Tag: Vibrações
EHN (Vitvitskaia) – música
Um dia, depois que eu estava tocando, a irmã do príncipe veio até mim e, com muita seriedade e solenidade, disse-me que, como Deus havia me dado esse talento, seria um grande pecado negligenciá-lo e não deixá-lo se desenvolver plenamente. Ela acrescentou que, como eu havia começado a trabalhar com música, eu deveria ser realmente…
“Then utilizing the law of Daivibrizkar they combined the interiors of this proposed building in such a way that the required sensations were evoked in the beings who entered them, not in the anticipated familiar lawful sequence but in some other order. BTG XXX
the vibrations required by Nature which have to be formed from the radiations issuing from beings both during their existence as well as from the process of their Rascooarno, have no significance quantitatively, but only qualitatively 1104 quality of vibrations 106 124 131 416 763 1103 1218 quality and/or quantity of vibrations 131 905 1104…
law of vibrations
“What is most interesting however of all the history related by me concerning the cognizance of the sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh by three-brained beings who bred on your planet and which concerns chiefly the contemporary beings, is, that although a great number of all kinds of ‘totalities of special information’ or, as they themselves express…
“Then to every side of that large enclosure were fitted things like ‘shutters’ of a material impervious to the rays of the cosmic substance ‘Elekilpomagtistzen’, and these shutters, although closely fitted to the walls of the said inclosure, could yet freely slide in every direction. BTG IV “The whole secret lay in this, that when…
This strange tooth had seven shoots and at the end of each of them there stood out in relief a drop of blood, and through each separate drop there shone clearly and definitely one of the seven aspects of the manifestation of the white ray. BTG I “‘For instance, in accordance with this Law, there…
“‘Furthermore, according to the law called “Heteratogetar”, the ”Salnichizinooarnian-momentum-vibrations’ or “rays” acquire the property of acting on the organs of perception of beings only after they have passed a limit defined by science in the following formula: “the-result-of-the-manifestation-is-proportionate-to-the-force-of-striving-received-from-the-shock”. BTG XVIII
B105 <=> B107 [BTG XIV Beginning of perspectives, p. 106] Chapter XIV The Beginnings of Perspectives Promising Nothing Very Cheerful “Devo dizer-lhe, em primeiro lugar, que os seres tricerebrais daquele planeta também tinham, no início, presenças semelhantes àquelas possuídas, em geral, por todos os seres tricêntricos chamados de ‘Keschapmartnianos’ que surgem em todos os planetas…
Chapter XXXIX The Holy Planet “Purgatory” B753 <=> B755 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 754] “Esse mesmo Stopinder do sagrado Heptaparaparshinokh é exatamente aquele que ainda é chamado de ‘mecano-coincidente-Mdnel-In’. “E o Stopinder que ELE encurtou, está entre sua última deflexão e o início de um novo ciclo de seu processo de conclusão;…
“After I had become a professional, namely, a ‘physician-hypnotist’, I grew a little interested also in this official science of theirs, so that when I later made my usual researches concerning various serious questions, as for instance the investigations concerning the results of the activities of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash, and chanced to come…
B387 B389 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 388] “But the most astonishing and significant result of the Very Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash was that at that period not only did the duration of the existence of these unfortunates become a little more normal, that is to say, it began to increase, but also…
Common Mother: walking at sunset over the hills and dales, and willy-nilly perceiving the exterior visibility of those enchanting parts of the bosom of Great Nature, the Common Mother, and involuntarily inhaling a pure air uncontaminated by the usual exhalations of industrial towns, our Kurd quite naturally suddenly felt a wish to gratify himself with…
B638 B640 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 639] “Those were to be elected as chiefs for the towns and villages who would put in their ‘sacred’ vessels more of what are called ‘kroahns’ than others; a kroahn was the name given then in Egypt to sacrificial offerings. “The points is that, according to what is called…
in our youth all such ships both for intersystem and for interplanetary communication were still run on the cosmic substance Elekilpomagtistzen, which is a totality consisting of two separate parts of the omnipresent Okidanokh — the captain of the ship Karnak B65 only one cosmic crystallization, existing under the name Omnipresent-Okidanokh, obtains its prime arising-although…
“I am speaking about what is called the ‘common-integral vibration of all sources of actualizing’, namely, about that which the learned being Aksharpanziar, of whom I spoke, called the ‘white ray’ and about the perceptions of impressions from separate ‘bleedings of gravity center vibrations’ which are distinguished by beings as separate what are called ‘tonalities-of-color’.…
“In accordance with that definite property of the ‘common-integral-vibration’, that is, of the white ray, during the process of its transformations about which I have just spoken and which was already then familiar to the Babylonian learned painters, one of its ‘gravity-canter-vibrations’ or one of the separate colors of the white ray always ensues from…
B1212 B1214 [BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1213] For any man who has become aware of this to some degree, and has learned more or less how to observe, this “tragicomic feast of sound” is particularly sharply constated and made evident when others join the conversation of two contemporary people. Each of them puts…
B1216 B1218 [BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1217] And it is this that explains the incongruity, always observed even by the average man during his passive state, in the several associations having nothing in common, which simultaneously flow within him. The said impressions in the common presence of a man are perceived owing to…
B1220 B1222 [BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1221] An approximate understanding of the manifestations in ourselves of these consequences may be derived from a further fact, perfectly intelligible to our Reason and beyond any doubt whatever. All of us, people, are mortal and every man may die at any moment. Now the question arises,…