Tag: Turquia
Lipsey (Gurdjieff) – Sociedade de Akhaldans
Este breve capítulo, que nada mais é do que um convite para a leitura dos Relatos de Belzebu a seu Neto, não pode esperar englobar todo e tudo [referência a All and Everything] em suas páginas, mas quero chamar a atenção para dois episódios extensos relacionados à gênese da comunidade espiritual – ou, para usar…
Belzebu é um “Eu” que desenvolveu a individualidade, a consciência e a vontade. Ele está falando com Hassein, que é qualquer pequeno “eu”, que começou a se observar e está desenvolvendo essas três funções. Belzebu, um “eu” desenvolvido, está falando com um pequeno “eu” (Hassein), que está tentando crescer. O livro pode ser um mediador…
B1089 B1091 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1090] “’The kazi are the same everywhere, only their names are different. In Persia they are called Persian, in Turkey, Turkish. “’And that is just as it is everywhere on Earth; donkeys are alike, they are only differently called. “’For instance, the species of donkey breeding…
B713 B715 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 714] “Much good, by the way, the present chief rulers of this community Turkey saw and absorbed in the community Germany to which they were sent for the purpose of studying what is called ‘militarism,’ that is, the special finesses for directing the processes of reciprocal destruction. “That is…
B1091 B1093 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1092] “And so, when on their continent Asia, these terrible processes of reciprocal destruction there became already too frequent, certain brothers of the said fraternity, with the most venerable Brother Olmantaboor at their head, just decided for the first time to try whether it would not…
B1101 B1103 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1102] “The destruction of the existence of other forms of beings was resumed there not only privately in houses, among their families, but also publicly in special places. “But this time these special places were chiefly associated in a certain respect with the memory of Saint…
B1136 B1138 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1137] “Although after brief negotiations he agreed to show it to me, yet he did not wish to sell it for any money at all; nevertheless, as a result of my talks and persuasions of several days, he allowed me to make an alabaster copy of it…
B31 B33 [BTG I The arousing of thought, p. 32] He discharged the last words with such a shower of saliva that it was as if my face were exposed to the action of an “atomizer” – not of “Ersatz” production – invented by the Germans for dyeing material with aniline dyes. This was more…
B706 B708 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 707] “But these contemporary and now archstrange three-brained beings there have taken upon themselves to sweep this also entirely from off the face of their planet. “Although the process of the strangeness of their peculiar psyche, namely, the process of the final destruction of these two great religions, began…
Mullah Nassr Eddin
Mullah Nassr Eddin, or has he is also called, Hodja Nassr Eddin, is, it seems, little known in Europe and America, but he is very well known in all countries of the continent of Asia; this legendary personage corresponds to the American Uncle Sam or the German Till Eulenspiegel. Numerous tales popular in the East,…
B11 B13 Briefly, if I exercise my privilege and take the good end of the stick, then the bad end must inevitably fall “on the reader’s head.” This may indeed happen, because in Russian the so to say “niceties” of philosophical questions cannot be expressed, which questions I intend to touch upon in my writings…
B433 B435 [BTG XXIX Fruits of former civilizations, p. 434] “They already no longer do as their ancestors did there, who were supreme specialists in cooking up all kinds of ‘fantastic sciences’; for if a contemporary Greek cooked up a new science, the beings of the other communities of the present time would not pay…
B709 B711 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 710] “The power-possessing beings of certain communities there gradually mixed into this divine teaching, for their said Hasnamussian aims such ‘spices’ of their own invention, that a ‘Sherakhoorian-combination’ resulted, the secret of which would be the envy of all the contemporary famous European as they are called ‘pastry cooks’…
B710 B712 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 711] “Of course, by the destruction in Turkey of this ‘dervishism’ those last dying sparks will also be entirely extinguished there which, preserved as it were in the ashes, might sometime rekindle the hearth of those possibilities upon which Saint Mohammed counted and for which he had hoped. “And…
B711 B713 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 712] “’Eh! . . . get along with you . . .’ “In Russia, moreover, none of this began with the yashmak or the fez. “No. These headdresses were not worn there. “But it was begun there with the ‘beard’ of the beings of the male sex. For the…
B712 B714 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 713] “It is very interesting to notice further that just as formerly the Russian czar was supplied by his nearest old patriarchal functionaries with a great quantity of what is called ‘money,’ obtained by the sweat of the peasants, and was sent to the continent of Europe to study…
“In the said etherogram, by the way, it was conveyed to me that there on your planet, first of all in the city of Jerusalem a University specially for Jewish youths was being opened, and secondly that in the community Turkey an order was promulgated closing all what are called ‘dervish monasteries’ and prohibiting men…
B1088 B1090 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1089] “I must tell you that your favorites there for some reason or other delight in sometimes arranging what are called ‘puppet shows.’ “For some reason or other it also pleases them that these same zevrocrats or aristocrats should also take part in these ‘puppet plays’…
B609 B611 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 610] “It is further also necessary to tell you here that when from among these learned beings of ‘new format’ some become power-possessing and happen to take up important responsible posts in the process of ordinary existence, they then often serve much more as the sources of every kind…
B600 B602 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 601] “Here, my boy, while giving the subtlety of the psychological analysis of our most wise Mullah Nassr Eddin its due, justice demands that it should be said that if these Russians have become such exemplary turkeys, we have, in this case, to blame it only once more on…