Tag: Turquia
B599 B601 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 600] “’These Russians moreover correspond ideally to this peculiar bird turkey, as the following considerations of mine show: “’Arising and being formed on the continent Asia, but chiefly owing to a clean heredity, organic as well as psychic, forged in the course of many centuries in conditions of existence…
B598 B600 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 599] “He developed this thought of his in a long dissertation thus: ‘If we analyze impartially and sum up statistically this understanding and picturing which obtain among people of the contemporary civilization concerning the races which populate Europe, in contradistinction to other continents, and make an analogy between these…
B597 B599 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 598] “When the said cavalcade had moved off a long way, Mullah first of all uttering his favorite saying: ‘So-and-so-and-so-must-be; do-not-do-what-must-not-be,’ and having also uttered his favorite exclamation, somewhat resembling ‘Zrrt!!,’ he returned to his place and suggested to me that I should do the same, then, having arranged…
B589 <=> B591 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 590] “I shall say nothing now concerning just how and in what form the psyche of the three-brained beings breeding there on this part of the terra firma surface of your planet came to be molded. “Some time later perhaps, in its proper place, I shall…
B583 B585 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 584] “But to remain in this Turkestan and to organize my existence there in such a way as to have the full possibility of giving my planetary body the required rest I could not, in any way, because in almost all the beings there on that part…
B582 B584 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 583] “This maleficent means is obtained there chiefly from the surplanetary formation called the ‘potato.’ “From the use of the said vodka, not only does the psyche of the ill-fated three-brained beings there become, just as from ‘opium’ and ‘anasha’ also, utterly ‘nonsensical’ but in addition certain…
B581 B583 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 582] “And so, my boy, I began my activities in the capacity of a physician-hypnotist, as I have already told you, in the center of the continent Asia, in various towns of Turkestan. “I was first in the town of that part of Turkestan which later came…
B908 B910 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 909] “’Gas lighting existed here from the very beginning, and was arranged here on the initiative of myself and my old friend the dervish Kerbalai-Azis-Nuaran. “’As for the electric lighting, it came here only quite recently, and the initiator of its origin was also one of my…
B49 B51 [BTG I The arousing of thought, p. 50] “And in fact, since I began to do so, I no longer feel the said instinctive uneasiness.” Well, now, patient reader, I must really conclude this opening chapter. It has now only to be signed. He who . . . Stop! Misunderstanding formation! With a…
B997 B999 [BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 998] “’I then began to deliberate with myself as follows: “’I do not dress any more cleanly than everybody else living here in Europe; I wash my hands and face every morning also like everybody else; once a week I make a point of going to a…
Jewish youths
“In the said etherogram, by the way, it was conveyed to me that there on your planet, first of all in the city of Jerusalem a University specially for Jewish youths was being opened, and secondly that in the community Turkey an order was promulgated closing all what are called ‘dervish monasteries’ and prohibiting men…
“During the last two centuries such special honored favorite places were the cities Mecca and Medina in Arabia, the city Meshed in the locality called Bagdad, the environs of Yeninishlak in Turkestan, and several others. 6644 BTG XLIII
But the change I have witnessed in that language during the last thirty or forty years has been such, that instead of an original independent language coming to us from the remote past, there has resulted and now exists one, which though also original and independent, yet represents, as might be said, a “kind of…
I O Despertar do Pensar [RBN I-1]
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO Resumo feito a partir da versão em inglês de 1950 LIVRO I CONSELHO <= I O Despertar do Pensar => RBN I-2 ‘O prefácio do livro’, Orage disse, ‘é o que uma abertura é para uma ópera; as ideias a serem desenvolvidas estão indicadas rápida e superficialmente,…
RBN Personagens
GURDJIEFF — RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO BELZEBU Principal personagem do livro, inclusive mencionado em seu subtítulo «RELATOS DE BELZEBU A SEU NETO». O grande arco narrativo desta obra, segundo Robin Bloor, é a educação de Hassein, segundo grande personagem do livro, apresentado como neto de Belzebu no Capítulo II. Belzebu assume a educação…
“‘And as regards the strange image of the head of our allegorical being, in the form of the “Breasts of a virgin”, this expresses that Love should predominate always and in everything during the inner and the outer functionings evoked by one’s consciousness, such a Love as can arise and be present only in the…
As a result of this conviction of mine which as yet doubtlessly seems to you the fruit of the fantasies of an afflicted mind, I cannot now, as you yourself see, disregard this second consciousness and, compelled by my essence, am obliged to construct the general exposition even of this first chapter of my writings,…
BTG XXXIII BTG XXXV XXXIV. Russia (pgs. B591 – B656) Chapitre 34 Belzébuth en Russie Capítulo 34 Rússia. Beelzebub relates to Hassein about the events that occurred during the last sojourn of his on the surface of the planet Earth. According to his narration, once, walking one morning by the said Pyramids, he met a…
BTG XXXII BTG XXXIV XXXIII. Beelzebub as Professional Hypnotist (pgs. B579 – B590) Chapitre 33 Belzébuth hypnotiseur de profession Capítulo 33 Belzebu como hipnotizador profissional. Beelzebub as professional Hypnotist, continued his experiments up on their psyche chiefly by means of that said particular state of theirs, which the contemporary beings there call the hypnotic state.…
BTG XXX BTG XXXII XXXI. The Sixth and Last Sojourn of Beelzebub on the Planet Earth (pgs. B524 – B557) Chapitre 31 Sixième et dernier séjour de Belzébuth à la surface de notre Terre Capítulo 31 A sexta e última estadia de Belzebu sobre o planeta Terra. When the cosmic intersystem ship Karnak had left…