  • B234

    B233 B235 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 234] “As I later learned, with the multiplication of the three-brained beings of that third group, many beings among them with the properties of Hasnamusses were formed into responsible beings; and when these latter began spreading ideas more maleficent than usual among the beings of that…

  • Megalocosmos

    in consequence of the fact that for this new system of functioning of the forces which until then maintained the existence of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, there were required outside of the Sun Absolute corresponding sources in which such forces could arise and from which they could flow into the presence of the…

  • scale

    It must even be emphasized that although even before this event I already did everything not as others did, yet my manifestations were hardly thrust before the eyes of my fellow countrymen around me, but from the moment when the essence of this principle of living was assimilated in my nature, then on the one…

  • qualitativeness ol vibrations

    “Before continuing to relate further how this was actualized, it is necessary to tell you that the functioning of the mentioned common-cosmic Iraniranumange is harmonized in such a way that all the results obtained from transformations in different cosmoses localize themselves together according to what is called ‘qualitativeness ol vibrations’, and these localizations penetrate everywhere…

  • higher being-bodies

    “Now when in this new part of these ‘two-natured-formations’ everything corresponding was acquired, and when all that functioning which it is proper to such cosmic arisings to have was finally established, then these same new formations in their turn on exactly the same basis as in the first case and also under the conditions of…

  • Most Great general-cosmic-Trogoautoegocrat

    “The point is that not being used up for their predetermined purpose, the said definite cosmic crystallizations become, during certain displacements of their atmosphere, concentrated in certain of their atmospheric strata, and entering into them from time to time – dependently on various external surrounding conditions and also on the inner state of the common…

  • B327

    B326 B328 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 327] “His serious thinking first led his Reason to the understanding that, without any doubt, one or other of the learned beings of his community was aware of this ‘secret’ also, but since among beings of that clan, this strict keeping of a ‘professional’ mystery was very…

  • B866

    B865 B867 [BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 866] “However it might have been there, my boy, yet at the present time I regret very much that it will be impossible for me with the contemporary sound-producing instrument piano which I brought from the surface of your planet, to explain fully to you the laws of vibrations…

  • B729

    B728 B730 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 729] “In order to be clear in our subsequent talks upon this question, you must now be told just here that the said connection – one end of which is kept in the body Kesdjan which has risen to its corresponding sphere and the other end of which stays…

  • B1148

    B1147 B1149 [BTG XLV Extraction of Electricity, p. 1148] “This Martian Toof-Nef-Tef was, according to the notions of your favorites, already an extremely old being: he was by the time-calculation of the planet Mars about twelve thousand Martian years old, which is only a little less than the time-calculation of the Earth. “Here you must…

  • elements

    Omnipresent-Active-Element, Okidanokh B138 ff thanks just to these processes of evolution and involution inherent in the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, there also began to be crystallized and decrystallized in the presences of all the greatest and smallest cosmic concentrations, all kinds of definite cosmic substances with their own inherent subjective properties, and which objective science calls active…

  • World

    in the beginning, when nothing yet existed, there came to our Creator All-Maintainer the forced need to create our present existing Megalocosmos, i.e., our World B748 ff; see Trogoautoegocrat World-arising and World-existence B322 specialists in the work of World-creation and World-maintenance B82 World laws: laws of World-creation and World-maintenance B74 B86 B124 B127 B136 B148…

  • Atarnakh

    “And everything subsequent came about through the influence of a then very famous philosopher, Atarnakh, and his theory expounded by him in a treatise under the title: ‘Why do Wars Occur on the Earth? ‘ BTG XLIII “I know very well the history of this same philosopher Atarnakh also, because during my studies of ever…

  • higher being-body

    “The point is that, even before this fifth sojourn of mine there, that is to say before that period when Babylon, as I have told you, flourished in every respect, those beings who became learned and were regarded by others as learned were not such beings as become and are regarded as learned everywhere in…

  • Great Trogoautoegocrat

    “But, of course, had these French judges, and in general the judges of the whole planet, known that there exists in the Universe a definite law concerning all the formations without exception, which serve the Great Trogoautoegocrat in the transformation of cosmic substances, then they would without any doubt completely change their opinion concerning that…

  • Zilootrago

    To this request of Beelzebub’s, the captain of the ship Karnak answered: “Very good, your Reverence, I will think out how it may be possible to carry out your desire. I do not know just what obstacles there were then for the captain of the ship Omnipresent, but in the present case, on the direct…

  • presence

    the flow of Time is perceived by them according to the completeness of their own presence B126 and thus, correctly evaluating the essential significance of their own presence, they become capable of becoming aware of the genuine corresponding place for themselves in these common-cosmic actualizations B755 ff beings possessing presences similar to that of the…